(Part 2) Chapter 10 - Go Get Her

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Point of View: Y/N

You woke up at the sound of your alarm, you'd set it early to make the most of the day. Once you'd rolled out of bed, you got dressed and freshened up, before heading downstairs to the kitchen.

As you walked in you could see Sam sitting by the kitchen tucking into some toast, while Wanda was working away on the stove.

"Morning y/n!" Wanda said, without needing to turn around to see you. Sam smiled, still chewing a bit of toast, before swallowing it and nodding at you.

"Morning!" He said cheerily. You smiled and nodded back at him, the two of them were always in a good mood, you liked being around them.

"Morning, what's cooking? It smells great." You said to Wanda. You felt in a positive mood this morning, although you were apprehensive about Nat coming back, you were determined for the day to go well.

"Just some scrambled eggs and bacon, grab a plate if you want some." She replied. You didn't need telling twice, you grabbed a plate excitedly and Wanda loaded it up

"Thanks, this looks delicious." You said.

"Sounds like you could use it, you've got a busy day ahead of you. How are you feeling about this interrogation?" She asked curiously. You took a mouthful of the food and chewed it before shrugging at her and swallowing it before replying.

"I thought maybe I'd feel a bit weird about it, but I feel confident it'll work. I'm looking forwards to her finally getting what she deserves." You said, honestly. Your openness seemed to surprise Wanda slightly, it surprised you a little in truth.

Over the last few days, since the mission and then your conversation with Wanda, you felt much more comfortable around everyone. They had started to trust you much more, and you were grateful for it - feeling more and more like part of a team.

"That's good." She replied with a smile. "You do seem in a good mood today, I wonder why that is..." She raised an eyebrow and her smile turned to more of a grin. You scowled at her, knowing exactly what she meant, before glancing at Sam who was too busy on his phone to notice.

Wanda chuckled at your reaction then turned back to her cooking. You finished up your food then washed up and headed downstairs to meet up with Tony and Maria.

"All good to go?" Tony said as you stopped in front of him and Maria in the corridor. Tony smiled at you but Maria seemed focussed, holding a tablet in her hand.

"Ready when you are." You responded confidently.

You walked beside Maria, as Tony led the way down the corridor, towards the interview room that Sasha was waiting in. You were looking down at the ground, listening closely to Maria as she ran through the details of the meeting again with you as you walked, when Tony said something that made your heart jump.

"You're back already?" He exclaimed loudly, throwing his arms up in the air. As he stepped to the side you saw Nat and Steve, followed by a couple of SHIELD agents walking towards the three of you in the corridor.

As you looked up your gaze met Nat's for a second, before she looked back at Tony. She didn't smile at you, or at Tony, just stared back at him as Steve stepped forwards. Nat was still wearing her black body suit, while Steve had changed out of his red and blue stripes and into a plain shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and smart trousers.

"Clear skies all night." He said calmly. "I hear you're interviewing Sasha, mind if we listen in?"

"Of course. Me and Y/n are going in, you guys are welcome to sit the other side of the mirror." Tony replied, Steve turned to smile at you as he said this.

"Go get her." He nodded at you, before stepping to the side to let the three of you past.

You didn't look back up at Nat, just walked past them until they then followed you and Tony down the corridor. The two of you entered the room, while everyone else went on and into the next door, leading them to a small room the other side of a one-way mirror that allowed them to see into the interview room.

Your heart had started beating quicker, bumping into Nat like that wasn't part of the plan and she didn't seem happy about it either. Now you had to do this interview knowing full well she was sitting watching and listening on the other side of that mirror. Suddenly you felt slightly nervous and not so in control.

Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You watched as Tony and y/n sat down opposite Sasha. She looked tired and slightly frustrated, but tried not to let it show by hiding behind a smug smile directed at y/n.

"Lovely to see you again darling." She said, confidently. Tony glanced at Y/n who didn't say anything back, just shuffled in her seat.

"Why don't you start by telling us what you're doing in the market for missile plans?" Tony said to her, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded. Sasha pulled her gaze away from Y/n for a moment, before smiling at Tony.

"Surely the great Tony Stark can figure that out." She snorted. "Are you going to let him ask all of the questions, or do you get a shot at some point too?" She said, looking back at Y/n.

She glanced back across the table at Sasha, frowning, before glancing at Tony and then back down at the sheets in front of her. This wasn't like her, she looked nervous and uncomfortable.

"Your organisation is working with Hydra, why?" Tony said again, sounding more impatient.

"You are working with SHIELD, why?" She said, imitating Tony and looking directly at Y/n again. Tony sighed at this, and glanced at Y/n again who looked more and more uncomfortable and out of her depth.

"Answer the question." Y/n replied very unconvincingly, trying to sound intimidating but failing miserable. Sasha sat back in her chair and laughed at this, while Tony looked down at the table.

"This is excellent, you really are pathetic." She said still laughing in y/n's direction, she looked back at her frowning. Her body language was both frustrated and embarrassed, still shifting in her seat.

"Tell us, what do-..." Y/n started to say, angrily now, before Sasha cut her off with another loud laugh.

"What are you going to do y/n? You are going to do nothing, you are nothing. A silly little Russian, orphan running around, pretending to be an Avenger!" She laughed again. Y/n looked down at this, her body tense. She looked back up at Sasha and you could see tears in her eyes.

You could feel a sinking feeling in your chest, you felt sorry for her - this wasn't nice to watch.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now