Chapter 40

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"Class, it seems like we have a new student joining us in the middle of the semester! Nevertheless, do give him a warm welcome. Do you want to introduce yourself?" The professor enthusiastically claps his hands together, as he expectantly looks at Rajik.

Rajik immediately put up a gentle smile, "I'm Rajik, it's a pleasure to meet everyone."

Oohs and aahs erupted from the crowd as some of the girls and boys started whispering to each. Words like, "Oh my god! He looks so cute, do you think he's an idol?" Or "Yoo, that dude looks totes nice! Let's become friends with him!"

Well, in any case, it seems like Rajik has already become popular in no time. And Airis noticed the blonde girl was the only one uninterested in the commotion, seemingly focused on her handphone, displaying a popular FPS game.


'Wow, is that Rajik's type?' Airis thought as she secretly took a few glances at the girl.

Doesn't this seem like the start of some fanfiction or wattpad story? Like, there's this guy who becomes popular instantly and everyone's attracted or interested in him, but there's one girl who is not, so he gets intrigued by her and bam, love story!

And she was completely unaware that Rajik was seething with jealousy, noticing that his lovely Airis wasn't paying attention to him! At! All!

He did have a little unconventional thought popping up in his mind when he noticed who the target of Airis's attention was as well.

Finally, the professor allowed him to take a seat and everyone watched him in anticipation (Except Airis and that girl) at where he would sit, only to sit next to… Airis?

Huh? Who was that?

Airis felt the confused gazes on her, turning her attention back to what was happening. It wasn't even an envious gaze or jealous one either, it was just confusion because who the fuck did Rajik sit next to? She existed?


Clap Clap.

"Now, now. I know all of you are eager to chat up our new student, but do please start paying attention! Class has started." The professor said.

Everyone shuffled in their seats, as they got out their laptops, books and notes. Airis and Rajik did the same. And it seems that girl surprisingly did.



New gossip has descended upon this world. And by walking in the hallways to the library to study for once in her life, Airis managed to pick up some interesting information…

"Hey… Have you seen Mr.Rogers? Can you believe that he's only in his mid-20s? And he totally gives off this dominating aura too!" A girl chatted about it to her friend.

Airis's attention had immediately been drawn to there.

"Let's not forget about Mr.Haan! His silky blonde hair is to die for! Along with his emerald eyes… They're so enticing to look into, I admit, I felt like I almost got trapped in his gaze!" The girl replied back dreamily, cupping her cheek.

"Nuh-uh, have you seen Mr.Benas? He's so joyous and very chatty! It feels like his enthusiasm is infectious in class. He's so cute too with his messy brown hair and eyes. And how he so passionately talks about history!" Another girl butted in the conversation.

Apparently, three new 'extremely hot' professors have recently shown up. A literature professor, a history professor and a philosophy professor. Very cliché choices.

And if that wasn't a huge cue to Airis, she wouldn't know what else would.

"Airis…?" Rajik waved his hand in front of her, snapping her out of her thoughts. Airis blink mindlessly, "Ah, yes. Sorry, Rajik. Didn't mean to space out there on you. I was thinking about the professors that those girls were talking about." She explained.

Rajik's eyes darkened, a twisted and sour feeling welling up in his heart. He felt like he just drank a pot of vinegar. Tch. What right did those three little dingy guys have to steal his Airis's attention?

Secretly taking out his phone, he used one hand to type out some instructions to his assistant.

He tugged back his phone into his pocket and hurriedly caught up to Airis. Giving her a surprise hug.

"Ah-" Airis felt his arms wrapped around her body and she chuckled helplessly, patting his arms with her hands. "We need to head to the library. We can hold hands if you want." She offered up her hand.

Rajik's eyes lit up and he grasped her hand with his in no time. He smiled brightly, letting Airis lead him along to the library.

The bystanders: …

Hey, wasn't this too much dog food being shoved down their throat?


Heyyy I'm back, so like yea, I didn't post last week cus I was on a week vacation in Malaysia :333

So now I'm back, and I'm like half dead wooo. I'm gonna go read again hehe byee

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