Chapter 18

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Ever since the clan had found out that the omega they so despised is the Alpha's mate and that she became their Luna, those who had bullied Nicky started sweating bullets. It wasn't any better that Nicky didn't really care nor bothered about their past actions but her beloved mate, the Alpha did. And basically kicked out all the ones who had ever so disturbed her or hurt her.

Now all the wolves basically sucked up to her from then on, which Nicky felt uncomfortable at, resulting in another anger wave of the Alpha. Meanwhile, Airis was watching all of this from the sidelines, simply relaxed. She sighed at the thought of Nicky's benevelot nature.

To be exact, Nicky wasn't benevelot, she just didn't care. More focused on having fun with her current best friends, to her, the present was what matters. She doesn't need to remember all her bad memories and mull over them. That was something she lived by.

Airis fiddled with her phone, trying to take off conversation which she had overheard earlier when she was walking to the cafeteria. She let out a sigh, attracting the attention of the others.

Their group had increased, now adding on with Sam who was determined to follow Nicky everywhere like a puppy. Right now, Sam was trying to feed Nicky whose attention was focused on Airis.

"Something on your mind?" Alice probed.


Airis was on her way to the cafeteria when she heard a conversation going on. She paused. "How's it going with that glasses girl?"

"Oh, it's going well, I'm sure she will fall for me in no time." A boisterous laugh was heard. Airis could immediately tell who it was from that voice. Obviously, it was the bad boy bully. She sighed, oh there was gonna be a lot of fights once he actually falls in love with her and she repricoates but then finds out about the dare and gets angry and hurt and despises him. Man, it was just wonderfully going around in one cycle.

Airis crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, hearing their receding footsteps. She pondered, should she tell? "..."

Well, she can pass a note, and hopefully that girl would take caution. 

~End Flashback~

Airis flashes a smile and shakes her head. The rest nod and continue on with their meal.

Going to class earlier than usual to pass a note, Airis excused herself from the table after finishing her meal, making a passing excuse that she was gonna review her notes in class to get ready for a pop-quiz. The rest wished her good luck as Airis headed off.

Airis folded the square piece of paper and put it under the desk of that uh, glasses girl. She never did bother to find out what her name was, and she was particularly bad at remembering names. Takes her at least like 5 months to remember, maybe.

Hm, now that she thinks about it, 2 months have already passed since she came here to this school. Huh, time really passes really fast.

The bell soon rang, signalling the start of class. As usual, the glasses girl came in first, sitting down on her seat. She reached under her desk to take out her books, only to furrow her eyebrows as she took out the folded paper.

Airis felt nervous upon seeing that, as she unfolded the paper, she read it and her expression worsened. Without saying a word, she simply folded it back and stuffed it in her jacket pocket.

Soon, the bad boy came in. As you might I note, Airis also didn’t recall his name, only his nickname, ‘The Lion Prince’ Which she might add, still makes Airis feel shivers up her spine.

As usual, he started teasing her again or to be more accurate, bullying her but let’s use teasing to lighten it, but the glasses girl had responded colder than usual in which he was as blind as bat to notice it.

Anyway, school ended. And Airis had amazingly witnessed the bad boy stuffing the girl into the car… without her consent and driving off to his place… Well, Airis was 100% positive that nothing sexual would happen over there, only happens during like 7 minutes in heaven, truth or dare, or at the end of the book where they make up, fuck, and get married.

Maybe he wanted to showcase something to her? Like some cool collection or guns. Haha, imagine if she was some sort of hidden heir to a rich family and she was engaged to him as an old promise between the families and-

It happened.

You know, like 8 months later, after they like solved everything like breaking up with one of the popular girls who apparently was a ‘slut’ according to glasses girl terms just because she had blonde hair, always had manicures and a hair perm, wear heels, wears makeup, has expensive clothes… ect. To Airis, well, she really was pretty and gorgeous, whose to stop her from dressing up how she wants? And she didn’t know why she was labelled as a ‘slut’. There’s no harm in like fucking everyone, besides, didn’t he also do it?? Why isn’t she calling him a manwhore?

Oh, they also sorted out their feelings and then he suddenly decides to dump that he has some fiance that he didn’t really know much about and it turns out that she was that fiance-

Holy Jesus fuck, she actually was one according to her predictions???

And just like that, the first school year was over. Signalling the end of the I fell in love with my bad boy bully. Now they’re all happily lovey dovey.

Adding on with some other things, Airis, Nicky, Alice, Diana and Madeline were still the best of friends, often meeting up and hanging out. They still haven’t had a sleepover yet, shame. Oh and how was Sam and Nicky’s relationship? Doing pretty dandy, now Nicky is respected in the clan and learning the duties of a Luna and Sam is still pretty down bad for her…

The relationship between Airis, Estorea and Nareik also improved, but Airis still didn’t feel comfortable calling them ‘mom’ or ‘dad’ which they took no offence to, of course. Reassuring her to take her time and call them whenever she feels ready to.

Overall, it has been a pretty steady year, Airis wonders what will happen next year?


Yes guys I posted r u proud of me 😭😭

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