(Part 2) Chapter 4 - There She Is

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You sat down in the chair with a sigh, looking around the control room of the zephyr. Tony had asked everyone to come up to make the next hour and a half of the flight more bearable. The whole team were sat already chatting when y/n and Steve walked in, everyone looking up at them as they entered.

"There she is!" Tony proclaimed, beaming with pride at y/n. You watched as she smiled at this comment, before glancing across the room at you for a second.

"Hey, well done, you really had me there. I was about to fly in there and whoop your ass!" Sam said, before patting her on the back.

"I would have liked to see you try." She replied jokingly. "How are Patterson and Fisher? I know from experience that those ICE bullets aren't as harmless as you'd think." She glanced at you again as she said this, causing the corner of your mouth to curve into a smile.

"Both awake, and fine, only one broken rib." Maria responded. "Both of them as confused as I was at the time, but once we filled them in they were happy with the call." Y/n seemed relieved at this, visibly more relaxed.

"Speaking of being confused, y/n, would you care to explain to us your theory on how 'electronic trackers' work? It sure sounded very impressive, and highly impossible." Tony said smugly, arms folded and leaning against a wall.

"I knew you'd say something, I panicked." She laughed. "I'm just glad they bought it."

"And I'm glad we did all that combat practice, just for you to use it by punching a middle-aged English woman in the face." You said grinning at her mischievously. "Real classy."

Everyone laughed at this, even y/n as she narrowed her eyes back at you, shaking her head slightly. Conversation continued for the next while before people would head off around the zephyr to do odd jobs. Eventually y/n got up and explained she was away to put her weapons back in the storage box in the hanger. You left it 5 minutes before going after her.

Point of View: Y/N

You took the magazine of your gun out carefully, and placed it back in the box in front of you. Slowly and calmly you took the rest of the gun apart with your hands, until suddenly you felt a pair of hands on your hips. These were quickly followed by soft lips kissing the back of your neck. You turned around quickly to face her, and moved away slightly with your back now right up against the box.

"Nat!" You whispered angrily. "What if someone-..."

"There's no one here." She said, stepping closer to you again, going to place her hands back on your hips before you gently held her back.

"I can see that, but what about the cameras?" You said again, frustrated at her being so reckless. Nat paused at this, took a step back and frowned at you.

"Wow. You really think I'm that naive? That hurts y/n." She said, her mouth curling into a slight grin. "They're disabled."

"How long?"

"About 2 minutes before they figure it out."

"Get over here then." You said grinning too now, pulling her by the hand back towards you and in for a kiss. Nat smiled as she kissed you back, pressing your body against the boxes behind you.

"Tell me one thing." You said smirking, pulling back slightly so your lips were only just apart. "Did you fall for it too?" Nat narrowed her eyes at this, grinning slightly at you.

"Oh you are so full of it." She said before kissing you again, deeper and deeper.

"If you think I'm full of it, you should meet my friend Nat." You replied smugly, before giving her another short kiss. You feel her pull away from you slightly at this, and open your eyes to see her frowning at you.

"Your friend?"

"Oh shut up, what else am I meant to call you?"

"I don't know... but would your other friends do this..." She said mischievously, before pushing your hips forcefully back against the boxes and kissing your neck firmly. She kept her hands on your waist, pinning you back and worked over your neck. You tried to get a word out in response but you couldn't, she had an effect on your body that you couldn't explain.

After a few seconds, you put your hand beneath her chin and pulled her face up to meet yours. You smiled at each other, before planting a peck on her lips.

"Those cameras will be back online any second. As much as I'd love to continue this, I don't like the idea of someone walking in on that." You said calmly, regaining your composure now she was away from your neck. She laughed slightly at the thought, before kissing you once more and then slowly stepping back.

"Me neither." She responded. She glanced over you as she stood there for a moment, taking in your body again and grinning slightly. She had a playful look in her eyes. She pulled her gaze away and glanced at the ground before standing up straight. "Very good Agent Y/l/n. Just make sure that Mission Report is on my desk by 0800 hours." She said with a wink, before turning and walked out of the room.

The rest of the flight home went pretty quickly, it was late by the time you got in so everyone went straight to bed. A small part of you had hoped Nat might have stayed with you for the night, but you were exhausted so decided it was probably for the best.

You thought about the whole day as you lay in bed, and you thought about Nat specifically. About the way she made you feel, and how much you enjoyed each moment with her. Soon you drifted off to sleep, your thoughts subsiding.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now