Chapter 55

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Airis breathes heavily in the sense of danger. Right now, all she could do is basically hug the wall as much as she could. It was soooo convenient that she got stuck in a god damn alleyway that she was lured to. How dumb could you even get, Airis?

And now, she’s trapped in an alleyway, facing a figure dressed all in black, a black hoodie, black sweatpants, black shoes, black mask, literally black eyes??? This person’s fashion sense is either all black, or they just want to hide really well in the darkness which definitely seems to be working. Didn’t help that Airis could see a beautiful, glinting, silver knife right in their hands.

Alright, Airis, think. What have you learned from hours of scrolling through social media? What about those self-defense videos you would see?

Nope, don’t remember. Haha, she is TOO stressed right now.

Alright, let’s think. No one is going to swoop in and come save her ass considering she’s normally out for more than an hour, always at the convenience store, eating there cause sometimes she’s too lazy to walk back.

But curse this day, that one moment she decides she wants to go back home early. This shitty situation happens.

“Never let them take you to a second place.” A quote she remembered from who god knows where. All she could remember next for that quote, was that the second place would be a living hell. And that death would be a better option.

As much as Airis tried to think positively. She really couldn’t see a way out of this. First of all, she was literally a couch potato. Athletic abilities? You wish.

“...” She stares at the person standing before her, who was silently watching her.

Both of them didn’t speak.

Should she take the risk? Risk losing her life? Or comply and save her life with the possible expense of her sanity?

“..What do you want?” She mutters.

The figure shifted silently, wielding the knife. Despite the mask covering their face, and hood shadowing their eyes. Airis could tell the person was smiling.

“Don’t you already know, doll?” They answered. A husky voice with a hint of obsession in it.

She really didn’t know what to do. What should she do?

Airis bit her bottom lip. Whatshouldshedowhatshouldshedowhatshouldshedowhatshouldshedowhatshouldshedo-

She really… ‘I don't know.’

What would be a smart way out of this?

Would it be death? Or sanity?

Does she desperately want to live? Could she let go of this life like she did with her old one?

She looks down, breaking out in cold sweat. Weigh her choices, she must weigh her choices.  “What do you plan on doing to me?”

The person smiles. “Why, get together in a relationship and be with each other forever!~ Doesn’t that sound utterly wonderful?” They sigh dreamily.

“In this method? Why not just court me in a normal way from the first place?” She inwardly scoffs. The person tilts their head, “There’s a normal way? I just did whatever I felt like I had to do. And right now, it’s telling me to bring you to my apartment. So, why don’t you be a good girl and come with me? I promise you won’t get hurt. As long as you listen to me.” They reach out a hand towards her.

“...” Airis looks at the knife. She doesn’t know how it feels to be stabbed by a knife. Should she just… take their offer?

Pressing her lips into one thin line, she looks at the outreached hand. And slowly…

Put her hand on theirs.

“I better hope that’s a promise.” Airis couldn’t help but smile. In the end, she chose the stupid choice. But, she was too afraid of death.

“Good thinking, doll.”


“Airis isn’t at home yet?” Rajik’s eyes twitched when he received the call from Airis’ parents.

“I’m-I’m sorry. What… What is going on?” He couldn’t help but stammer. The fear gnawing in his heart. He felt sick. Sick to the core.

“My husband is contacting some people to track her down. From your tone, I assume she hasn’t told you what has been happening.” Estorea, Airis’s mom, paused.

“She has been receiving… some nasty letters and texts lately. The context of these… messages seems to have been some obsession with her or something.”

Rajik’s hand trembled. He personally knew, far too well. What would happen if that type of person has gotten to her. Because, he would do the same, if she had ever chosen someone else but him.

“I see.” He shakily lets out a breath, “I will contact some people on my side.”

“Thanks, I will inform you if we find any traces of her.” And with that, she hung up.

Rajik buried his face in his hands, trying to calm down. “It’s okay, it’s okay.” He chanted repeatedly. First thing first, he needs to get his act together.

He shamelessly had installed a tracker on his phone. But someone that’s like him would have already tossed the phone somewhere. He picked the perfect timing to kidnap her, so that means he was stalking her and memorising her schedule. Rajik gritted his teeth.

He had always felt someone staring at him with bloodthirst. But he paid no mind to it because he was always focused on giving attention to Airis. Because of his lack of self-awareness, this happened. Clenching his fist, ‘This must be why Airis’s health has been shit lately…’ What kind of husband boyfriend was he? Not being able to see this.

Regardless, Rajik turned on his phone and opened the tracker app. Looking at the location, he furrowed his eyebrows, recognising that the phone had dropped in some alleyway next to the convenience store Airis would often frequent.

With that, he put on his suit jacket, made a few calls, and exited his office.

In no time, he reached the location. Stalking his way to the alleyway, Rajik recognised the familiar scent of Airis. He walked further in, and watched a discreet phone face down on the cracked ground. He picks it up, turning it over, noticing the screen amazingly isn’t cracked.

Guess the gorilla screen really lived up to its name.

Nevermind that, Rajik easily bypassed her phone lock and looked through her contacts and messages. It seems like Estorea and Keiran couldn’t trace the number. But there were always flaws. Quickly, he contacted one of his acquaintances and sent the number to him. He had already set up multiple people watching the security cameras in the city. Logically, it hasn’t been long since Airis went missing, and by cross checking any buses, trains or planes that were going out of the city. There were none.

So that means, she was still in the city.

That fucker will never keep Airis away from him, for he is her only partner in this life and every next life.


Posting this at 3 in the morning, yes sir. I listened to songs to get the mood right, but it was difficult finding the correct songs. Thank god for that Korean sing named when did I become the villain. Bro bless them 😭😭🙏

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