(Part 3) Chapter 3 - Fire Away

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Point of View: Y/N

There was a pause as Nat left the room, you could feel a tension still lingering in the air.

"Maybe I shouldn't have-" Sharon began to admit.

"No don't, Nat was out of line too." You interrupted, giving her a warm smile.

She sighed and smiled, looking down at the ground.

"We've never really seen eye to eye, it's the same with Wanda. Maybe it's just in my head but I get the impression they don't like me very much, I've never had many girl friends." She said casually, with a shrug.

Wanda?? How could anybody not like Wanda...

"I wouldn't worry about it, they've never mentioned anything to me so maybe they just need to get to know you better." You smiled kindly at her. "Anyway, you were saying?"

"Yes, the reports!" Sharon turned back to the laptop on the desk.

The two of you continued until Sharon had run through the whole set up, and at that point you both sat back and you started making coffees for the pair of you.

"Y/n, can I ask you something? You don't need to answer if you don't want to." Sharon said, cautiously, your back turned to her as you poured the water.

"Fire away." You said, stirring the milk in.

"What you said the other day about your powers, 'not as cool as it seems', what did you mean by that?" She said, you could feel her eyes on the back of your head. You stopped stirring and put your hands on the work top, before taking a deep breath.

"It's just, the way that I got them... you've read my file right?" You glanced at her and she nodded, still looking thoughtfully at you. "Well obviously I never asked to be like this and every time I think about it, it just feels like a bit of them are still in me."

"So you don't want to use them?" She said, sympathetically.

"I don't want to have them at all." You said, looking up at her, then down at the ground.

There was a slight pause as you could feel her processing this.

"Have you asked-..." She began to ask.

"Bruce can't do it." You interrupted. "He said there's theories out there but they're too dangerous. He's looking into it still but I don't think it's looking likely."

There was a long pause this time. You looked up expecting Sharon to be nodding, accepting this information but when you looked at her she shook her head slightly, frowning.

"Y/n what if I told you I might know somebody who could help?" She said, trying to read your response. You didn't know how to, so you frowned back at her. "There's a scientist who works for SHIELD but he went undercover within HYDRA for a while. I can't make any promises but I can at least ask, if you are happy for me to?"

You paused for a moment to think. Your heart was beating quickly, having almost given up on the idea you never expected it to be an option again.

"I don't know... I need to think about it, speak to Nat and decide." You rambled, scratching the back of your neck.

"Take all the time you need, there's no rush. But if I were you, I wouldn't mention it to anyone else, it's your decision to make. Sometimes involving other people only clouds your judgement, it has to be right for you." She said with a faint smile.

Maybe she's right, this is what I've wanted the entire time - I don't need to weigh it up.

"No you're right. I'll do it." You said, looking directly at her. "I've thought about it for long enough I don't want to waste any more time, this is what I want."

Sharon smiled at you and stood up.

"Well if you're sure then I'll see what I can do. As I said, I can't promise anything, but he knows a lot more about this stuff than Bruce." She said. "Do me a favour though, let's keep this between us. I think if some people around here heard you were trying to go through with this they'd make life more difficult for us, and that's the last thing you need."

This confused you slightly but you knew she was trying to help you, so if keeping this a secret for a little while meant it was a possibility you would do it.

"You have my word." This seemed to relax her slightly, and she smiled at you kindly.

You felt a twinge of guilt knowing this meant you would need to keep this from Nat, but you knew she would understand and as soon as it was done you would tell her.

"I'll be in touch. You better get yourself some dinner though, I'm sorry I've taken so much of your time with this report stuff." She said, placing a friendly hand on your shoulder.

You smiled at her and nodded, before watching her leave the room.

It was refreshing being around somebody new, especially in a tight compound which, for understandable security reasons, didn't allow many visitors. Sharon got on well with Steve, Sam and Bucky, and you were glad that perhaps you could offer her the chance at having some female friends around here too.

You finished up your coffee then headed downstairs for dinner. Nat didn't come down, which wasn't unusual given she was often stuck in meetings, but for once you were slightly relieved given your new secret. You sat with Wanda, Sam and Bucky for a while chatting after dinner before heading up to your room after.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now