(Part 2) Chapter 19 - Deadly Serious

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Point of View: Y/N

You slumped down onto the bed, then looked up at Nat who was still standing at the door, with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised at you.

"Okay!" You said laughing. "You were right, I'm sorry."

"I tried to tell you." She said calmly, the corner of her mouth curving into a smile. You reached your hand out to her and she walked forwards to take it, before sitting on the bed next to you.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't know or I wouldn't have gone." You sighed. "I didn't mean to make you feel bad."

"You didn't." She smiled softly. "Maybe a little jealous... but I think you looked sufficiently uncomfortable the whole time anyway."

You leant in and kissed her slowly on the lips, placing your hand on her thigh.

"You know, it would be a lot easier if I could just say I have a girlfriend." You said, a smile growing across your lips.

"Are you seriously asking me out right now?" She said, frowning at you.

"Well, what do you say?" You said, squeezing her hand and smiling at her. To your surprise she took her hand out of yours.

"Absolutely not."

"Wait... what?" You were taken a back by this, suddenly you began to wonder if you'd misunderstood. "I thought you'd want to-..."

"I do want to." She said, with a confident smile. "But that was about the least romantic thing I have ever witnessed. Like 'hey Nat, want to be my girlfriend? Because it would make it a lot easier to not cheat on you' - I don't think so." She said, putting on a voice while imitating you.

"That's not what I said!" You said, smiling again now at her.

"Well it's what I heard. Better luck next time." She said, shrugging and smiling.

"You're being serious right now?" You replied, still slightly confused by the whole situation. You leant back slightly at this, trying to read her and see if this was all a joke.

"Oh I'm deadly serious." She looked back at you, no longer laughing. "We may not be Romeo and Juliet but I think I deserve a little better than that, don't you?" She said, a smile on her lips still, she looked back at you now.

"Okay, okay." You sighed. "But don't go expecting fireworks, I'm not much of a romantic."

"Fine with me." She smiled softly, before leaning forwards and giving you a kiss. "Right I'm going through to mine to get changed, then I'll be with Steve and Tony all afternoon. I'll catch up with you later."

You hummed, nodded and then kissed her again quickly before she got up and walked out of the room. You sat for a moment thinking to yourself about what she'd said, already thinking of ways to ask her out properly. Although, the fact that you already knew she wanted to say yes lifted most of the weight anyway, now you just wanted to make her smile.

- A Few Days Later -

"Thanks for coming everyone." Steve nodded as you sat down. You glanced around the table to see that almost everybody was in the meeting room. The usual group had been expanded, and you looked across the table to see Peter, Thor and Bucky had joined for today.

"We wouldn't bother you all unless we thought it was necessary, but recently Hydra seem to be popping onto our radar more and more." Tony said, now standing next to Steve at the end of the table. "What's worse is that it's not just them. Thanks to Y/n here, we have established a clear link between Strucker and a large Russian organisation who seem to be working with them."

"By expanding their reach, we could realistically be looking at a full blown war with Hydra if we don't stop them soon." Steve said solemnly. "And I don't think any of us want a repeat of that."

"Do we know where they're based?" Rhodey asked.

"We think we know where Strucker might be based, and we have a few leads now on this organised crime group." Tony answered. "And that's pretty much where you all come in."

"The plan is to split into small teams, follow these leads and see if we can bring down a number of individuals we've identified as being involved in this." Steve finished.

"So where we flying first? We talking Russia or?" Sam asked.

"There are a couple of leads in Russia, but others across Europe. It's clearly an international organisation at this point." Maria spoke up now, again with a seriousness and severity to her tone.

"We'll send out all the information as soon as possible, we just need Fury to sign off on a couple of things and then this place will start to feel more like a hotel, with people coming and going." Tony said, finally smiling now.

"I shall lead any ventures to New Mexico." Thor said suddenly. Most of the table glanced up at him confused by this comment, but Maria smiled at him softly.

"Don't worry, I've told Jane you're back for a while. She's already on her way." Maria said with a smirk. Thor smiled at this, nodded at Maria and then stood up. The rest of the room took this as a cue to leave as well and soon all of you were walking back out of the room.

"You think we'll get to go on one together?" Bucky's voice came from beside you, as you walked down the corridor. "I just hope they send us somewhere warm."

"It's not a school trip Buck." You replied, laughing as you smiled to look at him.

"Oh come on, at least let me enjoy it a little bit." He said, smiling back. "We can get matching pyjamas."

You rolled you eyes at this comment, letting a small smile fall on your lips. Just as you did, you got to your door.

"Good night Buck, see you tomorrow." You said with a smile.

"Night y/n." He said with a smile and a wink, as you walked into your room. You turned the light on and lay down, knowing it wouldn't be long before Nat would be up to join you.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now