Chapter 4 - Cut the Crap

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The guards led you into a small room with a big, long mirror on one side, a table and three chairs. You sat on one of them, with two empty chairs now across from you. After a minute or so a man walked in with the red haired woman from earlier.

"And here you said you weren't there to lock me up." You said sarcastically to the red haired woman, holding your handcuffs up towards her. She had a serious expression now, and didn't look impressed at this comment.

"And here you are, the 'assassin' that couldn't pull the trigger on Nat here." The man said smiling. She grins slightly at this comment and looked at you.

"Look, I'm not an assassin, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time - you have the wrong person." You said with a confident smile.

"See, I don't think we have the wrong person at all. Because what we do have is your phone... so cut the crap, y/n." She said, green eyes narrowed, analysing your body language.

I meant to leave that in the car. Sasha is going to kill me, maybe literally...

The smile leaves your face and you slumped back into your chair. This amuses the man.

"Maybe now you'll be more open to answering some of our questions y/n! I'm Tony Stark and this is Natasha Romanoff, we work alongside SHIELD and as part of the Avengers initiative. We were on a mission of our own to get information from Kichkoff when you bumped into Nat here."

So this is the famous Natasha Romanoff?

He looked at you, waiting for your reaction, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"The Avengers, huh. You guys must be bored if you're spending your time investigating some retired has-been in Russia." You said sarcastically. Tony's smile is wiped off his face, as he looked down at the table. He sighed, recollected him self, and smiled again.

"First things first, who is this friend of yours called 'Sasha'? You guys are in contact a lot, real cute actually, is she a friend, love interest?" He said, trying to mock you.

You turned the woman, Natasha, and smiled. "этот мужчина всегда так раздражает? (Is this man always so annoying?)" To which she let out a small grin, she clearly hadn't expected the comment. You enjoyed watching her smile. She then glanced at Tony who looked confused, and back at you.

"к сожалению, да (Sadly, yes)" She replied. The smile faded from her face, a concerned expression taking its place. "Listen y/n, I've been where you are now. This life of killing, and sneaking around? It's a life that's been forced on you, by people who are a no longer holding a gun to your head - look around. Whether you want to admit it or not, I know you want out - because I always did." She said, sincerely this time.

Why does it feel like she can see right through me? I knew who she was, Dreykov made sure we all did once she escaped the Red Room. Of course I wanted out, but at what cost?

She gave nothing away. Every glance, every word, every breath seemed calculated and her gaze unnerved you. She could see you thinking it over. Her eyes still on you while you looked down at the table. A few seconds passed and you still hadn't responded, so she pressed further.

"Look, we have your phone and we have a number for this 'Sasha', not to mention the last few "Mission Briefs" you've completed. All we really need from you is any information you have on Sasha and how she recruited you." You felt her gaze burn onto you, waiting for you to give in.

"And then what? You kick me out on the street for the dogs?" You said, looking up and meeting her gaze. She lifted an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly.

"Well. that depends on how well you answer the questions." She said, green eyes still piercing yours.

You looked down to the table, then across to Tony who was staring at you curiously. You then glanced over to the mirror, who knew who else was watching from behind it.

You were tired. Tired of surviving, tired of scraping by and tired of following orders simply out of fear. Every instinct told you not to betray the organisation you had been a part of all these years, but if there was even a chance at getting out and living a different life then maybe it was worth all of the risk. You thought about it for a moment, as a silence fell on the room, before you caved.

"Okay." You sighed. "I'll give you what you need. But I warn you, it's not much - that's not even her real name." You finally replied, reluctantly. "And they're going to come after me for this. You know that, right?"

"Don't worry, we've got it covered." Tony said with a wink. Natasha wore a small grin, satisfied she had finally broken you down. Both her and Tony leaned back slightly, a hint of relief in the air.

You went on to answer their questions about Sasha, and the little you did know about the organisation that recruited you. You told them that you were trained in the Red Room as a Widow, and you watched as Natasha raised her eyebrow again, listening intently. You then went on to explain that Dreykov sold you to Hydra who used you as a soldier, before experimenting on you. When the serums they gave you didn't seem to work, they sold you off to 'Sasha' who you have only ever spoken to on the phone, but who had eyes everywhere and paid you to kill targets all over Russia that her boss wanted dead.

It wasn't nice, to relive all of your past, but a part of you felt liberated in a way to finally let go of all of the secrets and lies.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now