(Part 2) Chapter 9 - Exactly What We Need

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Point of View: Y/N

"Take a seat!" Tony said as the three of you walked in. He seemed cheery which put you at ease immediately, you knew if something was wrong his tone would be different.

He picked up a tablet from the table and with a flick of his fingers he swiped up an image onto a large screen at the end of the table. It appeared to be a video of CCTV outside of a bunker, you assumed this is what Nat and Steve were meant to be breaking into.

"About an hour ago SHIELD entered a Hydra base just outside Munich." Tony stated boldly. "Steve and Nat went in, and were met with over 20 Hydra operatives on duty." He paused, glancing around the room. Everyone looked and listened in to him closely, you could see he enjoyed the attention.

"And?!" Wanda asked, after a few seconds went past.

"Allow me to show you." He smirked as he tapped the tablet in his hand, causing the CCTV on the big screen begin to play.

You watched closely as Steve and Nat appeared on the screen, stealthily at first but then soon straightened up, realising the situation. The Hydra guards had them surrounded as the two of them stood back to back. You couldn't hear what was said but you could see Nat turn to Steve, and say something with a grin. Wanda and Rhodey both sat with a concerned look on their face, as did you at first, concerned about the two of them against so many. But as soon as you saw that grin on Nat's face, all of your worry fell away - she had it.

You watched on as both Nat and Steve fought their way through the crowd around them. Nat first swiped the legs from one, before Steve knocked him out with his shield. Then Steve pushed another in the back towards Nat, who kicked them in the head, causing them to fall back to the ground.

They worked well as a team, pairing up every so often, in between knocking multiple guards out themselves. Nat moved so elegantly around the room, every movement was efficient and no energy was wasted. Every jab, hook, kick and grab was calculated and her movements flowed into one another. It was the most attractive thing you had ever seen.

As the last man falls to the ground, Steve says something to Nat who laughs, before nodding to the door, and the two of them go further in their mission.

"Damn." Rhodey said, slightly under his breath.

"My thoughts exactly." Tony smiled, glancing around at the impressed expression on each face. "They're on their way back already, should be back some time tomorrow."

"So was this a take out or an intel operation?" Rhodey asked, leaning forwards in his seat.

"Both." Maria replied, having just walked into the room, you all turned to look at her. "And what's more, I've just checked out that lead Tony. I think it's time we have a conversation with Sasha, there's proof of collaboration on this."

Tony nodded at her, then glanced at you for a second, before looking away quickly.

"Great wo-..." He began to say.

"You want y/n to interview her?" Wanda interrupted. She had one eyebrow raised at Tony, with a small smile on her lips.

"You know what Maximoff..." He sighed. "One day I'm going to invent a machine that can read your mind and then we'll see how you like it!" He said, jokingly frustrated.

Wanda just laughed at him, followed by a chuckle from Rhodey and Maria as well. You smiled too, then looked up at Tony.

"I think I'm the last person she wants to open up to right now." You said, not convinced at the idea.

"That's exactly what we need." Maria replied. "Her ego is bruised, she'll want to make you feel small for pulling the wool over her eyes. Once she thinks she's getting to you she'll get complacent, and that's when she'll start to spill."

You knew what Maria meant, and nodded back at her in agreement. She smiled, happy to have you on board with the plan.

After another minute or so of chatting, everybody got up to leave besides you, Maria and Tony. The three of you sat and talked about the plan for you and Tony to interrogate Sasha in the morning, discussing a course of action.

Once you were all happy and had agreed on the angle, you left and headed back upstairs to the kitchen to eat with the others. The rest of the day went in quickly, with your mind now equally busy thinking about this interrogation as it was thinking about what to say to Nat. You didn't know what time they'd be arriving back, so you would need to find the right time to speak to her, if she even wanted to speak to you.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now