Chapter 21 - Let's Go Agent

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Point of View: Y/N

You heard a gun fire, as Nat took out the Hydra Operative to your left. You raised your pistol to fire at the first one on your side, but heard another shot as Nat took him out before you got a chance. You swung across to get the last one, but again Nat gets there before you and you watch as his body flops to the floor.

You instantly began to fill with anger, you stood up straight and your body tensed up.

They were mine! What the hell is she playing at, stepping on my toes like that?!

You turned around to Nat who was leaning gently against the car beside you, getting her breath back. You scowled at her, walked towards her and grabbed the collar of her body suit - dragging her into the building beside you both. The windows had been smashed and the door broken from rogue bullets. You pushed the two of you through it forcefully and then shoved Nat up against the wall. She said nothing, didn't protest or try to escape your grip, just looked at you with a frown - waiting for you to say something.

"Ouch." She said sarcastically, as you pushed her against the concrete wall.

"What the hell was that? They were mine, I had it covered!" You shouted at her, almost right in her face, hand still gripped tightly on her collar pushing her against the wall.

She said nothing, just looked from your left eye to your right and back again, still frowning slightly at you.

"I might not have been here long but I know my way around a battlefield... I don't need your damn help Romanoff!" You said, pushing her even harder against the wall.

"I know." She said calmly, a grin growing on her face which was now close to yours. Nat's gaze glanced down from your eyes to your lips and back again. Her calmness frustrated you more, as if this was a joke to her. She then glanced down at your lips again, and then back at your eyes, her grin growing wider.

Do it..

Suddenly you grabbed her collar tightly, pressed your body against hers and kissed her forcefully, pushing her harder against the wall. Her hands came up from her side and onto your waist, pulling you in towards her more. Both of your breaths heavy, hearts racing, and pulling the other in tightly. You pulled away from her lips slowly, and begin to kiss the side of her neck. She tugged your belt again as you do this, pulling you in more. She took one hand and placed it on the back of your head, running her fingers through your hair before gripping it. She pulled your head away with her hand, bringing your face back up to hers and placing your foreheads together.

You were both breathing heavily, looking into each other's eyes, Nat grinning again.

"So, you still feeling 'nothing'?" She smirked at you, teasing you about your comment from a month ago. You can't help but smile and sigh at this, shaking your head slightly. Nat bit her lip, to stop her from laughing at you realising what an idiot you'd been.

"Shut up Romanoff." You said grinning back at her, before she placed her hand on the side of your face. She pulled you in for another short, yet soft and slow kiss. It felt so good, as if you finally were being honest with yourself about how attracted you were to this woman.

"You two good down there?" Clint's voice cut through both of your ears, causing you to slowly release your grip on Nat, still smiling at her. You took a small step back, letting her respond.

"We're good." She said smiling, not taking her eyes away from yours, finger to her ear. "All agents prepare for extraction at location 1."

"Roger that." Clint replied.

Nat stepped forwards towards you, placing her hand on your side and planting another kiss on your cheek.

"Let's go agent." She said still grinning, before turning away from you and walking towards the door. Your eyes followed her as she left the building, reloading her gun as she walked.

Where did that come from?! I mean, I'm not complaining, but this isn't what I wanted.

You knew you were attracted to the red-haired assassin, but the events of the day made you start to wonder if there were more emotions attached than you realised. It scared the hell out of you, but you were drawn to her, you couldn't deny it anymore.

You sighed, deciding it was a problem for later. You left the building and went to help Sam transporting Semenov, and then headed back with him in the van to the compound. You sat opposite Clint and the unconscious Russian, and beside Sam, with Nat on the other side of him. The four of you exchanged small talk on the journey back, you avoided eye contact with Nat - still avoiding thinking about what had just happened.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now