Chapter 2 - Target is Down

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The coordinates took you to an apartment building on the outskirts of Moscow. You parked the car and opened up the mission brief:
Mission Brief:
- Leonard Kichkoff (64)
- Retired Hydra Leader
- Suspect is likely to be armed and in company in apartment.
- Mission Objective is to kill target, any associates and acquire his black journal (stored in bedroom) which contains classified information to Hydra contacts and resources.

Who the hell is Sasha selling this information on to? First they want missiles and now they want to know about old Hydra resources, something bigger is going on and I want no part in it when it comes to the surface.

Your phone lights up as you go to put it away, it's another text from Sasha.

"If all goes well, you can have the day off tomorrow - my treat for my special little assassin. Enjoy! Xx" You scoff and roll your eyes then put the phone away.

"сука (bitch)" You grumbled to yourself as you climbed out of the car.

It was quiet and dark, nobody else was in the parking lot. The car park was surrounded by tall buildings, all blocks of flats and all grey concrete. You walked carefully around to the boot continuing to glance around, constantly assessing your surroundings. You quickly reload your gun, stick a couple more stun grenades on your belt and stick a jacket over your usual black body suit. You closed the boot quietly and began to walk towards the apartment building. You spotted only one camera on the outside of the building, you turn the other way as you reach it so it doesn't see your face. You reached for the handle of the door to go inside, but when you grabbed it it didn't budge.

Damn it, locked.

After glancing around you noticed each of the apartments had their own balcony. You looked around again and still there was nobody to be seen. It wasn't well lit outside and even though lights were on in other apartments, most of the curtains/blinds were closed, so you began to make your way carefully up a nearby drain pipe and onto the first floor balcony. Kichkoff's apartment was on the third floor so after another minute of precise footing, you reached his balcony. His curtains were closed so you walked silently along the balcony to the end where there was a slight gap.

Right, two targets, both sitting. One in the living room, one on a stool by the kitchen - both watching the tv. Both of them have their backs to me, this should be simple enough.

You cautiously pulled out your silencer and slowly screwed it to the end of your pistol. After this you placed your hand softly on the sliding glass doors and very slowly began to slide it open. Once the gap was big enough you bent your knees, brought your pistol up to eye level and pointed it towards the middle of the two closed curtains.

One, two, THREE!

On three, you burst through the curtain and shot at the head of the closest man sitting in the living room. He fell to the floor with a gentle flop.

"кто ты?! (Who are you?!)" The other man shouted as he got up from his chair and began to pull a weapon from his waist.

You swung the gun around to him and fired another shot before he could draw the gun. He, too, sunk to the floor. Just as you were about to put your gun away you heard voices coming from another room.

"Леонард, ты в порядке? (Leonard, are you OK?)" A Russian man said sternly.


You quickly ducked behind the sofa in front of the sliding doors, listening carefully. There was a pause as he waited for a response.

"оставайся здесь, я пойду и посмотрю.. (stay here, I will go and look..)" The man whispered to somebody else.

At least I know one of those two were Kichkoff, but how many of them are back there?

You took a deep breath as you heard the man's footsteps grow closer to the living room, you started to stand up slowly, and you were just about to stick your gun over the top of the sofa and pull the trigger, when suddenly the front door to the apartment swung open.

Shit shit shit.

You quickly crouched back down behind the sofa and hid, with your back towards the front door.

"опустите оружие, и никто не пострадает! (Put the gun down and nobody will get hurt!)" A woman shouted.

Did she see me? Or is she talking to the other man..

You heard the noise of the man groan, and place his gun on the floor slowly. More footsteps followed this as it sounded like multiple people entering the apartment now.

"Steve? I'm in, target is down. One suspect armed but complying." The woman said, now in English but with an American accent. Her tone was assertive and serious, but with a hint of disappointment.

"Take this one away, and check the back for more." She said, followed by the sound of 3 or 4 sets of footsteps walking through to the back of the apartment.

"I don't get it either. I thought this guy was meant to be Kichkoff's buddy, why would he shoot him? Something doesn't add..-"

Right before she could finish her sentence, the magazine in your gun shifted, causing a soft clicking noise. This prompted her to stop what she was saying and a silence fell on the room.

Well, shit.

"кто там? (Who's there?)" She said, suddenly aware of another person in the room.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for Kichkoff." You reply, your back still against the back of the sofa. It was only the two of you in the room now, the other footsteps in the back. You could see her very vaguely in the reflection of the glass doors in front of you now. She had red hair and showed no sign of putting the gun away, pointing it towards the sofa you were sat behind.

"Well it seems you got what you came for." She replied, slowly taking a step towards the sofa. "As I said, put the gun away and nobody needs to get hurt."

"It's a bit late for that." As you said this you stood up quickly and pointed your gun at the woman, who was already pointing one at you.

She was attractive, tall and slim with straight red hair. Her face was focussed and determined, with a set of emerald green eyes latched onto your own.

She's pretty, I'll give her that. But she better get out of the way.

You both froze, staring directly at one another. Both of you ready to pull the trigger at any second, yet both hesitating. After a couple of seconds the woman took another step towards you so you took a step back, towards the balcony doors.

"We came here to lock Kichkoff up, not you, so don't do anything stupid. Put the gun down." She said calmly, but starting to grow impatient, her green eyes still locked onto yours. There was a slight assertiveness to her tone, she wasn't backing down.

You took another step towards the balcony, ready to run any second. As you do, the other footsteps came back through, suddenly noticing you they raised their guns up. They were dressed all in black, each one armed and aiming at you.

"Well this has been nice, but I'm afraid I-..."
You begin to say, but don't get the chance to finish your sentence before you hear a bang, and suddenly everything goes black.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now