Chapter 10 - To Second Chances

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Point of View: Y/N

You were still sitting in your room when you heard a knock at your door.

"Come in?" You said, looking at the door.

Wanda peered her head around the door slowly, a warm smile across her face.

"Hello you" She said, giddy with excitement. "I hear I'm not the only one reading minds now, how cool?!" She bounced over to you and sat beside you on your bed. You smiled back at her and nodded, appreciating her cheerfulness.

"So Tony came to find me earlier, and he asked me to keep an eye on you. He's arranged some space and time for us to work together, I guess I'm your mentor now." She said, with a silly expression on her face, you laughed at this.

"Oh is that right?" You chuckled. "And did Tony actually use the word 'mentor'?" You grin at her. She laughed and nudged you on the shoulder, before sighing and shaking her head.

"No.. not in so many words... but he did say that maybe I could show you a thing or two." She said, smiling. There was a short pause as you both chuckled slightly, a comfortable silence. After a few moments a grin started to spread across Wanda's face again, as she grabbed you around the shoulders and l looked up at you.

"Sooo..." She said, beaming at you. "Want to talk about what I overheard in the training room?"

Oh God, I knew this was coming...

You laughed and shook your head. "That was nothing, honestly! Yeah of course she's attractive but I'm really not in any place to be thinking about that kind of stuff." You replied, sincerely. You barely knew any of these people, romance was the last thing on your mind.

That's the truth, I don't do relationships anymore.

"Well that sounds like a story for another day for sure. Shame though, you guys would make such a hot couple." She smiled softly at you, not fully convinced at your response. "Anyway, you coming down for dinner? I think most of the team are going to eat together tonight." She took her arms back off your shoulders.

"Yeah sure, sounds good." You smiled at her, she nodded and then waved as she left your room again.

Looks like I might just have made a friend around here, who knew.

You got changed into some jeans, trainers and a cropped t-shirt, wearing your hair down and quickly sticking a bit of mascara on.

That'll do for dinner.

You fix your curly waves of brunette hair in the mirror, ruffling them a bit before letting out a short sigh and making your way downstairs.

As you walked in you heard multiple conversations going on. As Wanda had said, almost everyone was down for dinner. You grabbed a seat at the large wooden table between Sam and Wanda, to your right and a couple seats up, you see Nat. You glanced at her as you sat down, she was too busy talking to Steve to notice you come in.

Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

"Haha I'm not sure that 'Captain Russia' has the same ring to it..." You said laughing, Steve let out a chuckle at this.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Tony was standing, tapping a tea spoon off the side of his wine glass, to get everyone's attention.

"Evening everyone!" He said, everyone turned to look at him at the end of the table, finishing their conversations and listening. "So nice to see everyone in one place, and of course we have a new face at the table tonight too... thanks for joining us y/n!" He pointed down to the other end of the table where y/n was sitting between Sam and Wanda.

You glanced down the table at y/n, and your gaze fell on her hair which now sat off her shoulders and down her chest in beautiful brown waves. You watched as Wanda nudged her and she smiled back at her, before smiling back at Tony.

She looks cute, I guess-... wait no.. shut up Nat. Not happening.

You glanced away again, back down at Tony who raised his glass - everybody else did the same.

"To second chances!" Tony said, turning to look at you now, and gave you a sly wink.

Yes, I know - S.H.I.E.L.D gave me a second chance so we should give y/n one too, I get it. Who knows, maybe she will be a good addition to the team... But I'm not letting her off the hook that easily.

As dinner drew to a close, a few had left the table and others were helping to clear up. You saw y/n who had been left, sitting alone. She glanced around the room, while playing awkwardly with the napkin on the table. You felt a twinge of guilt at ignoring her before, so you decided maybe it was time you gave her that second chance.

You smiled, before getting up slowly and walking towards her, you sat in Wanda's seat next to her.

As soon as y/n noticed you sitting down she sat up in her seat, looking nervous, eyes fixated on you with a shy smile - it was funny seeing her like this after she was so full of it earlier.

"So, I've been thinking..." You started to say, before she interrupts.

"Look Nat I'm sorry about earlier. It was just a joke, I just wanted to get y-..." She began to blurt out, speaking fast. You chuckled and placed your hand on her thigh, causing her to stop mid-sentence.

"Let me finish." You looked right in her eyes, you could see her breathing had sped up slightly. "I'm still going to be your trainer, but under two conditions." You said, softly. Y/n seemed relieved at this, yet still slightly nervous as she shuffled in her seat.

"Number one, no more of this mind reading bullshit. It gives you an unfair advantage on your opponent, and you need to learn how to fight without it, first." You continued. Y/n nodded in agreement, looking down at the table. "And number two..." You leant in slightly, moving your hand ever so slightly along her thigh, causing her to take a sharp breath in. You whispered "No more unexpected kisses." You leant back away from her, the corner of your mouth curving into a smug smile.

Look at her flustered, that'll teach her.

Y/n chuckled at this last bit as she composed herself, which you didn't expect. She looked back at you, and placed her hand on top of yours, still resting on her thigh.

"And what about expected kisses? Or do you not have a policy on those?" She said with a look of fake confusion. You looked down and smiled at this, removing your hand from her leg.

She's not giving in, this might be more fun than I thought.

"You're funny, I'll give you that much." You said calmly. "I'm off to bed now... see you around." You said with a wink as you stood up.

"I'll see you at training, don't be late!" She smirked.

You laughed at this and rolled your eyes as you walk away from the table, saying your goodbyes before you head up to bed. You smiled and shook your head as you think back to how flustered she looked, not long after you fall asleep.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now