Chapter 15 - We'll See

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

After some time, y/n and Wanda had returned inside and they headed up to y/n's room. They spent the rest of the day up there, and so you allowed yourself to go from meeting to meeting throughout the day - which helped to occupy your thoughts.

At dinner you sat with Clint, y/n didn't come down to eat but Wanda joined the two of you.

"How's y/n doing? I haven't seen her all day." Clint asked Wanda, you listened curiously.

"Yeah, she's fine" She nodded. "I guess it's a big change coming here, I think she's finding it harder letting go of the past than she lets on."

"It has only been a few days. It took you at least a week to find your feet, didn't it Nat?" He looked at you, smiling kindly. You smiled and nodded back at him, thinking back to when you first joined S.H.I.E.L.D fondly.

"Speaking of the good old days, want to join us for training in the morning Clint?" It would make things less tense if it wasn't just the two of you, you thought.

"Sure, I could use a stretch of the legs before Coulson comes over to chase up those leads on Sasha" He said. You had forgotten Coulson and some of his team were coming over, you looked to Wanda.

"I forgot about that. They might want to ask a couple of questions to y/n, do you think she'd be up for that?"

"I think so, she knows how these things work" Wanda smiled, reassuringly.

With that, you all finished your food and headed up to bed. You didn't sleep well, constantly thinking about what you were going to say to y/n - you guys would have to address what happened sooner or later.

Point of View: Y/N

You woke up to the sound of your alarm, got dressed in your training kit and made your way downstairs, grabbing a coffee as you went.

As you entered the training room you spotted Nat chatting to Clint by the shooting range, you felt a slight sense of relief to see it wasn't just you and Nat. They both greeted you as you walked over, and soon they both were watching as you picked up the pistol and shot down each of the targets with ease. Nat kept her distance slightly, only speaking to give you instructions or tips. Clint was more warm, having a joke every now and then with you. Towards the end of the hour, Clint's phone rang.

"It's Fury, I better answer this. I'll catch you at the meeting Nat... see you later y/n!" He nodded at you both as he answered the call and walked out of the room.

A silence fell on the room, sitting on a bench now, you glanced up at Nat who was unwrapping a pair of gloves from her wrists. She sighed softly, then smiled and looked back at you.

"So... русские не напиваются? (Russians don't get drunk?)" She said, laughing. You let out a small grin, remembering your stupid comment from the other night. It was nice laughing with her again. "Look y/n, about the other night, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-..." She started to say calmly.

"I'm sorry too!" You interrupted her. "I don't know what I was thinking, too many vodka tonics..." Nat smiled as you said this, seemingly more relaxed. You know you should have stopped there, but your nerves forced you to keep speaking to fill the silence left. "Because obviously I don't think about you like that.. or at all really!" Nat tilted her head, narrowing her eyes and raising an eyebrow at this comment.

Why did I say that? Just stop talking..

"Ouch..." She said, the corner of her mouth curling into a smirk as she put her hand over her chest, pretending to be hurt by this comment.

"I don't mean.. I just meant I guess I'm not attracted to you like that" You said, trying to save yourself but only digging a deeper hole. Nat sniggered at this, shook her head and looked down at the ground.

Hah! Well that's a load of bullshit.

"No it's not! I just mean-..." You said.

"Hey! I told you not to read my mind." She snapped, suddenly looking up at you. "But I am disappointed at how unconvincing you are, especially for an ex-spy."

"I'm not lying! Sorry if it's a little blunt, but it's the truth" You said, trying with every muscle in your body to seem more convincing - this wasn't going well. Nat rolled her eyes at this and smirked back at you. She paused for a moment, thinking carefully before responding.

"So... when I kissed you the other night, you're telling me you felt.. nothing?" She said, head tilted again, eyebrow raised and emerald eyes piercing yours. You swallowed, remembering how good that felt, before shaking your head at her.

"Nothing." You said quietly, before raising your eyebrows and shrugging at her. "Sorry." You smiled. Nat paused for a minute, pursing her lips in thought, before a small grin spread on her face.

"Interesting..." She said nodding. "We'll see. Anyway, I'm going to grab something to eat before this meeting - I'll see you around." She smiled smugly as she picked up her bottle and walked towards the exit.

Wait did she say "we'll see"? What does that mean?!

"What's that supposed to mean?" You shouted after her. Nat ignored your question and left the room, leaving you sitting on the bench thinking about the conversation.

If she thinks I'm not interested then we can avoid anything happening again. It should make it easier to keep some distance now, I just hope I haven't offended her.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now