Chapter 30

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On Rajik's side…

Rajik sighed heavily, scrunching his eyebrows as he saw the two men lying on his sofa. One hanging off upside down, the other hanging over the back of the sofa, the TV running a show.

Bottles of expensive wine were strunk all over the coffee table and carpet. Rajik's eyebrow twitched. "Why… You two lazy fuckers…" He muttered, a dark tone.

He strode over to them, and easily picked them up by their shirt collar, roughly dragging them across the polished wooden floor, heeding no mind to their state. He then kicked open the door with his leg and threw them in the shower, turning on the showerhead at full speed and a jet spray of water landed on them.


Coughings could be heard as they were rudely awoken up in such a manner. Yang was rather confused and groggy. And Calvin?

Well, his first instinct was, "HEY YOU RUDE BASTAR- …" And he shut up immediately when he noticed it was Rajik staring at them, not an ounce of smile in his eyes. He crossed his arms and tapped his feet. And tilted his head, smiling, "Yes? Do finish that sentence. I dare you." He said in a chilling tone.

Calvin started sweating, he actually felt something running down his spine… Oh wait, it was the water.

Rajik clicked his tongue, "Clean yourself up and clean that abhorrent mess in the living room." With that, he walked out.

What a great start to a day.

Rajik sat down on the sofa, a cup of latte in his hand. As compared to other CEOs portrayed in stories that always drank black coffee, Rajik had a terrible sweet tooth. He loves sweet things, probably from the influence of Airis. Had he forgotten her?

No, he hasn't. Recently, he was planning to try to find her, but it was practically impossible with how many people having the name Airis.

He had actually gone back to the orphanage and the workers have changed and they haven't heard of someone named Airis.

Rajik also didn't have the names of the caretakers as he didn't bother to find out. Nor can he remember. So he was kind of at a dead end.

He sighed, taking a sip of his latte. No matter, he will find her eventually, after all, they're destined to be together forever. Even after death. He will bind himself to her.

"Breakfast's ready!" Yang called out, snapping Rajik out of his daze.

"Woo! Yang's food as breakfast? I'm being spoiled today!" Calvin cheered out, rushing out to the dining table.

Now you might ask, did Yang get any harsher when he was growing up?

Tough luck, he became even softer. It's a wonder how he managed to separate his personal personality and work personality.

Actually, when he was working, it was rather terrifying. Calvin and Rajik had accompanied once to a deal that was happening.

And Yang Li, with no hesitation, took down the enemy, placed a gun to his head and threatened him. It made them feel chills when he acted so…

"Oh my gawd! Yes, shoot me daddy!" The guy under the gun moaned out.



Anyway, Yang is actually a really good cook. Calvin often sang praises whenever he eats his food, basically shoving it in his face. Always saying that his cooking could beat those Michelin chefs.

Yang Li was quite shy about his exaggerated compliments at first, but eventually got used to it.

Calvin sniffed as he wolfed down his breakfast, "Ohh it's so gooodd."

Yang just sat down and ate his food. Rajik followed suit, calmly savouring the food in his mouth. It was really good, Rajik couldn't help but also had a tiny part in him that Yang could beat those Michelin chefs.

Sigh. He should start practicing cooking for Airis. What if she goes to Yang for food when she's hungry? He can't let that happen. Although Yang Li is a close friend of his, it doesn't mean that he will allow his presence at least 5 km near Airis.

It's decided, he should sign up for cooking classes.

Maybe he should learn sewing too? He must be a proficient house husband for Airis.

He nodded, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, chewing his food as Yang and Calvin just stared at him.

'He's lost in his daydreams again…' They thought simultaneously.

Both of them has noticed that Rajik occasionally drifts off in thoughts and he never really told them even when they asked.

They figured out it must be something he didn't want to share and they naturally complied and didn't ask him. They should be respectful to their friend's privacy after all.

But ever since Rajik had started working at his grandfather's corporation, they noticed him dozing off a lot more often, even in meetings, but he somehow managed to retain the information they talked about and replied to it decisively.

Of course… There's respect and curiosity…

LOL. What respect. They're best friends with each other! They want to know!

Calvin knocked on the table, "Earth to Rajik. What are you thinking about?"

Rajik frowned as he flinched back to reality. He pursued his lips, "Nothing." He replied. They can't find out about his beloved Airis! What if they also like her? It would be terrible!

Calvin looked even more curious, he leaned in his palm, "I wanna knowwww. Tell me!"

"Absolutely not, especially until my dying breath."

"Ohh, is it something nasty?" Calvin teased.

And… that ticked off Rajik.

How could he call thinking about Airis and his future nasty! He really got some nerve up his ass. Rajik put down his fork and spoon, finishing his meal. "Your comment offends me and I'm going to not interact with you for 2 days. Good bye. Thank you for the meal, Yang." With that, he stood up and walked away to his office.

"..." Calvin sat there speechless. Hey… Wasn't this too much! He only asked and teased! What was that for? QAQ

Yang sweated, thank god he threw Calvin into the pit first…


I stayed up till 2am for you little shits and I gotta get up at 6am tmr. Ur lucky I love y'all FR FR.

Anyway I'm tryna post more often cus I wanna finish this book before the year ends 😭😭 praying

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