(Part 3) Chapter 1 - A Little Distant

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Point Of View: Y/N

"Are you sure you're alright?" Nat asked softly, you weren't looking at her but you could sense her frowning at you with concern.

"Yeah." You said, forcing a smile in her direction before continuing to put away your training gear into the wardrobe in front of you.

"It's just, you seem a little distant?" She said, arms now folded, standing beside you.

She was right, you hadn't been acting quite the same since you both got back from Russia. It had been a few weeks and at this point everybody now knew about your relationship, but there was still something on your mind.

"Honestly, I'm fine. Promise." You said calmly, smiling more convincingly this time and giving her a quick kiss.

Nat's eyes stayed on you while you continued around the room.

"You know Bruce would help you if he knew a way, it's just never been done before." She said with a slight sigh. "I know you want rid of your powers, we just have to be patient. Someone will find a way, I'm sure of it."

You sighed at this too, the two of you had already talked about this multiple times and now talking about it only frustrated you. Nat had asked Bruce as soon as you got back from Russia if it was possible to reverse the effects of what HYDRA had done to you, but he said that as far as he knew, it wasn't.

"I know, Nat. I told you I don't want to talk about it anymore." You said, a little more whiney than you intended.

There was a slight pause at this, before you felt Nat's arms softly wrap around your sides and her body against your back. She nuzzled her head into your neck and you leant your head sideways to rest it on top of hers.

"Sorry. I just wish I could help you more." She said with a tone of disappointment.

"I know, and I appreciate it." You said, before kissing her softly on the head. "Anyway, I better get going downstairs, I said I'd meet Wanda for lunch."

Nat sighed at this gently, before loosening her grip slightly, then placing her hands on your waist and turning you around to face her. She smiled as she pulled you in for a kiss, her hands gently gripping your sides.

"Enjoy. I'll see you later." She said with a smile as she pulled away. Before taking a step back and watching as you walked out of the room.

I wish I could snap out of this mood but I don't know how - I can't live like this forever.

- 10 minutes later -

You had made your way down to the kitchen but Wanda wasn't there yet, so you set about getting a few things out for the soup the pair of you were making.

"Hey there." Came a women's voice from behind you, it wasn't the familiar Sokovian accent however.

You spun around to see a tall, attractive, blonde woman smiling warmly back at you from across the breakfast bar.

"Hey... are you..." You began to say, confused, you'd never seen this woman before.

"Sorry, my name's Sharon, Sharon Carter." She said with another warm smile, holding her hand across the table for you to shake.

"Oh yeah, Steve mentioned you'd be based here for a while." You smiled back and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n."

"Oh I know who you are! I read your report from the Sasha Mission - finally somebody working here that actually writes their own mission reports..." She rolled her eyes and you smiled again. "I'm a big fan! I heard about your abilities too - pretty cool."

You paused for a moment before forcing a smile back at her.

"Not as cool as it seems, but thanks all the same." You said politely. She looked slightly taken aback by this comment, frowning slightly. There was a slight pause while you could tell she was weighing up whether to ask you what you meant or to leave it, and she chose the latter.

"What you cooking there anyway? Some pasta?" She said cheerily, changing the subject.

"Soup, actually. Wanda said she wanted to make a pot of leek and potato soup, she saw a recipe online." You explained.

"Leek and potato is my favourite, great choice!" She chuckled.

"No way, it's mine too! You're welcome to hang around for some?" You smiled softly at her.

"I appreciate that but sadly I'm late for a meeting with Fury and Steve, but if there's any leftovers I'll definitely grab some later." She said as she started to move towards the stairs.

"I'll leave a bowl out for you." You replied.

"Thanks so much, great to finally meet you! Have a good one." She said with a smile and a spin as she walked out.

As you were about to turn back to the pot of boiling water in front of you, Wanda came down the stairs. She smiled curtly at Sharon but the two didn't exchange a hello, this struck you as unusual because Wanda was always so cheery.

"Hello, sorry. I know I'm late, I couldn't get Vis to stop talking." She beamed at you as she approached. "Want me to start chopping?"

You nodded and set about looking for the seasoning and stock cubes.

"Sharon seems nice, that's the first time I've ever spoken to her." You said curiously.

Really? Sharon?

"Yeah? That's good." She smiled at you.

"You don't think so?" You said, frowning at her.

Hey, stop reading my thoughts.

"Sorry." You said calmly.

"I haven't spoken much to her since I got here, our paths don't cross often. There just seems something... off with her? I don't know, maybe it's just me." She explained, honestly.

"I didn't get that, but I guess I don't know her yet. We'll see I guess." You sighed. "Right, pass that leek and I'll give you a hand."

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now