Chapter 22 - We Need To Talk

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

As you arrived back at the tower, you and Clint agreed to take Semenov down to a cell - before you interrogated him tomorrow. Sam and Y/n headed upstairs to meet Tony and Steve for a debriefing. Still unsure how to feel about the events earlier that day, you avoided the usual glances at y/n as they walked the other way.

"Kid did well today, don't you think?" Clint said, walking beside you. The two of you following behind a group of guards escorting Semenov, who was now conscious again.

"She's not a kid, Barton." You replied. "She's only a year younger than me"

"That old, huh?" Clint said joking, you elbowed him softly and smiled. "She's no Natasha Romanoff, but if she gets to grips with these new 'abilities', it might be you getting your ass whooped in training soon."

"Well, then at least I'd finally know how you've felt all these years" You smirked at him. "You're right though, she did good today."

Really good...

Once you'd checked Semenov was secure, you headed back to your room to take a shower and change out of your body suit. You tried not to think about it, but your mind kept wandering back to earlier and how good it felt.

This was no longer some harmless flirting or a drunken mistake, everything was suddenly a bit more real. You'd always told yourself that love was for children and, although you knew you weren't in love with her, there was an undeniable attraction. You could tell she felt it too, obvious in every glance, every smile and the way she responded to your touch.

The only question was, where do you go from here?

You went for a shower, then got changed into grey cottons and a sports bra. Hair still wet, you sat back on your bed and picked up a book.

Maybe this will take my mind off her for a while.

Point of View: Y/N

Tony and Steve beamed like proud brothers as they asked you about the mission.

"Then Nat and y/n checked inside a nearby shop, I think? And Nat gave the all clear. After that we brought Semenov down and left it to the clean up team." Sam finished.

"What was in the shop?" Steve turned to you, frowning slightly out of concern.

"Nothing, I-.. Well Nat, thought that we should double check it for civilian casualties, but it was clear." You said, hoping he hadn't noticed you stumble at the start.

"Nice work." He smiled back. "Well it didn't go quite to plan but it sounds like you guys handled it well, good job. You can rest up now, sounds like you earned it!"

You and Sam both smiled at nodded at this, before getting up and leaving. It was after dinner now so you grabbed a couple of bags of snacks from the kitchen and headed to your room. You said good night to Sam, then got in and went straight for a shower.

The whole time you were in the shower you couldn't stop thinking about earlier, the emotions coming back to you from time to time. Having some time to think about it helped and, once you dried your hair, you stuck on some comfy clothes and chucked your hair up. You decided it was time you and Nat had a chat.

You left your room, grabbing the snacks as you left, walked down the hall and knocked gently on Nat's door.

"Come in y/n." Nat's voice said, with a slight arrogance at the fact she knew it was you. You opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed reading, she glanced up at you then back to her book.

"How did you know it was me?" You asked, closing the door carefully behind you.

"Because nobody usually bothers me when I'm in my room." Her lips pursed to the side, turning into a small grin as she looked up at you.

"Well, I come with snacks, since I doubt you've eaten yet." You raised your eyebrow to her, in response she smiled and shook her head. You started to walk over to her bed, taking a seat on the end of it and chucking a bag in her direction.

"I know you hate it, but we need to talk about earlier." You said, looking at Nat. She seemed surprised by how upfront you were, glancing up at you, and then closing her book and looking down at the bed.

"Okay. What do you want to say?" She said calmly, her green eyes looking back up at you, making you feel nervous.

"Well, I've been thinking about it, a lot. I did feel something that night of the party, and I felt it again today. I'm not saying I want to be in a relationship, but I'd be lying if I said I don't want to do it again." Your heart was racing, you were relieved to finally get it off your chest but you couldn't help but worry that this conversation would change things. "Maybe you don't feel the same and that's fine, but I just can't keep pretending I'm cool when all I want to do is kiss you again."

Nat didn't respond right away, just looked at you. A small grin grew on her face as you spoke, one eyebrow raised slightly.

"So do it." She said, calmly. She paused, then moved down the bed slowly and carefully, until she was sitting right next to you and put her hand on your leg. She grinned at you, looking in your eyes and then down at your lips again.

You placed your hand on the inside of her leg, smiled and leant in, pressing your lips against hers. You could feel her smile against your lips, placing her other hand on the back of your neck. You fell deeper and deeper with each kiss, your breathing growing quicker and your heart beating faster.

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