Chapter 39

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Airis was holding her hand between her hands. Feeling despair, sadness and horror welling up within her.

How could this be?

How… Could this happen?

She should have never…

It was a mistake.

"Breathe in, breathe out… Take deep breaths, Airis." She whispered to herself.

Once calm, she looked at the source of all her emotions.

She picked it up. And turned it on.

She took a sharp breath.

And squealed.

She hurriedly went to text her online friend.




SkeleTorso: Same girlie… same girlie I'm crying over here with me boobies

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SkeleTorso: Same girlie… same girlie I'm crying over here with me boobies

IrisAo: salivating so hard rn I'm turning into a rabid dog LIKE BARK BARK

SkeleTorso: I want to grovel into the ground so they can step on me like the little pathetic-

IrisAo: SAME??? like omg yes baby girl, step on me and u can even stab me if u want and treasure my blood or organs idk I wouldn't mind being wrapped up in a mummy like them


And this was the point where none of Airis's friends and Rajik truly realised how much of a rabid dog Airis has become. Anyway, she's still salivating for men's glorious chests.

Airis tucked away her phone in her pocket in class. Her mind is still fully occupied by the recent drawing she saw on social media earlier this morning.

'Hotguyshotguyshotguyshotguys.' She thought, not paying attention to class.

"Airis? Airis?" A hand was waving in front of her face. "Airis, are you alright?"

She snapped out of it and blinked multiple times. She turned to look at Rajik who was sitting next to her, looking worried. "Ah yes, yes… Sorry. I was just thinking about something."

Rajik nodded and smiled, "You can continue to think about it. I will take notes for you and pass them to you after class."

Airis placed a hand over her heart, "You would?" She whispered. Oh my god, he's such a good friend. The only other person who would do this is Nicky, while the rest would be like, LOL no help, yourself bozo.

Like wow, what great friends you are. 🙂

Rajik beamed brightly, "Of course. You're my best friend, after all!"

'This is the fastest I have been labeled as best friend when we just met each other yesterday again.' Airis thought as she smiled at him. W̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶u̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶b̶o̶t̶t̶o̶m̶

"Likewise." She said, patting his shoulder.

Anyway, she really wants to date a hot big tiddy man with a 8 pack who is also rich, can cook, clean and catch insects for her.

Anddd, she's back to her daydreaming.

Clipboard of choices

His ex that he's still in love with

Childhood friend

Long distance friend

Secret lover

His step-sister who went to study abroad(???)

A mentor during his studies (???) 🤨

Some kind of saviour during hard times
Mother bird

Some super powerful person

Love at first sight (but she looks average 😐)

His muse (but he doesn't do anything art)

Ex-best friend

"Okay, I bet $200 on the 'ex he's still in love with'!" Calvin declared, slamming two 100-hundred-dollar bills on the round table.

6 people were gathered in a private room, located at a high-end but low-key club.

Of course, Calvin and Yang were there. And six other people, who are irrelevant but still need to be introduced.

Alex, a non-binary person whose family business was a popular publishing company. They are also widely known for being a popular mystery writer whose books have sold for 500 million copies.

Olivia, a young popular woman known as TheSummerPluto who is widely known for gaming FPS skills, along with the fact that she was from a rich family who owned a prestigious university called Neptune Academy.

Quito, a young man who is a math and physics prodigy, having graduated with a physics and math degree at age 16. He is from a middle-class family, and became friends with Olivia at university, and soon was introduced to others by her.

Dani, a young woman who has been trained in offensive and defensive arts, along with being trained from a young age with weapons. She is the bodyguard of Yang Li. Her family holds high positions in Yang's Mafia.

"MY AUTHOR SENSES ARE TELLING ME IT'S A SECRET LOVER!" Alex exclaimed zealously. Slapping five 100-dollar-bills on the table.

Calvin clicked his tongue, and crossed his arms. "I've been his friend for far longer, it absolutely can't be a secret lover! If not, why does he always look at that crumpled letter with such forlornness!"

"Long distance friend! It has to be!" Yang Li said with passion. Despite being in such a dark business considering his background, he was a huge romanticist. Being one that surprisingly reads a lot of romance novels. And so, he bet $300.

"I'm going for a step-sister that went abroad and he never told us because it's a forbidden love!" Olivia with her hands clasped together as she imagined the scenario of Rajik and whoever that friend is, in each other's embrace, crying as their love couldn't be revealed to the world. Someone who read a lot of dead dove things. But it's her taste and she reads whatever she wants. Whoop de doo.

Anyway, she bet $250 on that.

Quito pushed his glasses up and it seems like his lenses went a solid white, giving off a bright shine. "A mentor, I am sure. After all, I still very much look up to my mentor and would get on my hands and feet for them to feed me more knowledge." Yea, he had a knowledge kink. 🙂 And betting $400.

Dani just stared at the group, she averted her eyes. She thought this job will be all dangerous and she will always be hanging by a thread for her life. But there's literally nothing to protect, with the fact that Yang never seemed to have anyone coming for him? Which was terribly strange. And he wasn't how she expected to be as well! She thought he would be a cold, cruel man and instead, he's some big, softie teddy bear who reads erotic romance novels under his covers acting like the fact that his family doesn't know! (They know by checking his card's purchases.)

She rolled her eyes, 'This is so stupid. It's obviously someone who is superior in position and power.' As she slid a $100 dollar bill onto the table. 'Pshhh, stupid idiots.'

Spoiler alert? They were all wrong.



And the text portion up there was the sole moment between me and my other braincells crying over THIS HARRY POTTER FANART AND OMGGMGMG, they just posted a Tom riddle one and I'm off to read that again let's gooie

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