Chapter 14 - A Nice Spot

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You woke up slowly, feeling slightly rough from the night before. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, that's when you remembered what had happened the night before.

"ты идиотка наталья! (You're an idiot Natalia!)" You mumbled to yourself, as you slowly climbed out of bed and started to get dressed for training.

It felt good, and she was obviously into it too, but I've only known her a couple of days - what was I thinking? When I see her at training I'll just explain that it was a mistake and we'll just laugh it off, I'm sure she's on the same page as me.

Once you were dressed you made your way down to the training room, y/n wasn't there yet so you started to get some equipment out. After 10 minutes there was still no sign of her, so you headed up to her room.

I bet she's still asleep again, she must be the laziest assassin I've ever met.

You knocked on her door... no answer. Standing there at her door took you back to what happened there the night before, and for a second you felt butterflies in your stomach. You pushed her door to see if it was locked, and to your surprise it swung open. You looked inside but there was no sign of y/n, immediately your mind started to wonder what she was up to. You headed down to the lounge to find Tony, Rhodey and Maria sitting at the dining table discussing a recent mission.

"Hey, have any of you guys seen y/n? She didn't show up for training this morning and she's not in her room?" You said, expressing your concern. This also concerned the three of them, who all shook their heads and began to glance at one another.

I can't believe it... we let her in as part of the team and she's run off already! Probably straight back to 'Sasha' to tell her everything - we've been played as fools...

"You don't think she would... you know?" Maria said, frowning.

"JARVIS, scan the building and the perimeter for the location of y/n. If she's left, show me what direction." Tony said quickly, realising the severity of the situation.

"Of course, just a moment." The computer replied. You took a seat next to Rhodey at this, as you all waited eagerly to hear the results.

"Don't worry, she can't have gone far" He said smiling, clearly recognising your expression.

After a few seconds JARVIS lit up again, you all turned to listen.

"Hello Mr Stark, it appears that y/n is still in the building. She has been sitting on the balcony of the 22nd floor since 6:34am. Will that be all?" Everyone sighed slightly with relief.

What is she doing out there?

"Yes, thank you JARVIS!" He replied, turning to look at the group. "Wait, actually, can you send Miss Maximoff down? Somebody should probably go and talk to her"

"Right away, Mr Stark."

Point of View: Y/N

You sat with your elbows resting on your knees, looking out over the city - truly appreciating its size. You were dressed for training, but you weren't ready to face the events of the night before yet.

She kissed me, and it felt really good - that's what scares the shit out of me. I can't go through this again, I owe it to myself to learn from last time.

With your mind drifting back to what happened a few years ago, you suddenly noticed Wanda was walking along the balcony towards you. You didn't move, just smiled softly back at her as she sat down beside you. The pair of you sat for a moment in silence.

"It's a nice spot this, everyone looks so tiny from up here" She joked, causing you to smile as you glanced down at the civilians below. "You okay? You know Nat came looking for you when you didn't show up to training this morning." She looked at you sympathetically.

I wonder how she feels about last night..

"Yeah I'm fine, just needed some space I guess." You said, still looking out at the street below.

"You like her don't you?" She said, catching you off guard. You turn to look at her confused, she smiled back at you. You sighed, there's no point lying to this girl, she could literally read your mind.

"I don't think so. But I meant what I said before, I don't do relationships or any of that anymore." You said truthfully.

"Right, yeah, because of last time. What happened last time?" Although you expected her to ask eventually, you weren't sure you were ready to talk about it. You sighed again, turning to look straight ahead of you.

"A few years ago, when I had just left HYDRA and started working for Sasha, I met a girl in a bar..." You paused before continuing. "It felt so nice, having more freedom, in between assignments we would hang out. Neither of us liked speaking about work but that was nice, to escape from it all for a bit. She was beautiful, I really felt myself starting to fall for Sk-... for her." You glanced at Wanda for a second. "Anyway, one day I leave her in bed while I complete an assignment and I come back to find my room turned over. It turns out she worked for S.H.I.E.L.D and had been using me to get information, most of my belongings were gone and my phone had been wiped. It had all been an act." A defeated expression fell on your face as you relived it. Wanda had turned to face you again, with a face full of sympathy. "When Sasha found out she sent her men to beat me for it, for days on end. Before deciding I was too good to kill - but taking away my freedom. I've spent the last few years living in an apartment I wasn't allowed to leave, unless I was leaving to... you know.. work." You looked down at your feet as you finished.

A moment passed by before you felt Wanda's warm arms pulling you into an embrace.

"So you come here, and the first thing you do is flirt with another attractive spy who works for S.H.I.E.L.D?" She said jokingly, your body loosened and you laughed at this.

"Shut up." You said, nudging her in the ribs. "I'm serious though, I might not have been in love with her but it still hurt. I can't trust somebody else with that part of me yet, not again."

"I understand. Although just because one person treats you poorly, you can't live the rest of your life assuming everyone will do the same - there are good people in this world too. Plus, didn't you kind of already tell Nat and Tony everything anyway? What could she possibly gain from spying on you now?" She said smiling.

"It's not so much that, it's just... harder to let somebody in again." Wanda had made you feel much better about the situation, but you still weren't sure how you felt. "Anyway, we should get back - everyone probably thinks I've double-crossed them" You joked.

Wanda laughed and got to her feet, dragging you up too, and then you both walked back into the tower.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now