Chapter 3 - Where Am I?

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Am I dead? No, if I'm dead how can I hear my own thoughts? And I definitely wouldn't be able to feel this fucking pain in my shoulder... Why didn't I just pull the trigger, why the hell did I hesitate? Idiot!

You started to wake up slowly. You opened your eyes slightly but it was so bright, you frowned and closed them again with a soft groan. You went to raise your left arm up to block the light from your eyes, but winced as you felt a piercing pain in your shoulder again.

"You really hit the spot with that one Nat, that's a sore one." A man's voice said from in front of you, sounding amused.

"Oh hardly, it's only an Ice Bullet - they're meant to be harmless." A woman's voice, the redhead from before?

What the hell is an Ice Bullet?

"Well looks like she's waking up now anyway, I'll go and tell Tony." The man said.

"Thanks Banner." The woman replied.

After you heard the man's footsteps begin to walk out the room, you attempted to open your eyes again, adjusting to the bright, white lights. You were on what seemed to be a hospital bed, right hand cuffed to the railing.

"ты говоришь по русски и по английски, я впечатлен. (You speak Russian as well as English, I'm impressed.)" Said the woman, casually. You turned to your right to see the same red haired woman from before, smirking at you from a chair in the corner. She didn't give much away, green eyes trying to read you.

"Where am I?" You asked. She smiled, then stood up slowly.

"We'll explain shortly, but as soon as Banner says you're fit, you'll be answering a few questions for us, first." She replied confidently, the smile now gone from her face.

"Не думаю (I don't think so)" You said, rolling your eyes, and looking back away from the woman. At this, she said something quietly to the doctor in the room and walked out.

You shortly fell back asleep and woke up again a few hours later. When you woke back up, the doctor and this "Banner" did a few more tests on you, before telling you to get up slowly and a couple of armed guards come into the room.

"Come with us please ma'am." One of them said calmly.

Reluctantly you stood up and began to follow them, hands now cuffed together in front of you. You had no choice but to go with them, considering you had no idea where you were. As you walk along a corridor with glass windows, you looked out and realised you could see only the tops of buildings. The clouds outside were grey, a light rain falling from the sky. Each building was illuminated with hundreds of tiny bright lights, and you could see the lights on planes up above.

America? You have got to be kidding me...

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now