(Part 2) Chapter 20 - Just Get In

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Point of View: Y/N

It had been a few days since the meeting, and everyone seemed busy preparing for their own missions. Much to your delight, you and Nat had been selected to follow a few leads in Russia - knowing the language and the country so well. The pair of you were to leave with Rhodey and a few SHIELD agents tomorrow morning to begin.

Currently, you were sat in the kitchen with Sam, while Bucky was making dinner.

"We won't have to share a room Sam." Bucky said, growing in frustration.

"Good." Sam replied, bluntly.

"I hate to break it to you both, but I think you might." You added, amused at how uncomfortable the thought of this made them both. "Remind me why you guys don't like each other?"

"Becaus-..."  Bucky went to say, turning around.
"I don't li-..." Sam began to say at the same time.

You just laughed at this, while Bucky rolled his eyes and sighed.

"And that's exactly the attitude that's going to get us killed in Monaco." Sam said.

"Au moins je peux parler la langue (At least I can speak the language)." Bucky said under his breath.

"Oh shut up man." Sam stood up at this and walked out of the room.

"You know, you two really need to start being nicer to each other." You said, smiling slightly to Bucky now it was just the two of you.

"He just makes it so hard." Bucky shrugged, before sitting down opposite you at the table with his bowl of pasta. "You want to watch a movie tonight?"

"Sure." You said thoughtfully, before looking down at the table and letting out a sigh. "Look, Bucky, I've been meaning to talk to you about the other day."

You glanced up at him to see him chewing and nodding in your direction.

"Maybe I've got it all wrong, but it kind of ended up feeling more like a date." You said, you looked at him to see his reaction, to your surprise he just smiled.

"Oh no, it was." He said confidently, which took you by surprise again. "Well, until your girlfriend walked in anyway."

You instantly blushed slightly and sat up in your chair.

"No she's not... like me and Nat aren't dating." You said, unable to hide that you were flustered by this.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He said calmly, a small grin on his face.

"There's nothing to tell, she's not my girlfriend." You said, regaining some composure.

"I heard you at the firing range, you're not half as discreet as the pair of you think you are."

"Dammit." You conceded with a sigh.

"How long's that been going on?" He smiled at you. You paused to begin with, hesitant to discuss this but soon realising there was no point in trying to run away from it.

"About a month or so, I'm not actually sure." You sighed, letting a small smile creep over your lips. "But you really can't tell anybody Bucky. We haven't told anyone else yet, it's just you, Wanda and Vision that know and we'd like to keep it that way for now."

He smiled, appreciating your honesty and nodded slowly back at you, before taking another huge fork load of food and chewing down on it. You sat with him for a little while longer, before heading up to Nat's room.

- The next morning -

You woke up softly, your arms still draped around Nat in the bed next to you. She was still sleeping so you got up very carefully and made your way to the toilet.

Today was the day you both left for Russia, your bags were both packed last night and you just had to grab the last few bits this morning. You threw your hair up quickly and washed your face before heading back into the bedroom, where Nat was now lying awake.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" You said quietly as you walked over to the bed.

Nat didn't respond to this, still lying with her eyes half closed. She frowned and then lifted up the covers next to her, signalling she wanted you to get back into bed.

"If I lie down I'll never get back up again." You said, amused at her tired face.

"Just get in." She mumbled, her eyes closed and still frowning. You laughed at her softly, before shaking your head and carefully climbing back under the covers beside her.

As soon as you were in she wrapped herself around you and gave you a kiss. She pulled away slowly, opening her eyes again to look at you now, only inches away.

"You look cute when you're tired." You said quietly, smiling at her and then glancing down at her lips.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, before kissing you softly again. Tracing her hand down your side and onto your thigh, she pulled you in closer and deepened the kiss.

"Nat." You said smiling, pulling away from her. "C'mon we should get up."

"We have plenty of time." She said, a mischievous look on her face. "Let's just stay in bed a bit longer."

"We can't, we still have to-..." You began to say, but mid way through your sentence Nat began to kiss her way down your neck. You let out a small gasp and gripped her back firmly, she smiled at this.

"Still have to what?" She teased, playfully holding her lips just away from yours.

"Nothing." You said, pulling her body in closer to yours. "I said nothing."

Nat smiled at this, then pressed her lips firmly on to yours and began to kiss you again. Both of you pulled each other's body in tightly, your breathing growing faster. She then traced her hand up your thigh until her fingers ran underneath your underwear. You let out a small groan into her lips as she did so, letting her know she'd won this one.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now