(Part 2) Chapter 13 - Had It Covered

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Point of View: Y/N

The two of you lay on the bed for a while, tangled up in each other's arms and enjoying the company of one another again. You lay facing each other, Nat with her hand on your thigh and you with your hand gently gripping the zip on the front of her body suit.

"You know, Tony showed us the CCTV from inside the bunker." You said smirking. "That was pretty hot."

Nat raised an eyebrow at this, before grinning back at you and laughing softly.

"I didn't realise that seeing people in life threatening situations was such a turn on for you." She teased, smugly. You rolled your eyes and laughed at this comment.

"Oh, shut up. It was never life threatening, I knew you had it covered." You replied, before raising one eyebrow and a grin spreading across your face. "Speaking of having things covered..." You said playfully, whilst slowly pulling at the zip on her body suit.

Nat grinned and shook her head at the cheesy joke, but squeezed your leg a little tighter all the same, making no effort to stop you. You leant in and began to kiss her again, still slowly pulling down the zip, while she moved her hand up to your lower back and pulled you in closer.

"Y/n are you in there?!" Suddenly a knock at the door interrupted you, followed by Wanda's voice. You both pulled back from each other quickly, Nat sat up zipping herself back up and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, come in." You said, a slight undertone of disappointment in your voice.

Wanda opened the door carefully and a huge grin spread over her face the minute she spotted Nat next to you on the bed. She looked at you with excited eyes and you couldn't help but smile and shake your head.

"Wanda, what is it?" You laughed, Nat smiled at how excited Wanda looked.

"Am I interrupting something? I feel like I'm interrupting something... I can go?" Wanda said jokingly, glancing between the two of you with a mischievous smile.

"Not at all. Y/n was just finished telling me that she finds it really attractive watching people fight for their lives on a mission." Nat said smugly, glancing at Wanda and then both of them turning to grin at you. You instantly went slightly red and smiled, before shaking your head at Wanda.

"That's not what I-..." You tried to defend yourself, before sighing and deciding there was no point. "Okay that is what I said, but I'd like to clarify that that doesn't apply in every situation!" Wanda and Nat just laughed at your response.

"Well then, I guess I better not kick too much ass or maybe you'll get a little crush on me too!" Wanda teased, glancing at Nat as the two of them laughed.

"Yeah yeah, very funny!" You laughed, shaking your head at the pair of them. "Did you come here for something Wanda, or just to team up with Nat and take the mick out of me?" You smiled up at her, an eyebrow raised.

"I did, however taking the mick has been an added bonus - we should do this more often." She smiled and winked at Nat. "No, I came here because Tony's just 'announced' that he wants to have another party tonight since Munich and the interview this morning went so well. He said it's nothing too fancy, just a few beers downstairs after dinner."

"Sounds good." Nat smiled, she glanced at you then back at Wanda. "We'll be there."

"Awesome, he'll be delighted. Anyway I'll let you two get back to... whatever it was you were doing!" She said with a wink in your direction this time.

"Actually, I need to grab a shower anyway." Nat said, standing up to follow Wanda out of the door. "Catch you later Y/n." She smiled at you, before following Wanda down the corridor and continuing to chat about the evening ahead.

It was nice to spend time with both Nat and Wanda together, something you didn't do often, and even better that you didn't have to hide anything. It made you wonder whether it was worth sharing with more than just Wanda.

Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You chatted with Wanda briefly until you came to your door, then said goodbye and headed inside for a shower. Once you were out you put some music on and tidied up, unpacking your things from the trip. After a while you got changed into some jeans and a loose t-shirt, and made your way downstairs for some food.

As you entered the room you saw that everybody had already started eating, and were chatting amongst themselves. The only free seat was right at the end of the table beside vision, opposite Y/n and Wanda. You smiled at them as you sat down, grabbing a bottle of wine from the table and filling up your glass.

"Thanks for waiting on me." You said sarcastically, smiling at y/n and Wanda as you loaded some food to your plate.

"No problem." Y/n said smirking, winking at you before taking a sip of her beer.

Being at the end of the table together meant there were less eyes and ears on you, you felt more at ease. You and y/n exchanged the odd glance and smirk during the conversation between the 4 of you, even placing your hand on her leg under the table from time to time. It wasn't exactly a double date, but you felt closer to y/n and it was nice to not have to work so hard concealing things.

Having joined the dinner late, you were a couple of drinks behind everyone else so you drank quickly in order to catch up with the others.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now