Chapter 13 - A Stupid Drunk Kiss

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

Does she actually think Sam is the most attractive?

The game went on for another half hour or so, eventually everyone started running out of ideas. Everyone was starting to head for bed, and you thought it was probably about time you did too.

You, Sam and y/n all slept on the same floor, so you turned to them both.

"Alright losers, shall we head up?" You said, followed by a drunk giggle. Y/n put her drink back on the table and nodded, seemingly very ready to get to her bed.

"You guys go ahead, I'm just going to help Steve out cleaning some of this up." Sam replied. You nodded then turned to walk out, following y/n to the lift.

The pair of you stumbled your way up to your floor and made your way along the corridor.

"I still can't believe Tony's face when Pepper did that, it shut him right up!" She said, laughing and giggling as she approached her door.

"I know.. and I still can't believe that you think Sam is the most attractive one out of all of us!" You said, testing her and waiting for her response. She laughed, before she leant her shoulder on the door and turned to look at you.

"Do I hint you a sense of jealousy Romanoff?" She replied, before realising she fumbled her words. She looked down and giggled at herself.

She looks pretty cute right now...

"Not at all." You scoffed, placing your hand on the wall next to her. "I just don't think that's the truth." You said, you could feel yourself leaning in towards her, but you couldn't help it.

"Okayyy.." She held her hands up above her head. "You caught me, you really are a good spy aren't-..."

Half way through her sentence, a wave of emotion and alcohol hit you and you pressed your lips firmly on to hers. She was tense to start with, but soon melted into the kiss. You breathed out slowly as you felt her body relax, and she began to kiss you back.

Point of View: Y/N

Did she just... woah are we.. oh my god this feels so..

You brought your arms down and gently wrapped them around the back of her neck, pulling her in closer to you as you leant against the door. Her right arm still against the wall, her left was now holding the side of your body, pulling you into hers. You let a quiet moan accidentally slip out into her mouth, as you continued to fall deeper into her lips.

Wait... no.. this is a terrible idea.. stop stop stop!!

All of a sudden you pulled away, removing your hands from behind her neck and opening your eyes to see her face full of shock too.

"I'm sorry I... I didn't mean to..." She started to blurt out, looking slightly embarrassed. She tried to compose herself quickly, taking her hands away.

"Yeah, no... same! I mean that's not.. haha like we're not.. because obviously... it was just.." You said nervously, putting one of your hands around the back of your own neck, you began to blush and started scratching your neck awkwardly. Nat had taken a step back and was edging back down the corridor.

"Anyway we should.. I mean you should, get some sleep. I'll see you at training." She smiled awkwardly as she turned and started to walk down to her door. She shook her head slightly as she walked away.

"Yeah.. me too.. absolutely, I.. yes, good night!" You replied, before frantically unlocking your door and slipping into your room. As soon as you were in you closed the door behind you and leant against it, releasing a big sigh into your dark bedroom.

Okay.. that was not supposed to happen. It was just a stupid drunk kiss, that didn't mean anything, right? It's just part of this game we play.. I'll speak to her tomorrow, it'll be fine.

You repeated this last bit to reassure yourself multiple times while getting into bed, still feeling the effects of all those vodka tonics, you fell asleep almost instantly, as your head hit the pillow.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now