(Part 3) Chapter 5 - Maybe It's Nothing

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Point of View: Y/N (8:57am)

You woke up slowly, and felt a pair of arms squeeze you tightly as you did so.

"Good morning." You said, holding her arm with your hand.

"Morning." Nat replied "How did you sleep?"

"Good. You?" You turned to face her in the bed and wrapped your arms around her too.

"Good too." She smiled at you. "What are you doing today, wanna hang out once I'm finished training with Clint?"

Here goes..

"I wish I could but I'm heading into the city with Sharon, the two of us are going to grab lunch." You said, trying your best to sound convincing. "I would offer for you to join us but I know you and Sharon don't see eye to eye, how about we hang out in the evening though once I'm back?"

She paused for a moment, as if trying to read you, which made your heart rate quicken with nerves.

"Sounds fun." She finally replied calmly. "I'll just catch up with you later on."

She smiled, before giving you a quick kiss and squeezing you tightly.

"Right I need to get changed before I meet Clint so I'd better go, see you later." She said with another smile, and before you knew it she had slipped out of the bed and was closing the door behind her.

What time even is it?

You turned to look at your phone on your bedside table and saw it was just before 9am. It also showed one new text message from Sharon on the Lock Screen:

"Big day! Meet you at 11 downstairs, he is very confident about this."

You were definitely nervous reading this message, as well as the thought of "he" and it hit you that this man you would meet today for the first time would also be somebody you were trusting with your life. You had spoken to him on the phone briefly and he seemed calm with a quiet arrogance about him.

This was it, this was the day you undid what HYDRA did to you. The day you could finally wash your hands clean of their filth.

You felt bad lying to Nat and you weren't even 100% sure she believed you, but you had given her enough detail to warrant any further enquiry and she trusted you. This time you knew this was the right thing to do, and you knew that Nat would understand afterwards why you hadn't told her.

You got up and got yourself dressed, getting ready to go. Once you were all set you headed downstairs to meet Sharon.

Point Of View: Natasha Romanoff (8:53am)

You woke up softly, with Y/n asleep in the bed next to you. Carefully you sat up, so as not to wake her up too, and rubbed your eyes.

As you did so, Y/n's phone lit up on the bedside table. You didn't mean to read anything, but the light caught your eye and naturally you read the name Sharon Carter before looking away.

Don't be that partner Nat, just trust her.

You sat for a few more moments, still contemplating reading the message.

Perhaps reading it and seeing it's just a text about lunch will finally put your mind at ease and you can just trust Y/n... plus she doesn't need to know anyway, she's the only person in this intelligence agency who has her phone display messages on it without needing to be unlocked. It's her own fault.

With that you leant over towards her phone, tapped it lightly on the screen to wake it back up. The text from Sharon read:

"Big day! Meet you at 11 downstairs, he is very confident about this."

He? Who is He? I have a terrible feeling about this...

Your heart rate quickened with dread, and your mind began scrambling as to what this could be about - you had a bad feeling.

After a moment of thought, you decided you couldn't sit back and do nothing, you were going to follow them. You would play it cool to Y/n, go along with her story and then when they left you'd follow behind.

Maybe it's nothing, but I have to know that, I can't just hope it anymore.

Point of View: Still Natasha Romanoff (11:01am)

You had seen Y/n go downstairs to meet Sharon, she didn't see you. You leant back on the balcony on the floor above and began walking to the lift, to take it down to the garage. You drove out first, not waiting to follow behind them out of the compound, there was only one road in and out so you set out ahead of them and parked around a hidden bend to the side of the road.

You had placed a tracker under Sharon's car and the SHIELD SUV that Y/n always took, it was the latter that flagged up moment later as on the move. Once it drove past where you were parked you followed on far behind, keeping track of its twists and turns.

The SUV did make it's way into the city, and part of you wondered if perhaps there was nothing more to this than you had thought. But shortly after, Y/n took a turn towards the industrial zone of the city and you knew your instincts had been right.

Not long after, it stopped in a car park near the docks and you parked around the corner before continuing on foot towards the location. It wasn't long before you had both of them in sight, standing talking to a bald man, before he ushered them inside of a warehouse.

I recognise his face, why do I recognise him?

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now