Chapter 7 - By Any Means Necessary

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"Put these on, and take off your jumper." Nat said, throwing a pair of gloves at you.

"Slow down Romanoff, at least buy me a drink before you ask me to undress." You smirked at her, she didn't look impressed. She ignored your comment and stood up with her gloves already on.

"Alright then, let's see what they taught you in the Red Room." She said with a sigh.

You bent your knees slightly and held the gloves up towards your face, just as you had always been taught. You stared at her as her green eyes pierced through you, each of you waiting for the other to make the first move.

You quickly stepped towards her, swinging your left hand at her, followed by your right. She dodged the first then grabbed your right arm and pulled you towards her, drawing you in slightly before kicking you hard in the chest and watching as you stumbled backwards. She let out a small smile at the corner of her mouth, she was enjoying this.

She quickly went to ground and swiped for your legs with her feet, you jumped over her and into a diving forwards roll. You stood back up and turned to face her, her eyebrow now raised.

"Pull any more of that superhero crap and I'll not be going easy on you anymore." She said. She was teasing you, challenging you, still with a hint of a smile.

"You don't need to go easy on me anyway." You said calmly, this only made Nat's smile grow wider.

You took a deep breath and decided to turn it up a notch, releasing a round-house kick and three punches before turning into a side kick. Nat saw it coming a mile off, blocking each of your advances, before sweeping your standing leg away and knocking you to the ground. She immediately sat on your legs, holding your arms and pinned them to the floor.

A smile spread across her face now and there was a pause, before she leant in closer to you to whisper in your ear.

"This is the part where you tap out." You tried to stop yourself from blushing, but your heart was beating quickly all of a sudden.

She's trying to embarrass me.. She's not getting away with it this time.

As she pulled away slowly from your ear you leant up, hands still pinned to the floor and kissed her lips firmly. Nat's eyebrows furrowed instantly, and her grip on your arms loosened as she leant up to pull away. You took this opportunity to twist her round, pinning her arms down now and straddled her legs to stop her getting up. She looked flustered and shocked at this, green eyes frowning up at you angrily.

"This is the part where you tap out" You whispered, mimicking her. At this, you let go of her arms and stood up, smirking as you turned your back and walked away to grab a drink.

"What the hell was that?!" She said angrily, sitting up now.

"That, was what they taught me in the Red Room. Win, by any means necessary." You turned and smiled at her.

Hah! She looks sheepish now, sitting on the floor embarrassed and angry.

"So is that how you complete all your 'missions'? Kiss them to death?" She said, standing up slowly and dusting herself off.

"Something like that." You replied with a smirk.

Nat just rolled her eyes at this comment. She took off her gloves and left the ring, grabbing her water and walking towards the door. She had regained her composure, but still seemed frustrated and slightly flustered - it had really caught her off guard and she clearly didn't like that.

"You're done already? But we only just got started?" You shouted to her as she walked out.

I might have taken that a step too far... Looks like I'm training on my own for the next 45 minutes.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now