(Part 2) Chapter 8 - Touché

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Point of View: Y/N

You spent the rest of the afternoon with Wanda, then joined Sam for dinner. The tower felt quieter than usual. You were used to watching people wander in and out of the kitchen all day to grab food, but the whole time you'd been eating not one person had come in.

"Where is everyone today?" You said, chewing on a piece of bread and looking up at Sam across the table.

"Not sure, but I did see Steve and Nat rushing out with a few bags earlier. Must have been called out on a mission last minute." He replied, before taking another bite of his food.

You felt your heart sink ever so slightly in your chest, you'd planned to head up to Nat's room after dinner and apologise. Now she was away and you didn't know where, or for how long.

"That makes sense. Any idea where?" You replied. You tried to sound slightly uninterested, as if you were just making conversation, but really you wanted any clue as to how long they'd be. Sam shook his head at you slowly while taking a sip, before placing the glass down.

"Didn't get a chance to ask, but I'm sure I heard Tony speaking to Maria about something in Europe." He shrugged. "About time we got a gig like that. I love the US but the thing I loved the most about enlisting was the travelling."

You hid your disappointment at the fact that it sounded like they might be away a few days, and forced a smile back at Sam.

"Agreed." Sam smiled back at your response.

The two of you finished eating and you headed up to bed early. You were intent on finding out more about where Nat was going, but you knew asking too many questions right away would look suspicious. You decided to wait until the morning, when you could ask Clint at training.

- The Next Day -

Clint swung a foot towards your right hand side, which you blocked confidently before jabbing him in the ribs. He took a couple of steps back, before going for your legs this time. He took away your front leg causing you to stumble, but before you fell you swiped his away too, leaving you both lying on your backs in the middle of the ring.

"Touché." He said, laughing. He stood up then held out a hand to help you up. You smiled at him then stood up and brushed yourself off.

"Where's Nat today? She not fancy getting her ass kicked again?" You said casually, Clint smiled at the question as he dried the sweat from his head with a towel.

"Her and Steve are off to Germany, more of these Hydra gatherings I think." He said, sounding slightly concerned. "I'm starting to think there's something bigger brewing."

"I think you might be right. And having Sasha locked in our basement makes us even more of a target than we were before." You replied, calmly. "Must be a big deal if we're sending in those two." You still wanted to know more, about what they were doing and how long it would take.

"Yeah I think they've been operating from a bunker outside Munich, so quite a lot of them." Clint nodded. "Tony's not expecting them back until Friday, assuming all goes to plan."

That's four days from now!

"That does sound like a big deal." You responded. "I wonder what they're up to. First Russia, then here in the US and now Germany too - they're growing in numbers."

"Sure seems that way." He nodded again. "Oh well, more ass for us to kick!" He said jokingly, shrugging his shoulders and smiling at you.

You laughed at this, before taking your gloves off and heading to the firing range with him. With your ear defenders on your mind started to wander as you fired with ease at the wooden targets in from of you.

You felt disappointed you couldn't make amends with Nat straight away. Leaving things how they were made you uncomfortable, and the thought of her walking into a Hydra base made you uneasy - although you had every confidence in her ability.

- Over The Next 3 Days -

The next few days went very slowly. Without Nat to hang out with, most of your time just revolved around combat training, or working on your telekinesis with Wanda - which was still going much slower than you'd hoped.
There hadn't been much news on how things were going in Munich. In some ways no news was good news, but a small part of you was worried for those that had gone, especially so for Nat.

On the Thursday you had been sat with Wanda and Rhodey in the kitchen having some dinner, when Tony had called you all to a meeting.

"You know what this is for?" Wanda asked Rhodey, as the three of you walked down a long corridor on your way to meet Tony.

"I think they were expecting an update from Steve and Nat today, but I'm not sure." He said with a gentle shrug. You could feel Wanda glance in your direction, but your mind quickly turned to Nat.

You felt your heart beat quicken slightly upon hearing this. You had given a lot of time over the last few days as to what you would say to Nat tomorrow, more keen than ever for her to return now so you could talk.

"I'm sure Tony said yesterday that if it goes well then he'd host a few drinks here for everyone at the weekend, so fingers crossed they don't screw it up!" Wanda said jokingly. You and Rhodey let out a light chuckle, the three of you fell into a comfortable silence as you approached the room and went in.

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