(Part 2) Chapter 23 - I Understand

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You woke up the next morning to see y/n curled into the side of you in the bed. This was another thing you could get used to. Slowly and carefully you leant over to reach a bottle of water on the bed side table, but despite your intentions y/n began to stir next to you.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You whispered.

"It's okay." She replied quietly, still waking up.

You took a sip of the water before placing it back, then rolling over in the bed to face her, one hand on her waist.

She opened her eyes to meet yours which were now right in front of her, and smiled softly. You leant in and kissed her gently, before pulling her in for a cuddle.

"What time is it?" She mumbled into your neck, sending a small shiver down your body.

"Early." You whispered back. "We don't fly back until the afternoon, plenty of time before then."

"What were you thinking?" She replied, eyes now closed again.

"Can't you tell me?" You said cautiously, before leaning back slightly to look at her.

It had been on your mind for a week or so now. You knew she had missed the last two sessions with Wanda to practice her telekinesis and she hadn't mentioned her powers in a long time to anybody.

There was a short pause, you could feel her sigh silently next to you as your hands were still wrapped around her, but she didn't open her eyes or say anything at first.

"Can we talk about this later?" She mumbled, rolling over in the bed to face away from you, letting your hand fall off her waist. You paused for a moment at this, before moving forwards in the bed and wrapping your arms around her again from behind.

"You can't keep running away from it, please talk to me." You said gently, squeezing her softly in the bed. You felt her sigh slightly again, before reaching her hand around to hold yours.

"I just don't like using them." She replied, bluntly.

"But if they're there, you might as-" You began to say before she cut you off.

"But I don't want them there." She said, frustration now clear in her tone. "I never asked for them."

You paused for a moment, your heart stung slightly sensing the hurt in her voice. You remembered the argument the two of you had before, where she said she hated having part of HYDRA inside of her. It suddenly made sense to you why she didn't want to use them.

"I understand." You said calmly, taking her hand again and squeezing it softly. "But maybe you can use it to stop them from doing the same to other people?"

Y/n sighed loudly at this, before letting go of your hand, and sitting up abruptly in the bed. You looked up to see tears in her eyes, and suddenly your heart sank for her.

"Everybody keeps telling me that." She said, wiping her eyes frustratedly. "As if I should be grateful, as if they've done me some kind of favour."

You sat up slowly as she spoke, placing one hand gently on her leg as comfort but giving her some space.

"I'm sorry." You said, looking down at the bed before glancing back at her.

"I get it, I do. I want to see it that way, I wish I did." She said, looking at you now. "But I can't. I want rid of them Nat."

You squeezed her leg gently again, meeting her eyes for a moment.

"Okay." You said.


"Let's talk to Bruce when we get back." You replied, calmly.

"I don't think it's that easy." She frowned.

"We don't know until we ask." You said, shooting a comforting smile at her, but she still looked worried.

"But, what if that means..." She paused.

"They wouldn't do that." You replied, knowing exactly what she was about to suggest.

"Nat, I was meant to be heading to a safe house until Bruce realised I might have these abilities, then all of a sudden I'm working with the Avengers. That's clearly the difference." She said, assertively.

"That's not the only reason you're here, nobody's going to kick you out." You said, reassuringly.

She didn't reply straight away, just looked down at your hand and squeezed it gently in hers. She still looked worried.

"You've barely used your 'powers' since you got here, that's not the difference." You smiled. "Plus, if you think you're useless without them then what does that make me?"

She smiled at this, before looking up at you.

"You're a much better fighter than me Nat." She said calmly now.

"Maybe." You admitted jokingly. "But as much as I hate to admit it, you had me convinced that day we got Sasha. I couldn't have come up with a move like that. Doesn't matter if you can smash a bus to pieces or make lightening rain down from the sky, you won't get far without a solid plan."

She smiled at this, clearly appreciating your words. She leant back onto your chest and placed her head in the curve of your neck, right before you gently placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thanks Nat." She said calmly. "For finally admitting you fell for it, that can't be easy for you to admit." You could feel her laughing at herself against your chest.

"Oh shut up." You said smiling, too grateful she was back to herself to be mad. "Don't make me regret it or next time I won't be so nice."

"Yeah yeah." She said, rolling her eyes. "Whatever you say you big softie."

You laughed at this and then tickled her sides. The two of you lay smiling and chatting for a while longer, before getting up and getting ready to head back to the tower.

You could feel yourself falling for this girl, and whilst you were hesitant to admit it anytime soon, the idea that this might be something very real kept returning to you.

Natasha Romanoff, what have you gotten yourself into?

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