Chapter 1 - Have Fun!

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Point of View: Y/N (Reader)

Your heart was beating quickly, your breathing short and fast. A fine mist of smoke and dust filled the air, and you felt yourself inhale it with every breath. With your back leaning firmly against a wooden table, ahead of you was one half of the long-abandoned warehouse. Natural light fell through cracks in the roof, as well as broken windows up high, to illuminate the trail of debris. You glanced to your left, past more over-turned desks and towards a set of double doors that were chained shut. You then glanced to your right, past the body of a stocky, Russian man and towards the plain concrete wall.

Damn it, where is the back up?! Looks like I'm going to have to do this one on my own too.

With that thought you took a deep breath, turned, and stood up quickly, holding your pistol with two hands over the top of the table. You caught a glimpse of one man pointing a rifle towards you, and you didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

BANG. One down.

Shots began firing back again, so you crouched back down with your back to the source and took another deep breath. You rolled over to the right of the table, peered out and saw the side of another man reloading.

BANG. One more to go.

"выходи сейчас маленькая девочка, мы не причиним тебе вреда! (Come out now little girl, and I won't hurt you!)" His thick Russian accent echoed through the empty warehouse. His complacency was misplaced, and it amused you slightly that, even with his entire team taken out, he still believed he could come out on top.

Nice try.

You took out the last stun grenade on your belt, pulled the pin out with your teeth and threw it behind you, over your head towards him. At the same time you rolled over to the left side of the table, waiting for the grenade to go off before peering out again to see him stumbling around, holding his face. You paused for half a second, relishing in the success of that move, before putting him out of his misery.

BANG. All gone.

You quickly scanned around the room, making sure not to miss anything - attention to detail was everything in this line of work. Numerous bodies littered the floors of the warehouse, some drooped over broken furniture, once used as cover. You walked back cautiously towards the exit you came in, and then to where you had left the car. You got in, pulled out your phone, and immediately called Sasha.

"Y/n, darling! How are you?" Her British accent made everything she said even more infuriating. She insisted on speaking English and always spoke with such an arrogant cheeriness, it made everything she said sound condescending.

"How am I? Is that supposed to be a joke?" You replied, bluntly. That mission had been a lot tougher than you had intended, and it was entirely her fault.

"Oh yes the mission, apologies about that. I'm assuming it all went well regardless?" She replied happily.

"No thanks to you! What happened to the back up, I could have been killed! And all over some dusty missiles? Really?" You growled, growing frustrated with her tone.

"All's well that ends well my dear! But don't put your feet up just yet, I have one more target for you before you're finished today."

"And what makes you think I'll want to help you after you pulled that shit?" You scoff.

"Because, my darling, this is your job and you do not have a choice. If you'd rather, I'm sure I still have a number for HYDRA, maybe even Dreykov? Should I just give them a call and tell them to come pick you up?" She said, patronising you. Just the mention of those names made your body tense slightly, before relaxing in defeat.

The only thing worse than going back to the Red Room would be going back to Hydra - I'll pass on that.

You sighed again.

"Just send me the details, it better not be far." You respond through gritted teeth.

"Wonderful y/n! You're on your own for this one too I'm afraid, but you've always worked best like that anyway. Have fun!" She said, not waiting for a response before hanging up.

She sent through the coordinates almost immediately to your phone, and you started driving right away.

I can't stand that woman.

She controlled every aspect of your life, not letting you leave your apartment anymore, and deciding when you start and stop working every day. It was exhausting, but it was the only way to survive.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now