(Part 2) Chapter 3 - You're No Avenger

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Point of View: Y/N

You froze on the spot, before standing up straight and turning to face the person that voice belonged to.

She was older than you thought she'd be, roughy in her 40s, with dark black hair sitting just above her shoulders. She wore a grey business suit, with heels to match, and held a phone in her hands which were in a basket in front of her. She waited for you to respond, with a confident smile across her face.

"Sasha." You said, nodding in her direction. You began to walk towards her slowly, your weapon now lowered.

"I wouldn't if I were you my dear." She said, still smiling. As she did, two of the men stepped in front of her pointing their guns at your head. "I thought I might get a visit from you soon, I hear you've been awfully busy working for S.H.I.E.L.D."

"It's not what you think, let me explain." You said calmly.

"You ran off to New York, thought you'd-..." She started to say amused, but you interrupted her.

"They took me." You said frustrated. She stopped, and frowned slightly at you, letting you continue. "I took out Kichkoff, like you asked, and then S.H.I.E.L.D showed up, knocked me out and flew me half way across the world. I had no way to contact you."

"I'm sorry." She smiled and put her hand to her mouth, before laughing. "But do you expect me to believe that? I know you've never taken to me y/n but, surely even you know I'm not that stupid."

"It's the truth and I'll prove it to you." You sighed, pleading with her. "I'm no Avenger, look at me. You have a leak in your camp, I told them I would investigate and bring you in. I'm here to get you out before they come, and I need you to take me with you.. I want to go home." You said softly, looking down at the ground and relaxing your shoulders.

There was a pause. She looked deep in thought, but still not buying your story.

"It all sounds very nice dear, but your friend hiding by the door makes it less convincing." She smiled at you, before looking over at Agent Patterson. "Why don't you join us?" Before Patterson had the chance, two men grabbed him from behind and dragged him towards the middle of the room, throwing him down onto his knees. He looked up at you, no longer full of trust in you, now unsure as to what side you were on.

You turned your body sideways, so Sasha was now to your right, Patterson to your left. You laughed in his direction, before turning back to look at her.

"You want proof? Here's your proof." You said smiling, looking her dead in the eyes. With your left hand you raised your gun towards Patterson's chest and pulled the trigger. There was a moment of silence in the room, the only sound was of his body hitting the floor.

Her expression was surprised, only slightly. She looked at you curiously, one eyebrow raised just a little.

"Did you just...?!" You heard Maria say in shock over comms.

"And before we continue, it's time to take out the rat, too." You continued.

"Y/n, what do you think you're doing?!" Maria said furiously.

You glanced to your right where you had spotted the undercover Agent Fisher was based by a window, watching the whole thing. You raised your gun again, this time in his direction, and pulled the trigger. He, too, sunk to the floor with a flop. This caused Sasha to smile slightly.

"That's it, I'm calling it. All agents on the East Entrance. Agent Y/l/n is compromised, engage if necessary but do not kill." Steve's voice came through the comms, you could hear the anger and betrayal in his voice.

"You're right... you're no Avenger." Sasha said calmly again. "I underestimated you."

"We need to go, now. S.H.I.E.L.D have followed me here, and they'll be on the building any second." You say urgently, looking up at her.

"They have us surrounded?" She said, sounding slightly concerned. You had never heard this tone from her before, she was always so arrogant and collected.

"Not yet, they're coming from the West. We need to go East, ditch the guns - they'll have electronic trackers on each of them." You say, throwing your own one to the floor as an example. Sasha looked skeptical at first, but her desperation to survive took over and she nodded to her men who dropped their guns and began to make for the exit.

"Hold fire. Wait for my command, enemies about to exit via East exit, unarmed. Surround them as soon as they're out." Steve's voice sounded considerably more relaxed now, finally they all understood what you were doing.

Sasha walked beside you carefully towards the exit, her men going before the pair of you.

"Once we are out of here, there is a handsome reward for you - my little assassin." She said, one hand on your shoulder which made your body cringe. You didn't let it show, just forced a smile back at her.

"It better be worth it. I've had to put up fighting with the Black Widow for almost two months now, I forgot what it's like to be challenged." You say, knowing fine well that the woman in question was listening in. Sasha sniggered at this comment, before turning towards the door.

"я убью тебя (I'm going to kill you)." Came Natasha's response on comms.

Right on cue, Sasha's men swung the metal door open and were met with over 20 S.H.I.E.L.D agents pointing their guns at them. Immediately Sasha turned to you in rage and betrayal, you couldn't help but smile back at her, before wrapping your knuckle across her face.

That is for everything. Every minute of being trapped by fear and terror, in a life of lies and betrayal.

Sasha fell to the floor, unconscious, and in the moments that followed you watched on as each member of her team was arrested and loaded onto the zephyr to go back to New York. Two men brought out a stretcher and placed her body on it, before taking her to the jet too.

As you stood with your arms crossed watching this unfold, Steve came to join you, looking slightly sheepish.

"I owe you an apology." He looked at you sincerely. "I guess it was so convincing that even I fell for it, but I should have had more faith in you. I'm sorry." He shook his head slightly, looking down at the ground.

"It's okay. I would have done the same thing, you had no reason to trust me until now. Hopefully this changes things." You said, unfolding your arms and extending one towards him. He smiled, nodded and shook your hand firmly.

"Welcome to the team, properly." He said, smiling at you.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now