(Part 3) Chapter 8 - To Us

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Point of View: Y/N

"Hey boys." You said with a smile, Bucky and Sam both turned around to look at you.

"Y/n! You're alive then, huh?" Sam said with a smile, sitting on the sofa looking up at you.

"No shit, dumbass." Bucky said rolling his eyes as he walked over to join Sam. You watched Sam stick his foot out as Bucky walked past him and stumbled towards the sofa. He shot Sam an aggrevated look, before shaking his head and collapsing into the pillows.

"Don't let dumb and dumber here fool you, it's great to have you back." Said Steve, who had been standing in the kitchen. You looked at him and he returned it with a warm smile.

"I wasn't gone that long was I?" You said, slightly confused at this comment.

"No, but a couple of days has a way of feeling like a week when we all see each other all the damn time." Said Bucky, nodding slightly towards Sam.

"You're not wrong Buck." Said Sam.

"It's Bucky, not Buck." Grunted Bucky back at him.

"Wanda was looking for you earlier Y/n, did she catch you?" Said Steve, finally ending the bickering.

"No, she didn't! I'll nip up to her room just now - thanks Steve." You smiled at him before turning to Bucky and Sam. "You two behave now."

They both looked slightly embarrassed and rolled their eyes at you.

You walked out the room and up the stairs towards Wanda's room, but only got as far as the corridor before a big bundle of energy launched herself from behind you into the tightest hug you'd ever received.

"I've been looking all over for you!" Squealed Wanda.

"Sorry Wands, I've been busy making huge lapses of judgement." You said with a smile of humility.

"Oh enough of that nonsense, Nat gave me a run down of what happened and it wasn't your fault." She spun you around but kept a hand holding one of yours and squeezed it gently. "Although I hear you are no longer my telekine-SIS?"

You laughed out loud at this, and then rolled your eyes. Wanda looked immensely proud of this pun, you wondered how long she'd been thinking of that one.

"Wow Wanda... just wow." You shook your head. "Sadly not, they did offer to give me back the vile with this serum inside of it but Nat and I are going to destroy it together in a bit. Feels like the right thing to do."

"Not many people would do that, but I agree, I think that's the right thing to do." She beamed at you. "I still remember the first few days when you arrived here you know, I can't believe everything that's happened since."

"Tell me about it."

"When Tony first said about this Russian spy who was ex-HYDRA joining us after being here about 5 minutes I could have slapped him silly. But it really seems it's payed off." She smiled.

"I was surprised too, to be honest." You nodded. "But in reality, I don't know what my life would look like right now if you guys hadn't taken a (bit of a wild) leap of faith on me. I'll never be able to repay you all for that."

Wanda looked as though she may tear up, so she grabbed both your shoulders and gave them a squeeze.

"I'm so glad you're here, Y/n." She said calmly. "Right, I have to go but all the best for later."

You smiled at her and watched as she turned and walked away down the corridor. You went to find Nat, it was time to finish this thing.

It was a lovely, warm evening outside as you and Nat walked out past the pond of the compound and onto the hill.

You sat down, turning to look over the compound and Nat sat beside you, linking her arm with yours.

"You got it?" She said calmly.

You didn't reply, just pulled the vile out of your pocket. You paused for a moment to look at it, appreciating the significance of this.

"You know, this feels kind of like the last piece of my old life that exists. Like once I break this, everything from before I came here is over and I can be a completely different person." You said thoughtfully.

"You already are a completely different person, but I like that." She said, squeezing your arm.

You put the vile on the ground by your feet and without hesitation you stomped your foot onto it, releasing the contents into the grass and disappearing.

"Feel any different?" Nat asked.

"Not really." Both of you laughed out loud at this. "That's it though, no going back. You're stuck with me."

Nat chuckled and then rested her head on your shoulder as the pair of you watched the sun setting over the compound below you.

"So long as you promise me it's forever, then I'm ok with being stuck with you." She said.

"Watch it Romanoff, that almost sounded like a proposal." You joked.

"You and me both know a proposal isn't really my style." She said. "But one day I will make you my wife."

You smiled at her, squeezing her arm and pulling her closer.

"That was the most romantic thing you've ever said." You teased.

"To you, anyway..." She joked back.

"Woah, ouch." You pretended to be offended. "Touché."

"I'm glad I shot you." Nat said calmly.

"Excuse me?!" You said confused.

"The first day we met, with that ICE bullet." She explained. "I never thought we'd be here don't get me wrong, but I'm glad it lead to this in the end. To us."

You smiled, paused for a moment, and then rested your head on top of hers too.

"To us."

The End.

Author Note:
Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end, it baffles me that anybody would be interested in what I've written - never mind thousands of people! All of the comments, votes on chapters etc are all greatly appreciated. I started this book a long time ago and for a long time I didn't think I would ever come back to finish it but I'm glad I did, it felt good to round up the story. If you're somebody that enjoys reading these stories but you're too scared to write your own, this is your sign to go for it! I did and many people seem to have enjoyed it, and I'm really glad I went for it.

Whatever you're doing in life I wish you the very best, to us!

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now