Chapter 20 - Eyes on Romanoff

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

"In position." You said, pressing your index finger to your ear.

The street was almost deserted. The presence of Hydra operatives as well as a last minute warning from SHIELD to the nearby residents meant that most were either safely in their homes, or had gone elsewhere incase things got messy. The plan, however, was not to turn the streets in to a war zone - but to get as close as possible to the building, fight your way up from the street, while Sam fought his way in from the roof, and grab the target. You glanced up and saw the very tops of Clint and y/n's heads on a nearby rooftop, ready to cover you.

"I have eyes on Romanoff, approaching apartment building now." Sam replied over comms.

"Like what you see Agent Wilson?" You replied with a smirk, starting to walk slowly down the street. You could practically hear Sam, Clint and y/n rolling their eyes on the other end. Unsurprisingly, you got no response.

"Two out front, Clint you got them?" You said, now standing in a doorway, a few SHIELD agents were closing in with you - one went further ahead towards the door. As they did the Hydra officers turned to look at the agent, just as they placed their hands on their guns to raise them, two perfectly aimed arrows struck them down.

"Yup." Came Clint's reply on the comms. Just as you were about to start advancing on the building more, the screech of tyres echoed through the empty street and you watched as 3 big, white vans came speeding around the corner. As quickly as the vans came to a screeching halt just down the street, you heard gunshots on the rooftops above. You and the other agents on the ground quickly dove to cover behind nearby cars, pulling out your weapons in anticipation.

"Looks like we've got company." Came Sam's voice, followed by the sound of some gunshot's and him groaning as he flew through the air dodging them.

"Yeah, no shit Sam." Y/n replied for the first time, followed by the sound of gun shots on her mic. "Two down on apartment building, you should be safe to land on the roof now."

You watched, still crouched behind a nearby car, as Hydra operatives poured out the back of the vans - at least 6 in each one. You released two bullets as they got out, quickly taking two of them down but alerting the others of where you were. They began firing in your direction, smashing the window of the car you were behind. They outnumbered the remaining SHIELD officers who had now made their way onto the street, taking cover behind more cars and buildings.

You turned to the 4 that had been with you, and were behind the vehicle beside you.

"Agent Wilson needs back up. You go ahead and I'll stay here - I'll cover you" You said, they nodded back at you. As they made their move you stood up from behind the car again and took out another 3. You watched as arrows come raining from above and took another two out nearby. "Sam, cover's on the way."

"Roger that." He replied.

Point of View: Y/N

After taking out all of the Hydra operatives on the rooftops, you turned your attention to the street, aiming your sniper rifle at the ones hiding behind cars and closing in on Nat and the team.

They're totally outnumbered down there. I should go and-... no! Just stay put, follow your orders...

They were getting closer and closer until they had set up just on the opposite side of the road from Nat.

"We could use a little help down here." Came Nats voice on comms.

"We're trying. They've taken cover." You replied, still picking off the odd one.

"She means on the ground." Clint turned to look at you, before nodding his head at you. "You go, I got this." You nodded back at him, leaving your rifle and pulling one of the pistols from your waist out, before starting to run down the external stairs of the building.

You made your way down the street quickly but carefully, moving from car to car, from cover to cover. You picked off a few more as you went, there was now only about 10 of them left on the street level. You took another one down from behind this time, before glancing over the bonnet of a parked car to try and spot Nat. As you looked over you watched a flash of red as she jumped up, fired two bullets, then ran and slid behind another parked car. You took the distraction as a chance to close the remaining distance between you both, quickly sliding in and sitting with your back up against the car beside her.

"About time." She said, raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly.

"Target acquired - we're all good up here!" Came Sam's voice on comms.

"Nice one Sam. Just get those last few, ladies, and then we're out of here!" Clint replied.

You heard the sound of footsteps and quickly shot up, releasing another two bullets. Nat had the exact same idea, and took another few out from her position too - before the both of you sunk back down behind the same car.

"I make out 3 more." You said, looking beside you at her, as you both caught your breath.

"I'll get the one on our left, you get the two to the right" She replied. "Ready?" She grinned at you, she was enjoying this.

"Ready." You grinned back, stealing a glance into her sharp green eyes.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now