Chapter 28

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The field trip soon ended without any trouble. Despite a few ups and downs, everything went pretty okay surprisingly. Airis thought there would be more drama. But in the duration of the 3 days and 2 nights, the half-vampire sucking her blood was one scene.

And another was a secret rendezvous at a lake with the rich popular guy and poor girl. Pretty sure they kissed, Airis only followed them until the lake and went back because she was really sleepy and figured that sleeping was a better use of her time at that moment honestly.

And so, well that was it for the camping trip.

There were more scenes she stumbled upon, of course. Like the three popular girls who cornered the poor girl and interrogated her and were like, blah blah blah, stay away from him, yada yada yada, you don’t deserve him. And yea whatever, anyway, she ended up in tears. And with perfect timing, the rich guy swoops in, sweeps her off her feet and saves the day. Woo… Yeaaa…

It was boring. Not as entertaining as she thought it would be. Sigh, what a shame.

Basically, aside from some cliche moments, it was just them bonding and stuff, a pretty fluffy story if it were to be written. She bet with her kneecaps though, when he brings her to his mother, it’s gonna be like, “How much money do you want?” And stuff like that. How unfortunate she wouldn’t be able to see it. To be fair, she could understand the view from the mother’s perspective.

Just imagine some POOR, yes, emphasise on that, girl just popping up by her son’s side. That’s already really suspicious. The rich family ain’t so fun either from what Airis knows. It’s like the modern version of nobles. With all that drama, jealousy and things. Although she wants to be rich, she really doesn’t want to be involved in all of that. I mean, unless you’re greedy or ambitious, you would deal with all of that.

But her? Man, she barely has the motivation to even study for her exams. She’s basically a sloth at this point, heh.

Moving on, with the half-vampire and girl, pretty sure she heard them getting into like a… gang fight? Like, the gang tried to blackmail him and he went to deal with them himself, but then the girl found out so she tagged along. And uh, they almost got beat up and managed to report it to the police, but one of the students saw it and well, told his friend, and it went to another friend and so on and now there’s a rumour of that.

People’s mouths are unbearably itchy.

Then besides that, of course, there’s some love triangle drama, yada yada, spoiler, the girl who liked him got rejected. And then the kuudere or tsundere girl realised her feelings and wanted to confess, but before she could say anything, it was revealed that he was a half-breed and like yea, he lost his friends and popularity, and she was the only one that stayed by his side… Bam, bam, she confessed, yay, they end up together. Let’s clap, woo.

Anyway, they both changed schools next year, so she didn’t see them again.

On the other hand, with Rajik, he and Calvin had gotten much closer to Rajik's irritation, but he didn't seem to mind so Calvin had taken it as a good sign.

Calvin hosted a birthday pool party at his house once and invited Rajik, along with almost the whole school due to how popular and influential he was among them. When people arrived there, their eyes almost bulged out seeing the infamous Rajik having a talk with Calvin. As expected, Calvin even managed to become friends with Rajik!

If only they knew how much effort he had to put in to become friends with him…

Rajik was usually hard to come across during school, so he wasn't really well-known. But just seeing how he acts says a lot about his personality. He seldom talks and has an intimidating aura at a young age which felt threatening to many of his peers.

But now, they had the opportunity to strike a conversation with him here! And besides, it would be a good idea to become friends with him due to his family. Thus, they tried to approach him and strike up a conversation with him, only for it to end up in failure. Some of them even got scared of them when Rajik looked them in the eye.

This event had officially earned him the nickname of, 'Demon King.’ To be fair, this nickname sounded better but it was still quite chunni and when Airis had heard of it, she just died of laughter on the spot.

Moving on, in their junior year of highschool, Calvin and Rajik had met Yang Li. A transfer student from the states. He had a rather depressed and moody presence, making people stay away from him. But like the social butterfly Calvin was, he went on ahead and became friends with him, also introducing Rajik in the process. At first, hearing that Yang Li’s family was part of the underworld, Calvin was terrified out of his wits while Rajik was curious how he was really like.

And they both got shocked when they arranged a sleepover at Rajik’s place  and Yang Li turned up in custom made, crocodile-printed pajamas, along with a cartoon character plush to his chest. His parents had come to Rajik's house in tears and gratefulness for inviting their dear boy to a sleepover and he was just so ecstatic and everything… making Yang Li welled up in embarrassment as he hugged his plush closer to his chest. That just made Calvin and Rajik stare at him in disbelief. This… parents… and son… despite being in that kind of business, they seem so… normal?

Looking at Yang Li, looking all soft made Calvin snorted in laughter and Rajik just turned around and crouched down because like, why is Yang Li more like a green flag than him?

And just like that, the years progressed by.


Decided to just shorten it in one chapter lololol.

Anyway badcooking just updated and I'm soooo happy like omgg but anyway my exams is coming next week so idk if I got time to write anyway yah, have fun y'all.

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