(Part 2) Chapter 11 - Shit, I'm Sorry

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

"Why isn't Tony saying anything?" Steve whispered angrily to Maria beside you.

"Shhh!" She said, equally as frustrated, as their attention turned back through the glass at the interview room.

"You think because you sit on that side of the table, next to him..." Sasha threw a disgusted look towards Tony. "That this makes you something, you are not something. You are a failed widow, a failed Hydra experiment, and now a failed assassin."

"And what does that make you?" Tony replied, frowning. "You're the one in handcuffs right now."

"For now." She said calmly.

"You're not going to get away wi-..." y/n mumbled, a tear now slowly rolling down her cheek.

"Look at you, ha!" Sasha interrupted her, shouting loudly and banging one hand on the table. This startled y/n, who looked across at her with a hint of fear in her eyes. "Just you wait y/n. Just wait until you are back in a cell, staring at a white wall, wishing you never crossed me. You call yourself a hero, look at you!" She laughed again, before leaning back in her chair.

There was a short pause as Tony glanced at Y/n, who had her head bowed down. All of a sudden, she sat up, her body language changing. She looked up at Sasha with a grin on her face, elbows on the table and looking confident now.

"So, Strucker?" She said calmly, looking at Sasha. Tony began to smile as he realised what was happening. Sasha frowned, sitting back in her chair, it was her turn to look uncomfortable and flustered.

"Wh-what do you mean?" She asked, trying to remain composed.

"Back in a cell with white walls, I remember those white walls. Strucker is in on this, he's going to try and break you out." Y/n replied confidently again.

You couldn't help but smile as you watched on. Again, the acting was so convincing you believed it too, she really was good at this. Part of you felt relieved it was just an act, seeing her upset was difficult to watch.

Sasha looked down at the table at Y/n's response, sighed quietly and sat in silence.

"Well I think that'll do for now." Tony said, before turning to the two guards at the door. "You can take her back to her cell."

The two guards walked over, held Sasha up and led her out of the room. She kept her eyes fixated on Y/n the whole time, a distasteful expression across her face.

"You know, you're pretty good at this." Tony turned to Y/n, as he started picking up the paper in front of him. She smiled back at him, collecting her stuff and standing up.

"You and Maria were right, that was simpler than I thought." She responded. Tony chuckled at this before the two of them left the room.

Point of View: Y/N

You felt relief, and a sense of accomplishment, as you stepped back out of the interview room. The two of you hadn't been sure on what information you'd be able to get from her, but establishing a link between her organisation and Baron Von Strucker was a better start than you'd hoped for. It made sense, it was Strucker who held you captive and experimented on you at Hydra before you were sold on to Sasha. However finding him wouldn't be easy, and SHIELD thought they'd killed him once before, when Wanda and Pietro were still there.

As you stepped in to the corridor you could see Maria, Steve and Nat in the middle of a conversation, all three of them glanced up to look at you. Maria and Steve nodded at you, Nat just glanced back at Steve who was in the middle of speaking.

I know I deserve the cold shoulder, but we need to talk soon - I hate this.

You walked on your own back to your room, feeling a mix of emotions, and lay down on your bed with a loud sigh. You stayed there for a while staring at the ceiling, thoughts running through your head. After a while your eyes started to feel heavy and you fell asleep.

When you woke back up nothing had changed, you glanced at your clock to see you'd only been asleep about an hour. Still fully clothed you got up and decided to head downstairs and grab some lunch.

You were looking down at your keys as you stepped out of the door, not noticing the familiar red head until you stepped right into her as she walked past.

"Shit, I'm sorry Nat." You said, a sense of disappointment and anger at yourself. She stopped and looked at you for a moment, finally acknowledging your existence. "Can we talk? I really need to speak to you?" You said, glancing around the empty hallway.

"That depends on what you want to say." She said calmly, not as annoyed as you thought she might be.

"Well 'Shit, I'm sorry Nat' is actually a pretty good starting point." You replied, trying to lighten the atmosphere. You felt anxious, not sure what she was thinking or feeling at all. To your relief, you watched as the very corner of her mouth curved into her usual smile and she nodded at you, then towards your door.

You opened the door, letting her in first then closing it softly behind you. Nat didn't sit down, she just glanced around your room then stood in the middle of it with her arms folded looking back at you. You fiddled with your keys for a minute before placing them on the table by the door, and then looked up and met her green eyes.

You could feel your stomach turn slightly. Seeing her again brought back a whole range of emotions, good and bad.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now