Chapter 51

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"Hey sexy~" Is what Airis would like to say when she goes to meet Emeralda at the lunch table, and slides right in front smoothly with a lunch tray.


She's being held hostage! At her desk! She can't get out of his office! This is ridiculous! She's gonna miss lunch time with Emeralda!

Airis pouts heavily as she sorts through the given documents.

While Rajik… Well…

He was facing a huge dilemma. The fact that HIS girlfriend seems to be very fond of Emeralda Spirly.

To be frank, he was terribly jealous. He wanted that attention but it went to that..! That! That girl! It was simply distasteful at this point. And it didn’t matter that he even placed Airis’s desk in his office. Airis would just rush off outside to the receptionist desk where Emerald was at.

And he couldn’t even accompany her for lunch! Because their lunch timings was different! But it was the same as Emeralda for some reason? Was god going against him? Did he do something wrong???

In the end, he didn’t have to worry Emeralda trying to get close to him or anything but his (future) wife getting (becoming friends) conned by Emeralda!

‘That bitch!’ Rajik cursed aggressively in his mind, the expensive pen in his hands breaking into half.

“Rajiik? I heard something snap, is everything okay?” Airis’s head popped over the monitor, looking at Rajik.

He quickly hid the pen under his desk, sending a smile and reassured her, “No, it’s nothing.”

Airis raised an eyebrow and nodded slowly, “Okay. Call me if you need anything.” And she went back to typing in some documents.

“Emeralda, what do you like? Why don’t you try this chocolate fudge I bought for you?” Airis and Emeralda was sitting close across each other in the company cafeteria, with Airis trying to feed Emeralda and Rajik sitting next to her, his legs and arms crossed in displeasure.

It wasn’t any better with countless of eyes flickering over to their direction from time to time. Why? Because it didn’t seem like there was any rivalry between the two girls over their future company president but instead, their president fighting with the blonde hair girl over the brown haired girl.

And from observation, the blonde hair girl was a bit confused by the treatment and was also oblivious to the harsh glare directing towards her from a certain someone.

Was this a one-sided rivalry…?

Rajik looked at Airis’s fond expression and couldn’t take it anymore. He immediately put on a cute depressed expression, his lips pouting as he tugged on Airis’s blouser. Two cat ears had also appeared without his knowledge (only viewable by Airis) above his head to enhance the pitiness.

Airis turned around and almost had a heartattack, seeing such a cute but pitiful Rajik. She had to slam a hand over her mouth to prevent her from squealing, when did her boyfriend become so cute?

Catching her attention successfully, Rajik smirked inwardly, a feeling of victory rising within. He quickly adjusted his expression,“Airis… I want to be fed too…” He muttered, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Airis gasped and had a revelation, her boyfriend was jealous! Is that the reason why he snapped his pen early in half? Awww, isn’t that just too cute? (No it’s not)

She stood up and grabbed her wallet, “What do you want, Rajik? I will go get it for you.”

Rajik smiled,  “Anything’s okay as long as it’s fed by you.” Airis nodded and hurriedly went off.

Emerald who was forced to witness the scene: (☉o☉)

The on-lookers: “...”

Huh? What’s this display of dog food?

With Airis out of sight, Rajik turned to glare at Emeralda. "Look, I know your dad sent you here to get the ropes of managing a company and also to strengthen our non-existent bond. But I apologise as I already have a girlfriend soon-to-be wife. Tell your old man, sorry. If he has any complaints, take it up with my grandfather. That's all."

Emeralda blinked with confusion, it seems like she already lost the fight without even doing anything…? She just nodded quietly. Well, it's not like he's the only fish out there, besides, Airis seems like a super sweet girl…

"Hey! I'm back. Rajik, I got some mushroom soup and garlic bread. They smell really good." Airis soon came back with a tray in her hands.

She sets the tray on the table, and takes a seat next to Rajik. Picking up the metal spoon, she scoops up some mushroom soup, blows on it, and feeds it to Rajik. "Ahhhhh, is that good?"

Rajik nods eagerly, looking like a big giant puppy.

She smiles and giggles in return, "That's good, let's quickly finish up lunch, I want to go out and get some bubble tea before lunch break ends!" She says, scooping up another portion and feeding Rajik as she turns to chat with Emeralda.

It was a nice, first work day.


Hey sexies, Ur girl is back from exams and is now on holiday!! Congrats!! Woo!! Love y'all

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