(Part 2) Chapter 7 - Time To Start Talking

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Point of View: Y/N

"Okay, time to start talking." Wanda said, as she sat down on the end of her bed beside you with her lunch in one hand. "Who's the love bite from?"

You didn't know what to say or where to start. Leaning forwards on the edge of the bed, you took a mouthful of your lunch before answering the question. There was no point in trying to lie your way out of this, you decided to come clean.

"You can't tell anybody about any of this, I mean it?" You looked at her, her eyes filled with excitement but also understanding.

"You have my word."

"Nat and I have been kind of, well I'm not really sure what to call it.." Wanda let out a small yelp of excitement and put her hand over her mouth. "But it's not serious and I'm pretty sure it's over now anyway." You said, hanging your head slightly as you finished. Wanda's excited expression faded as she noticed your change of tone.

"How long?"

"A few weeks."

"Have you slept together?"


"That's a yes then." She chuckled, you shook your head slowly allowing a small smile to creep across your face. Wanda glanced at you, and paused slightly before continuing. "Okay, so what happened?"

Your smile faded, and you put down your bowl before letting out a gentle sigh.

"We were just talking earlier about our past in the Red Room, and all of a sudd-..."

"Wait, sorry, Nat was telling you about her past or you were telling her?" Wanda interrupted.

"We both were, why?" You asked, confused.

"No, nothing. It's just she never talks about her life before SHIELD, to anyone really. Anyway, all of a sudden...?" She replied. You paused, this information surprised you slightly and you felt a twinge of guilt - maybe that conversation hadn't just been hard for you.

"All of a sudden she started asking me about Hydra." You looked up at Wanda, expecting to see a confused expression but instead you were met with eyes full of understanding and respect. "I told her I didn't want to talk about it, but she kept pushing and I... I said some things I wish I hadn't." You said, looking back down at the floor.

There was a moment of comfortable silence as Wanda collected her thoughts, before you felt her reach out and place her hand on your arm gently.

"It took me a lot of time before I could talk about it, I still don't like it when Vis asks." She said softly.

"But it's not the same as you, or Bucky." You replied.

"What do you mean?"

"You only worked for them because Tony's weapons killed your family. Bucky did it because he was under mind control. I just did it because I was too scared not to." You said, you could feel tears in your eyes starting to form. "Hundreds of lives ruined, because I was too much of a coward to try and fight it."

"Don't do that." She said sternly. "You were brought up knowing nothing else. What good would fighting them have done? You would have ended up dead, you did what you had to do to survive y/n."

"But at what cost." A tear fell down your face as you turned to look at her. "Saving my life by taking so many? How was I stupid enough to believe that was the only option."

Wanda paused again, squeezing your arm gently.

"I'm glad you did." You looked up at her, surprised by this response. "Look at who you are now, look at both of us. You think you're weak because of what you had to do to survive, but what about the fact that despite everything you've been through, you're still strong enough to be here making up for it. That counts for something y/n."

You paused for a moment, wiped the tear from your cheek, then sighed.

"I guess. It's just once you see the other side, you realise how messed up it all was." You looked up at her as you finished. She nodded slowly back at you, squeezing your arm again before removing it.

"That's true." She said, then paused before continuing. "Anyway, if you want my opinion on you and Nat, I would say that it doesn't sound as casual as you're making out." Her mouth curved slightly into a smile.

"What do you mean?" You frowned.

"Well we've been good friends for almost 2 months now, and I've known Nat for a few years - and I've never heard either of you talk about your past until now. So maybe the two of you are closer than you think." She looked at you cautiously, unsure about how you felt about that. "Have you considered giving it a proper shot?"

You knew exactly what she meant, you had thought about it but you didn't know how you felt. You paused and glanced at the floor again, scratching the back of your neck before replying to her.

"Honestly, I don't know. Maybe, but I think I might have already screwed it up - she seemed pretty mad."

"There's no harm in trying."

"You're right, I'll speak to her later on." You smiled at Wanda warmly. You were glad to have her, from the minute you'd arrived she'd done nothing but made you feel welcome. "But before I go anywhere, you have to help me cover this up with make up." You said, gesturing towards the love bite on your neck.

Wanda failed miserably at holding in a laugh again, before getting up to grab a bag of make up from her bedside table.

The two of you sat for a bit longer and laughed and chatted, you felt much lighter after you'd spoken about it to Wanda. You had never intended to talk about your past to anyone, it was almost like it just fell out of your mouth with ease. Things in your head were clearer and you felt stupid for how you had responded earlier to Nat. You were so used to keeping people out that you didn't know how to let people in. But now that you'd been open with Wanda, you knew you could do the same for Nat - you wanted to make things right.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now