(Part 3) Chapter 6 - A Big Moment

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(Trigger Warning: Needle)

Point of View: Y/N

You followed him down two sets of stairs, through a long corridor and finally into a small room with medical equipment and a bed in the centre of it.

None of you spoke as you walked, which unsettled you slightly, but you would catch eyes with Sharon who would give you a reassuring smile.

"You sit?" Said the man, with a Russian accent, signalling towards the bed.

You smiled and nodded before sitting on the end of the bed. He began to busy himself with tools and equipment beside you, so you turned to look at Sharon.

"Nervous?" She smiled, you nodded. "I'm not surprised, it's a big moment."

"How much is this going to hurt?" You said. Sharon shrugged, then looked to the man who was still busy plugging in machines and cleaning instruments.

"Couldn't tell you for sure, but I..." She began.

Your phone began ringing, cutting Sharon off. You took it out of your pocket to see it was Nat, you glanced up at Sharon who had already been looking at your screen.

"Maybe I should answer, otherwise she might get suspicious?" You said.

"No don't!" She said very quickly, before hesitating. "She might hear something in the background and worry about you that's all."

You frowned at her slightly, but then shrugged and put your phone on silent before placing it back in your pocket.

"Lie now." The man said. You excused his bluntness for the fact he clearly didn't speak English well, and lay back slowly.

He walked up beside the bed and began to strap your ankles to the bed.

"Is this really necessary?" You said, frowning at Sharon.

"It must be, he knows what he's doing trust me!" She said with a kind smile.

You lay back down and allowed the man to strap your wrists to the bed, leaving you completely tied down.

"Phone." He said, looking at Sharon this time.

She nodded at him, a slight change in her expression. She didn't say anything or look at you as she walked up to the bed, took your phone out of your pocket and dropped it on the floor.

"Hey!" You said in protest.

She didn't reply as she then stomped on the phone, smashing it into pieces.

"What the fuck Sharon?" You said.

She smiled at you again, but this time with more of a smirk.

"I wasn't sure, when you said that you don't read minds anymore. I thought maybe you did, you just didn't act on it. But I have to say I'm impressed, you haven't read mine once since we met have you?" She said calmly, still grinning.

"Of course not, but I sure as hell am about to." You said, angrily.

"No need." She replied. "Miroslav didn't go undercover into HYDRA." She said, nodding towards the man, who was now fixing a needle.

She paused before continuing. "He went undercover into SHIELD from HYDRA, and so am I. Now before you panic, Miroslav is going to do exactly what I said he would and remove your powers for you. The scientists who put it there are long-gone and we need the serum back."

Your brain was scanning the room as she spoke for things you could use to get out of these restraints, but there was nothing you could reach. Your best bet was to keep her talking until you could come up with a plan.

"And what happens to me, once this is finished?" You replied. Sharon paused for a moment, before sighing and smiling at you.

"I think we both know the answer to that. There is no reality where we can let you go and hope you don't know anything - it doesn't work like that." She watched for your response, as if she might enjoy watching you panic.

"I guess Nat was right not to trust you then." You said, with an undertone of defeat.

"Natasha Romanoff doesn't know shit." She said, angrily. As she did, Miroslav turned from his desk and walked around behind your head. He pinched your neck muscles before you felt a sharp sting as he began to inject something into your body.

At first you felt nothing, as he moved a large metal device over your head and attached a cable to your arm. But shortly you began to feel drowsy, your eyes began to droop slowly.

Suddenly a siren started to sound out in the building.


Miroslav and Sharon exchanged a glance, as she nodded and left the room quickly, he continued scuttling around.

Seconds later as your eyes began to close, you heard a gun shot. Your heart jumped slightly at the thought of who may be on the other end of the bullet, before you heard a familiar voice echo down the corridor.

"Y/N?!" Came Natasha's voice, she sounded distressed.

You tried to shout back, opening your mouth, but you were too weak by then and no sound came out. Moments later everything went black.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now