Chapter 36

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Airis had forgotten everything by the time she reached the banquet table. Immediately grabbing a plate, piling food amongst food as it grew taller.

"Airis, I think.. that's enough." Rajik nervously looked at the food pile that was prone to fall any minute.

Airis finally noticed and quickly handed the tongs over to Rajik, holding the plate with two hands to stabilise it. "Thanks for telling me. Anyway, let's go eat!" She said excitedly. It was not everyday she got to try Michelin Class food.

Rajik handed the tongs over to the waiter nearby, and caught up to Airis who was already looking for a place to sit down and eat.

Upon spotting an empty place, Airis made a beeline there, cleaned the table with a tissue that somehow appeared out of nowhere, and made herself comfortable.

While all of that was happening, Calvin and Yang's eyes followed Rajik the entire time, their mouths hanging.

Doesn't it look like a faithful and loyal puppy following their owner?

And they recalled when Rajik harshly threw them both in the dumpster before when they got really drunk, having been too tired to deal with their bullshit.

"Do you know who that girl is?" Yang Li whispered. Calvin shaked his head, even though he had known Rajik for 9 years, he had never seen her before in his life. 


Well… Calvin did see a crumpled letter framed up on the ceiling in Rajik's room, right above his bed.

"Maybe that letter was written by that girl?" Calvin concluded. It was a bit far-fetched, but he doesn't think Rajik would willingly wait on hands and feet for some girl he probably met today.

"Sorry… What letter?" Yang Li asked, expressing confusion.

Calvin looked at him.

Yang Li looked back at him.

"You knew him for like 8 years, and you never noticed??? Are you blind??" Calvin said in disbelief.

Well, there goes their years of friendship.


Airis chows down on the food, one by one effortlessly, her stomach seemingly like a bottomless pit.

Rajik was so concerned. 'I should have bought indigestion and gastric pills with me…'

Meanwhile, Airis was having a field day.

'Madeline would literally learn Arabic just to curse her if she knew I was eating this kind of food.' She mindlessly thought, while eating.

She wishes English had a curse word that was as good as Arabic. 'Fuck you' is getting boring and overrated, after all.

Oh yeah, Rajik is here. She totally forgot that he existed.

Her fork having a slice of ham on it, she gestured to Rajik, "Do you want a bite?"

Rajik looked at her fork, stunned. 'Is this… Is this an indirect kiss!?'

His eyes almost welled up in tears, until Airis decided to just eat the ham. He was thinking far too long, and Airis thought he didn't want it. So more for herself!

This time, Rajik's eyes welled up in tears. Missing his opportunity to have an indirect kiss, he just buried his face in his hands and sobbed.

"..." Airis glances at him. She was stunned, the woman could not speak.

Is he wailing over a piece of ham? 😟

Anddd, Calvin and Yang Li also saw it. They thought they knew him well all these years.

No, they don't. They don't at all.

"Should we go over and comfort him…?" Yang Li looks over.

Calvin nodded. And they both walked off.

Forgetting about Estella and the group, leaving them behind.

… It seems like everyone is being forgotten today.

Airis saw them walking over and her eyes bulged out. 'Oh shit, oh shit, his two boyfriends are coming over!' She panicked, looking at the plate, to the fork in her hand, and to the sobbing Rajik.


'I'm dead. I'm sooo dead. I should have prepared my will beforehand.' It was Airis's turn to sob.

And she went back to continue eating. Might as well live for her final moments, full and satisfied.

Calvin and Yang Li soon reached them, both of them glancing at Airis and Rajik.

Rajik finally stopped crying, and looked up from his hands. And sees both of them and his face scrunches up in disgust.

The pang of familiarity Yang and Calvin felt when they saw his expression. Alright, nevermind, he's still the same guy from before.

And his face switched 180° upon turning to face Airis. A sweet smile on his face as he asked in a gentle voice, "Airis, can I have a piece of ham too?"

Airis paused, and she gazed at Calvin and Yang. 'Their expressions seem calm, not angry. It's good.' She observed.

So she slowly brought over the fork to his lips and fed him. Completely unaware that it was the same fork that she uses. Already used to the concept of saliva or whatever that is. She couldn't bother less.

Rajik felt like he was on cloud nine. Indirect kiss! First kiss! The first contact he has with her body fluids! He was soaring to the skies.

Pumping his fists in his mind, chewing down and appreciating the chef who had served this piece of ham, the manufacturer who processed this ham. This ham! It was the most delicious thing he ever tasted!

He wished he could spit it out and treasure it and make a shrine of-

Ah, he was getting way off again. Haha, oops.

And while thinking of that, Rajik had a stoic expression on his face. So no one knew what was going through his mind, as he grinded the ham to pieces with his teeth before regrettably swallowing it.

'It's okay, you can get more things given by Airis.' He comforted himself.

Airis just side eyed Rajik, Calvin and Yang. 'I should really buy health insurance for Rajik. Maybe send him for regular checkups for his anus?' She thought.

Oh, if Rajik knew, he would have strangled Yang Li and Calvin in an instant and dump them off the cliff.

Heh, good luck.


My 'best friend turned beta reader' was breathing down my neck when I wrote this for like half of the chapter.

Thankfully he decided to go to sleep so I could let loose on the second half. 😭😭


no actually yanderes are unhinged, y'all here to suffer with me <33 I WARNED u in THE DISCLAIMER.


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