(Part 2) Chapter 21 - Or What?

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Point of View: Y/N

- 2 Days Later -

"Ready when you are." You said quietly into the comms.

"I still don't understand why Tony sent the brief to you and not me, he sent the last one to both of us." Came Nat's reply in your ear. Your mouth curved into a smile at this, not that Nat could see - or understand why you were smiling.

"Me neither, but I'm not letting you screw this one up. Hurry up will you?" You replied, putting on a serious voice as a joke.

"Just coming up the stairs now. Is the target still on the roof?" She asked, you could hear her footsteps on the metal stair case in the background.

"I've lost visual, but the only way down is the stairs so he can't be far." You said calmly, standing up quietly and walking towards the doors for the stairs.

There was no man on the roof. You had thought of the idea on the plane to Russia a few days ago, and it took you a while to figure out how to pull everything together. You were also not based on a nearby rooftop, like you'd told Nat, you were currently walking up the stairs on the East side of the apartment building. You'd told Nat to take the West side stairs, this way you wouldn't bump into each other on the way up, but it would be another minute or so until she had worked her way up to the roof top.

You stepped out of the door and onto the roof, and to your delight the view was even more beautiful than you'd hoped for. Not only could you see the best of Moscow from here, but the sun was setting behind the buildings making the sky light up with colour. You walked towards the ledge at the side of the roof, looking out and folding your arms, taking in the view.

"There's no lead?" Came Nat's voice calmly from behind you. You turned around to smile at her, and you shook your head.

She frowned slightly before walking towards you and wrapping her arms around you, resting her chin on your shoulder and looking out at the sky.

"You know, you could have just told me you wanted to watch the sun set, I still would have come." She said softly, laughing slightly at your antics.

"I know, but it was too much fun dragging you on this fake mission." You smiled, leaning your head to the side and resting it on hers. "What do you think?"

"It's beautiful." She said, squeezing you gently. "But I'm still pissed that I believed your dumb story."

You laughed at this, before turning around and wrapping your hands around Nat's waist. She smiled and did the same, pulling you in closely.

"Honestly, I'm surprised I pulled it off too." You said, before slowly kissing her on the lips.
"It wasn't easy to lie to you but it was for a good reason."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" She said, frowning back at you.

"I really want you to be my girlfriend Nat." You smiled at her, holding her hands in yours. She couldn't contain the smile on her face at this, she just laughed and looked back at you. "I know there's no fireworks or roses, but technically this is the country where we first met, even if we were both staring down the barrel of a gun at the time."

Nat looked down at the ground, still smiling, as you tried to catch her eyes again.

"This is a bit more like it." She said, looking back up at you with her mouth curled into a smirk.

"Is that a yes?" You said, your eyebrows raised and squeezing her hand gently.

"You know it's a yes." She said, allowing the smile on her lips to spread across her face. You sighed in relief at this and then pulled her in to kiss her.

She smiled against your lips, allowing you to take the lead to start with, before placing her hand on the back of your neck and pulling you in further. You pulled back slowly and rested your forehead on hers, she looked back into your eyes, still smiling.

"Who do you want to tell first?" You asked her.

"Bucky. Definitely Bucky." She said, her smile fading slightly.

"Why Bucky?" You said, frowning back at her confused.

"So I don't have to watch him trying to flirt with you anymore." She said, gripping your waist slightly. This made you laugh a little, you looked down to try and hide your expression. "I'm being serious."

"Oh I know." You said looking back up at her, smiling. "But he may or may not already know."

"I can't believe it!" She smiled playfully. "First Wanda and now Bucky too. You're the worst at keeping secrets!"

"Hey that is not true and you know it Romanoff." You said, jokingly nudging her shoulder back. "Wanda only found out because someone couldn't contain themselves, and Bucky only found out because someone was talking too loud in the firing range."

She smiled back mischievously at this, biting her lip slightly and shaking her head.

"Don't try and put the blame on me." She teased back, still smiling.

"Or what exactly?" You said, an eyebrow raised.

"Or you're sleeping on the sofa in the hotel room." She said, smiling then giving you a peck on the cheek.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" You pleaded, pulling her back in to kiss her lips again.

"That was too easy." She teased, looking back into your eyes again as she stood while you embraced her still.

"Well I have the whole evening planned, and a big part of that involves us both being in the bed so..." You said jokingly, one eyebrow raised and pulling her in closely.

"I like the sound of that." She kissed you on the lips again. "Let's get out of here."

She turned to walk away but grabbed your hand and pulled you after her and back towards the stairs. The two of you went back to the hotel room where you ate dinner and then got into bed.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now