(Part 2) Chapter 17 - Tastes Like Ass

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Point of View: Y/N

- A Couple of Days Later -

"You look nice." Nat said, smiling curtly at you as she walked in from the en suite in your room and sat down on the desk chair.

"Makes a change from training gear doesn't it." You said, still looking at yourself in the mirror. All you'd done was throw on some tight jeans and a blouse, letting your hair down and sticking a pair of trainers on - but it was nice to put some normal clothes on.

"Where is it you're going for coffee?" She asked curiously, still glancing up and down your body as you stood in front of her.

"Just some place around the corner I think, he's worried people are going to recognise him on the street so he doesn't want to go too far - which makes sense." You said calmly, before turning around to face her and walking up to her. "Why? You going to follow us there?" You said jokingly, placing your hands on Nat's knees and leaning in with a smirk, until your lips were only just apart.

Nat rolled her eyes at this, letting out a small smile, and pushed your hands off her knees. She stood up and began to walk back over to the bathroom. You reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her back, she let you do so reluctantly.

"I told you I'm not jealous." She said, placing her hands on your waist, holding you in an embrace as you placed yours around the back of her neck.

"I know, but I have too much fun winding you up about it." You smiled at her, before leaning in and giving her a peck on the lips. "It's not like that, I think he just wants to make some friends."

"I know. And I'm really glad you've got someone else who knows what you've been through. It'll be good to talk about it." Nat said, sincerely.

"Okay." You gave her another kiss before pulling away, squeezing her hand before letting go of her. "I need to go, I'll see you later on."

Nat smiled and nodded at you as she watched you turn and walk out of the room. You were looking forwards to getting out into the city for a bit, plus it was a great day outside too.

- 30 minutes later -

"This tastes like ass." Bucky said, a disgusted expression on his face as he swallowed a sip of coffee.

"And exactly how does the Winter Soldier know what ass tastes like?" You smirked at him, walking beside him on the pavement.

"You know what I mean. Next time I'm sticking to black coffee, none of this fancy stuff." He said, taking another sip of it nonetheless. You smiled at him, then at the ground as the two of you turned down a quiet road.

"Do you remember everything? From before?" You asked cautiously. It's something that had been playing on your mind but you knew it wouldn't be easy for him to speak about. He didn't look startled at the question, to your surprise, he just paused slightly before answering.

"Bits and pieces." He nodded his head slowly. "I get flashbacks now and then, or something will trigger a memory. But I don't remember the details, which is a good thing I guess."

"That must be tough though, I'm sorry."

"It's OK. In Wakanda they helped me make peace with a lot of it, almost like the Winter Soldier was a whole other person, who's now gone." He said, glancing at you.

"That's good." You nodded. "It's true as well, the Bucky I knew before and this Bucky I'm speaking to are not the same person."

He smiled at this, taking another sip of his coffee.

"You look nice today." He said calmly.

"Thanks Buck, I figured since we were out in the city I should probably put in some effort for a change." You smiled. "You look good too, happy and healthy."

"Yeah, well, I always look good so..." He said, winking at you and giving you a playful nudge as you both turned the corner to the street in front of the tower.

"And back to work we go." You said with a sigh, as the pair of you climbed the steps to the front door.

"What if we didn't?" He said, turning to you slightly. "I mean why don't we hang out a bit longer? I could use a training partner for the afternoon?"

You shrugged at this, and nodded your head. "I was thinking of doing some target practice anyway so that works with me."

"Cool." He smiled back at you. "Well im going to run up and get changed but I'll meet you in the training room in 10?"

"Sounds good."

You headed up to your room to change into your training gear, where you found Nat still sitting on your bed.

"Well, how was coffee?" She said, taking a sip from a mug she was drinking out of as you walked in.

"It was really nice thanks. I'm actually just here to get changed then we're going to head to the training room, you're welcome to join?" You replied casually.

"Good, I'm glad." She nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah I might do actually, I'm just going to finish this first then I'll get changed and meet you both down there."

"I'm interested to see who the best shot is actually." You said, as you pulled a tshirt over your head and then bent down to tie your laces.

"I think you might be looking at a bronze medal on that front. Bucky's shot me before, you know." She said, raising her eyebrows at you.

"Seriously?" You turned to her, surprised. She nodded back at you, smiling slightly. "He must be a good shot then. Have you spoken to him yet? Since he's recovered?"

"Haven't had the chance yet." She shook her head. "But I will do."

You gave her a kiss on the cheek before heading out of your room and down to meet Bucky in the training room. He met you just inside the door, smiling at you and handing you a pistol, before the two of you began competing at the firing range.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now