(Part 2) Chapter 6 - You Can't Outrun Your Past

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You and y/n were still lying on her bed an hour later, you slowly ran your fingers up and down her arm as the two of you spoke back and forth.

"How old were you when you went in?" You asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"What, to the Red Room?" She replied, you nodded looking back at her. "About 13."

"That's late for a Widow."

"You were just a baby, right?" She said, deflecting back to you.

"Mhm. Took me almost 20 years to get out." You replied softly, glancing away from her for a moment. "I can't imagine going from all that to Hydra, I don't know what would be worse."

"Hydra." Y/n responded quickly, her body language changed slightly as she shuffled in the bed. There was a short pause, you looked at her and tried to get a read.

"What they did to Bucky, did they ever do th-.."

"No." She interrupted, looking down at the bed, now slightly tense. You could see she didn't feel comfortable talking about it, but you wanted to push to see if you could get more.

"So when they did these 'experiments', did the-.."

"I'm starving, I'm going to get something to eat." She interrupted again, sitting up in the bed suddenly and turning away.

"Oh come on." You replied. She was now sitting on the edge of the bed with her back to you. She stopped and paused before letting out a short sigh.

"Why do you suddenly want to know about Hydra?" She said annoyed, not turning round.

"I don't want to know about Hydra, I just want to know more about you." You said calmly. "You know, it helps to talk about these things."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I can see that. But you can't outrun your past, it's part of who you are."

"You don't get it." She said frustrated, standing up and pacing around the room slowly. "It's not just some bad memories, they are literally part of who I am! This serum that's in my body, that's turned me into some kind of freak, that's them still inside of me." She said, her voice getting louder and louder. You were taken aback by her raising her voice, you just frowned at her concerned.

In that moment you felt sorry for her. You watched her for a second, before she glanced up and finally looked back at you. You saw her fight back the tears in her eyes, before closing them for a moment and clenching her hands again.

"I'm not doing this." She said with a sigh, before picking up her jacket from the back of the chair.

"Don't be like that." You said, standing up and placing your hand on her arm to gently pull her back.

"Stop it." She snapped, shrugging your hand off her. "You're not my girlfriend Nat, and you're not my therapist either. Back off."

You pulled back your hand and crossed your arms in front of your body, frowning at her fiercely. She met your eyes for a moment, you could see remorse in them, behind the anger. She paused as if she was going to say something, before shaking her head and then turning and walking out of the room.

Point of View: Y/N

The second the words had left your mouth you felt terrible, but you couldn't do anything to stop yourself, so you had to get out of there. She never showed it but you were sure what you said would have hurt Nat, you could tell she was just trying to help but you weren't ready to relive it. You'd never spoken to anybody about that part of your life and the idea of opening up about it made you feel physically sick. What good would it do to relive all of that anyway? Nobody could change it or undo it.

- 2 Hours Later -

You left for the training room and when you came back your room was empty, as you'd hoped. You had a shower then went downstairs to the kitchen to help Wanda make lunch as you'd promised her before.

"Hey! I left the knives out, if you could cut the onions and tomato's then stick them in that bowl." She said cheerily, smiling at you and nodding towards the chopping board while she mixed a pot on the stove.

"On it." You said, trying your best to sound upbeat.

"What have you been up to this morning? Me and Vis went for a walk in Central Park earlier - it's a nice day." She said with her back to you, as you began to chop the vegetables she'd left out.

"Not a lot, still pretty tired from last night." You replied casually. Wanda stopped what she was doing and spun around to face you, a slight frown on her face.

"Something's off with you." She said, taking you totally by surprise. You didn't turn around to face her, you just sighed. "You want to tell me what's wrong or can I just see for myself?"

You turned around to look at her as she said it, gesturing her hand towards your head. She told you previously she had the power to see somebody's thoughts as her own just by touching a person's temple - she wanted to see what was bothering you. That was absolutely not happening, you shook your head at her and then sighed.

"Is it that obvious?" You mumbled, leaning back against the counter top.

"I'll be honest, the suspicious-looking 'bruise' on your neck was the first clue. But yes, to me it is that obvious." She said with a smug smile creeping across her face. She laughed as your face turned red and you pulled up your jumper to hide your neck.

Dammit, Nat!

"It's not-.." You started to say, before Wanda interrupted you.

"Let's finish making the food, then we can head to my room and you can fill me in on the what and the who." She said, smiling at you. Reluctantly you nodded back at her, unable to see a way out of this now.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now