(Part 3) Chapter 2 - Who Asked You?

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

"I take it she wasn't there again today?" You said with a sigh. You looked up at Wanda who just shook her head, glancing at the ground.

"I told her not to." She said softly, looking back up at you. "She hates it and I can't force her to use them, it's not fair on her. I told her no more telekinesis sessions, unless she changes her mind."

"That's understandable Wands." You smiled at her, taking another sip of your coffee.

You were sat in Wanda's room on a chair by her desk, as the two of you had another coffee together. Wanda was sitting on the end of her bed, her coffee resting on her lap.

"You know I overheard Y/n and Sharon's first interaction." She said, the corner of her mouth curving into a grin.

"Let me guess, Sharon was cold and Y/n was socially awkward?" You chuckled at the thought.

"Surprisingly no! Quite the opposite." Wanda laughed. "They seemed to get on like a house on fire, I've never seen Sharon smile so much."

"Wow, that is a surprise." You raised your eyebrows. "Maybe it's just you and me she doesn't like."

"You could be right." She chuckled, taking another sip. "How are you and y/n finding things anyway, now that people know?"

You paused for a moment, unsure how to answer. Truthfully, things hadn't been as plain-sailing as you thought they'd be, but you knew a big part of that was Y/n's disappointment. The two of you were still close, you just knew she needed some space right now.

"Yeah, OK I think. It's nice to not have to hide anymore." You said calmly.

"This 'getting rid of her powers' thing is getting in the way isn't it?" Wanda said, raising an eyebrow.

"Wanda! I told you not to read my mind." You said, jokingly betrayed.

"I didn't." She smiled. "But it's obvious somethings not quite right and I thought it might be that."

"I don't know how else to help, if anybody knew a way it would be Bruce and he's still looking into it but the chances are slim." You replied.

Wanda nodded thoughtfully, and there was a short but comfortable break in conversation as you each took a sip of coffee.

"She's worried Tony and Nick will think less of her without them though, as if it could affect her chances to work here anymore." You said, Wanda frowning slightly. "And when you think about it, all of the millions of people on this earth who would quite literally kill to have abilities like that, when she wants rid of them because it 'doesn't feel right', it just makes you love her more. It makes me more convinced than anything else that she should be working here, because she's not driven by greed or power, just purely wanting to do the right thing."

You paused to cringe slightly at yourself, but when you looked up at Wanda you saw her forcefully suppressing a smile.

"Did you just say... 'it makes you lo-" She said, holding back a giggle, before you cut her off.

"No no no n-" You began, almost begging.

"LOVE her more!?" Wanda exclaimed loudly.


"Wanda no I didn't mean it like that." A small smile creeping over your face.

"Sure you didn't." Wanda said, smiling mischievously at you. "Don't worry, it's not my business to tell y/n, I'm just really happy for you guys, you both deserve each other."

You smiled and shook your head. "Thanks Wanda, that's kind of you to say."

"Right, are you finished with your cup? I better go meet Vis." Wanda said, standing up.

"Yeah, thanks. I'd better go and change before heading to the training room anyway." You said standing up and walking towards the door. "Catch you later Wands."

"See you!" She replied cheerily, headed towards the sink in her room to wash up.

You closed the door to Wanda's room behind you and started walking down the corridor. You smiled at yourself, thinking of Wanda teasing you about your comment, and you decided to pop in to Y/n's room to see her before training.

When you got to the door you heard voices on the other side, so you knocked but opened the door straight away anyway, still smiling.

"Nat, hey!" Y/n said, smiling back at you.

Your smiled dropped slightly as you scanned the room and realised it was Sharon Carter who was sitting next to her at the desk.

"Oh hey guys. Sorry I didn't realise you were busy Y/n, I'll catch you later." You smiled forcefully at Sharon who, as usual, smiled back her own very forced smile.

"Sharon's just walking me through the new mission report system SHIELD are using, welcome to stay if you want to hear it too?" Y/n said, glancing at Sharon then back at you.

"I don't think Agent Romanoff does many mission reports anymore, Y/n" Sharon said, painfully cheerily.

Who asked you?

"Agent Romanoff can speak for herself thanks, however she did say she'd meet Clint for training in 10 minutes so she can't." You said sarcastically, glaring at Sharon before smiling back at Y/n. "I'll catch you before dinner though?" You said smiling at Y/n.

"Sure, sounds good." Y/n said calmly, although looking a little disappointed.

You smiled then turned and left, closing the door gently behind you. It might have seemed harsh to snap back at Sharon like that, but there was no need for her comment either.

If Y/n keeps hanging out with her I'm going to need to find a way to be more civil, there's just something about her I don't trust.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now