Chapter 23 - An Undercover Mission

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Point of View: Y/N

Your hands moved softly to her hips, pressing down gently as you kissed her again. Her hand still behind your neck, she pulled your body towards her, leaning back onto the bed. You leant forwards, one hand now supporting you as you lay on top of her, the other slowly moving up her exposed sides. You pulled away from her lips for a moment, smiling as you paused to look into her big, emerald green eyes. They glanced again between each eye, and then back down to your lips.

Don't stop yet..

You tried to hold in a laugh but it didn't work, you turned your face away from her to try and hide it before chuckling to yourself.

"You've seriously got to stop doing that." She rolled her eyes, slightly embarrassed. You grin at her, before kissing her again softly on the lips. She moved her hands down your body, from your neck to your hips, pulling them firmly against her own.

"It's harder when someone's thoughts are so loud.." You smirked at her, pulling away from her lips and kissing your way down towards her neck. She breathed in sharply as you started to work your way down her neck towards her collar bone, moving one hand up to the back of your neck. You glanced up at her as you continued, her eyes closed, biting her lip gently and clearly trying to contain her emotions. You worked your way slowly back to her lips, melting into her touch, before gently rolling onto your side next to her in the bed.

She turned to face you, putting one hand under her head and the other on your hip, before pulling you in and putting her left leg between yours. You gazed at her for a moment, body's intertwined and her face smiling softly back at you.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked, frowning slightly at you - trying to read you. You sighed softly, placing one hand on her waist, before smiling at her.

"I don't remember the last time I felt this happy." You said sincerely, causing her to smile. "And that scares me." She squeezed you slightly at this, giving you a soft peck on the lips.

"Then let's not jump into anything. We don't have to tell anyone and, just, see what happens." She said, a kinder smile on her face - not her usual smirk.

"Like a secret mission?" You said jokingly, raising an eyebrow. Nat laughed, and moved in closely, lips almost touching each other, and a smile creeping across her face.

"I was thinking more like.. an under-cover one." She replied, trying to hold in a laugh at her own joke. You can't help but laugh at this, before rolling your eyes. You pressed your lips against hers, kissing her slowly again, and she pulled your body in towards her.

"Okay." You said pulling away slowly. "I like the sound of that. But you better watch Wanda doesn't read your thoughts."

"I don't think about you that often."

"Sure." You smiled, she pulled you in for another kiss. You could stay like this all day, but you could feel your body aching from earlier. "Alright, I need to get some rest - my body's already sore from this morning." You started to move away from her, to sit up in the bed, but her hand gripped your waist and stopped you from moving.

"No way, you're staying with me tonight."

"But what if someone-..."

"We'll make something up. мы шпионы помните (We're spies remember)" She interrupts you. You smiled, before lying back down next to her, lost in her eyes again.

You lay like this for a while, talking softly and exchanging kisses, holding each other. Eventually you turned on your back to get some rest, and you feel Nat burrow her head in to the crook of your neck, resting her face on your chest. With her arm wrapped around your waist, and yours on her back, the two of you fell asleep shortly.

Every minute I spend in her company, the more I feel drawn to her. She had looked so beautiful lying next to you and, for a while, you had forgotten about anything else but her.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now