(Part 2) Chapter 5 - All the Way

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*This chapter contains a lot of smut - if you don't like it just skip the chapter and it won't affect the story at all, just a bonus for those who do*

Point of View: Y/N

You were sat at your desk in your room the next morning, facing a small window out over the city. You had spent the last hour working away at your first mission report, which you were determined to get right. It wasn't often you saw the others writing reports, but you were still pretty new so you thought it only fair you did them yourself, instead of palming them off to an office clerk who wasn't there.

You were still typing quickly when, very quietly, you heard your bedroom door lock behind you. You knew exactly who had snuck in - there weren't many people capable of slipping your radar.

"Hey." Nat said softly, still standing by the door. You didn't turn around, despite the warm feeling you got from hearing her voice again.

"I'm a little busy just now Nat." You replied, it was lighthearted. You would love to spend time with her again but it was important to you that you got this right.

"You know you don't have to do those, right?" She said, joking, trying to convince you to turn away from the laptop. You smiled a little but remained facing at the screen, and continued typing without replying to her.

There was a short pause, before you heard Nat slowly move towards your back and then delicately placed her hands on your side. She placed her chin gently on your shoulder, and then slowly ran her fingers up your sides and under your t-shirt. This sent shivers up your body and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach, she then leant in more and held her mouth right next to your ear.

"How about now, still busy?" She said playfully, gently brushing her nose on the bottom of your ear. Determined not to cave, you remained focused on the screen but your train of thought was already lost.

"Yes, I am. I want to get this finished." You said, with a slightly unconvincing tone. Nat took this as a challenge, slowly brushing her lips on the lobe of your ear, before working her way to your jaw line.

She continued to trace her fingers over your sides, whilst slowly kissing along your neck, her breath sending more shivers down your body. She then began to press harder with each kiss, sucking your neck slightly as well as tightening her hands on your side.

She paused for a second to lift her lips away from your neck, before whispering. "And now? Still busy?"

She kissed back down onto your neck even harder now, beginning to trace one hand slightly lower - daring to run the tips of her fingers just below the band of your shorts. This caused you to close your eyes to suppress some kind of reaction, she knew exactly how to work your body.

"Y-.. mhm." You replied very quietly, unable to get words out anymore. You felt Nat smile into your neck as she knew she was getting to you.

She moved her left hand up the inside of your top and firmly gripped your right tit, while at the same time moving her right hand further down your shorts and just under the line of your underwear. This caused you to breath in sharply and you let out a very quiet yelp. She sucked harder on your neck upon hearing this, encouraged by your body language. You bit your lip gently, to stop yourself from making any more noise - the report was long forgotten.

Slowly she took her lips and hands away, placing one on the back of the computer chair and turning the chair around to the side. She stepped forwards to stand in front of you, before placing one leg over you and straddling you in the chair. She placed one hand on your side again, and she grinned at you as she used the other to slowly lower the screen of the laptop down to close it. You placed your hands gently on her hips, not trying to stop her. but you hadn't caved yet. Her green eyes pierced your own, searching for any hint of weakness. You stared back, enjoying seeing the desire in hers.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now