(Part 2) Chapter 18 - A Good Teacher

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Point of View: Y/N

"8 from 8? You've got to be kidding me, I can't compete with that." You sighed, as you watched Bucky fire away at the targets.

"What can I say, I told you I had a steady hand." He smirked, before turning back to the targets and firing some more bullets.

"I bumped into Natasha, I think she's going to join us too, so maybe she can give you a run for your money." You smiled. Bucky frowned at this, and turned to look at you.

"I thought it was just going to be us two?" He said, confused and still frowning.

Wait does he think this is... no definitely not.

"Oh, sorry. I just thought it would be-..."

"It's cool." He interrupted. "I could use some real competition anyway." He said before winking at you again.

After he fired a few more targets down he took off his ear defenders and vacated the booth for you to pick up the pistol and have a shot. You were a good shot, but on this setting the targets popped up so quickly it was never easy to get a bullseye - despite how Bucky made it look.

"Dammit, 2 from 6... I suck at this." You laughed, glancing at him.

"You don't suck at it, you just need a more mobile grip." He explained.

"Like this?" You said, bending your arms slightly more and moving your fingers over the gun slightly. He shook his head thoughtfully for a moment, before walking towards you.

"Not quite." He walked up right behind you and wrapped his arms around you to hold on to your forearms. "You want this arm like this..." He said, moving your left arm down slightly. As he spoke you were suddenly conscious of how close he was to you, his voice coming from just above your shoulder.

Wait... he's not... is he?

Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You walked into the training room, grabbed a hoodie of yours from the hangers by the door and made your way around the corner to where the firing range was. You could hear Bucky's voice as you approached, but what you saw as you turned the corner was unexpected to say the least.

Y/n was stood facing away from you, holding a pistol up to the targets, while Bucky stood holding her from behind, his arms wrapped around hers.

What the hell is he playing at?

"Hey guys." You said loudly, with every intention of startling them and interrupting.

Bucky immediately took a step away from Y/n who turned to look at you. Her expression was of slight uncomfortableness as well as relief at seeing you.

"Hey Nat." She said, her eyes darting over you, trying to read what you were thinking. "Bucky was just giving me some tips on my posture. You were right, he is a good shot."

"Speaking of..." Bucky started to say. You still kept your eyes locked with Y/n's for a moment, before turning to look at him. "I never got a chance to apologise to you about what happened Nat, I'm sorry."

"That wasn't your fault Bucky." You replied calmly. "There's no need to apologise."

He smiled at you, looking slightly relieved, before nodding and turning back to Y/n.

"Right, let's see it Y/n!" He said, before coming to stand next to you.

You watched on as she hit 5 of the 10 targets, a definite improvement from what you'd seen from her before.

"Not bad." Bucky said, walking up to her again and giving her a playful nudge on the shoulder. "Must have a good teacher." He said, before winking at her and picking up the gun to have another shot.

Y/n did her best to hold in a smile as Bucky put the ear defenders back on and turned away from you both. She turned to you and let out the grin she had suppressed, before walking over to where you were standing with your arms crossed and looking displeased.

"I'm starting to think maybe this was a date." She whispered to you, turning to stand beside you as you both watched Bucky firing away.

"He's got some moves, I'll give him that." You whispered back, sarcastically. "Maybe you could learn a thing or two." You said jokingly, turning your head to look at Y/n beside you as you smirked at her.

"Excuse me..." She acted shocked. "I think my moves are just fine."

"Well you can prove it later, you've got some making up to do now anyway." You replied.

"Deal." She whispered back, with no hesitation.

Just as you both turned back to look at Bucky, he fired his last shot and then turned to face you, taking the ear defenders back off.

"Right then, let's see what all the fuss is about." He said with a kind smile, holding the handle of the gun towards you.

You glanced at Y/n as you took the gun from him and stepped up to the window. You knew she loved watching you work, so you were going to make the most of this opportunity to show off.

Each target popped up for only a couple of seconds, but this was more than enough time for you. You shot down each one quickly, with ease, until there were none left.

"Well, shit." Bucky sighed, letting out a small chuckle. "I think we have our winner."

"Very good Nat." Y/n said, with a mischievous smirk on her lips.

The three of you cleared up the range once you finished, then headed back up to your rooms. You and Y/n said your goodbyes to Bucky as he hopped off the elevator a floor before yours, then continued on until you were outside her door. You both checked the corridor before slipping into Y/n's room.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now