(Part 2) Chapter 14 - Easy Tiger

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Point of View: Y/N

You had finished dinner and now all of you had taken to the sofas, you sat next to Wanda and Sam, with the likes of Nat, Steve and Tony sitting opposite you around the table.

"Alright Steve, truth or dare?" Tony said, it was his turn. Steve smiled, leaning back on the sofa and taking a sip of beer before answering.

"Truth." He said calmly. Tony rolled his eyes at this, before placing his hand on his chin and thinking for a moment.

"Okay I've got one, when was the last time you kissed someone - 1945?" He said smugly. Steve looked down and smiled, before glancing back up at Tony.

"A couple of months ago." He replied.

"A couple of-... who?!" Tony said, suddenly sitting up in his seat.

"That wasn't the question Stark, sorry." Steve said smugly, shrugging his shoulders. "My turn now, right?" He looked at Tony who sighed and then nodded his head, before sinking back into the chair with disappointment.

"Alright..." He said, glancing around the room. "Wanda, truth or dare?" Wanda perked up at this, happy to be involved in the game.

"Truth." She said with a smile.

"Who do you think will be the drunkest tonight?" He said with a slight grin. Wanda chuckled to herself, then answered quickly without much hesitation.

"Easy, Nat's already half way there." She said with a cheeky grin in Nat's direction. You smiled too, she was right - Nat had been going through her drinks pretty quickly. She faked a shocked expression, placing her hand on her chest pretending to be offended.

"It's a well known fact that Russians don't get drunk, isn't that right y/n?" She said confidently, then winking at you. You couldn't help but roll your eyes, Nat wasn't the only one who remembered how drunk you were last time and this was followed by a few chuckles from the rest of the group.

"Alright, my turn then." Wanda said, she then mischievously turned to you and smiled. "Y/n truth or dare?"

"Oh god.. Truth." You said, reluctantly.

"Oh come on, surely somebody has to pick dare?" Tony protested.

"Chill out Tony, we've only just started." Bruce replied, laughing at Tony's eagerness.

"Hmm..." Wanda paused to think, before a grin spread across her face and she turned to look back up at you. "Rate the last sex you had, out of 10." You looked back at her narrowing your eyes, she knew exactly what she was doing. You smiled and shook your head at the ground.

"Nine." You said, resisting every temptation in your body to look up at Nat, it would have given the game up immediately. You knew that this would have wound her up, you just wished you could have seen her face.

"Nine, that's pretty high!" Sam said, impressed.

"Not quite a ten though is it." Wanda said, before daring to glance up at Nat, you watched as a satisfied smile grew across Wanda's face.

"Okay my turn." You said, still grinning slightly. "Sam, truth or dare?"

"I'll go dare, I'll be the brave one out of all y'all superheroes." He said smugly, sitting back in the chair.

"Good for you." You smiled mischievously. "I dare you to kiss America's ass." Most people around the table began to laugh, while the smile left Sam's face and he shook his head at you in disappointment.

"Ready when you are." Steve said smirking, standing up now shrugging his shoulders. Sam put his head in his hands, before eventually standing up.

The whole table laughed and watched on as Steve turned around and Sam landed a smooch right on his butt cheek.

"I'll get you back for that some time." Sam said smiling at you, shaking his head as he sat back down.

The game went on for a good while longer, with some interesting gossip coming to light, as well as some dumb dares. After a while everyone was starting to feel the effects of the drinks, some more than others.

You watched on at one point as Nat stood up to go and get another drink, almost falling over her own feet if it hadn't been for Sam being beside her to grab her and break the fall. You chuckled but soon realised that maybe it was about time you went to bed too.

You got up and walked over to the bar, Nat was around the other side fixing herself another drink.

"Easy tiger. I think it might be time for bed." You said, reaching over the bar and placing a hand gently on her wrist to stop her from pouring the wine into her glass. She put the bottle back down carefully and then leant forwards and gazed into your eyes.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" She whispered, followed by a wink and a glance at your lips. You rolled your eyes and leant back, even though you were out of earshot from the others she was still walking close to the line and she knew it.

"Come on, I'll take you up to your room." You sighed, watching as her eyebrows raised and a smile spread across her lips.

"I like the sound of that." She said, causing you to roll your eyes again.

Nat made for the stairs, but you walked over to the group quickly to say goodbye.

"I'm going to make sure Nat gets up to bed OK, before she gets herself in a total state." You said as the rest of the group chuckled. "And I'll probably just head off to my own bed afterwards, but it's been good fun. Thanks Tony." You nodded at him and smiled.

"Anytime. And well done today again, you nailed it!" He said fondly, you smiled at him. As you went to turn away you caught the eye of Wanda, who gave you a mischievous smirk before glancing in Nat's direction. You smiled to yourself and shook your head as you turned to help the disorientated Red head up the stairs.

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