Chapter 11 - Watch Your Language

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Point of View: Y/N

The next day you went to training with Nat, you both managed to put the cheeky comments and jokes on hold for the hour and put in some good work during some combat training, she seemed quietly impressed. You spent lunch time sitting with Steve and Sam, before meeting Wanda to spend some time honing your telekinesis. You two don't get much further, Wanda mainly gave you some tips but you did manage to read a couple of loud thoughts of hers when you tested it out.

In the late afternoon you found yourself sitting in the lounge again, chatting away with Wanda, Steve, Nat and Sam. You hadn't spoken much, more interested in listening to the stories and jokes from the others - but after the conversation came to an end, a recurring thought returned to you.

"Can I ask you guys something?" You looked thoughtfully at the floor as you asked this, breaking the comfortable silence that had just befallen the group. You looked up to see each of them looking at you, waiting for your question.

"What made you guys agree to join the Avengers? I know that it feels good to do the right thing, but it's not just a job - it's a whole life style. You all sacrifice so much for this." You look at each of them as they glanced around, unsure as to who would answer first.

"Still not decided yet?" Nat teased, smirking softly at you. You shook your head slowly at this, glancing back down at your feet.

"Honestly, for me..." Steve paused. "I think when you're different, like us, it's the only thing that's left to do. Trying to live that normal, quiet life when you know you're meant for more, it's not fulfilling." He shrugged and raised his eyebrows, sitting back on the sofa.

"I'd have to agree with Steve. And coming out of Hydra, once you see what goes on there and... I guess... once you start to understand just how much bad they could actually do, it's hard to sit back and do nothing." Wanda said, she then smiled and looked at you. "Plus you don't need to sacrifice everything... look at me and Vision!"

You smiled back at her, nodding slowly. Your eyes fell to Nat, who paused while she listened to the others. She caught you glancing at her, took a slow breath and then looked down at her hands.

"I think it's the guilt." She said softly, her demeanour changed, she seemed sad. "Knowing what I've done, and the life I've lead.. I feel guilty everyday. But the only thing that lifts it is knowing that maybe, some day, I'll have saved as many lives as I took." She looked at the ground as she spoke, glancing up at you as she finished. "I guess you know how that feels." You nodded again, looking back at her sincerely. It was nice seeing her like this, more vulnerable and honest than she usually was.

"Well, personally, the kick-ass bird costume and the million-dollar tower played a small part in my decision..." Sam lightened the mood, everyone chuckled at this.

"Did that answer your question y/n?" Steve said, looking at you.

"Haha definitely - can't wait until I get my own bird costume!" You joked back.

"Wait is that a yes?!" Tony shouted, having just walked in the doorway. "Sorry, don't mind me, couldn't help but overhear..." He smiled at you as he walked over to the group, waiting for a response.

"Jesus Tony, how long have you been standing there? You scared the crap out of me" Steve said, holding his chest.

"Woah, watch your language there capsicle! And I'm still waiting for some sort of confirmation here..." He looked back at you, pointing his hand towards you with his eyebrows raised. "Well..?!"

You can't help but smile as you nod back at him. The others all smiled too, Wanda let out a short yelp and leant over to give you a tight hug.

"Well you know what this means..." Tony started.

"Oh hell yeah we do!" Sam joined in.

"8pm, right here, it's party time baby! JARVIS... Tell everyone the good news and to dress up. I better go and finish up in the workshop so I can get ready, I'll catch you lot later!" He waved as he left the room.

"Well someone seems pleased. I think he's quite fond of you already y/n." Nat said playfully.

"I don't blame him." You smiled back at her, she pursed her lips as she tried to hold in a grin.

"Sorry y/n but you're coming with me, we need to find you an outfit for tonight." Wanda interrupted, she grabbed your hand and dragged you from the sofa. You felt Nats' emerald green eyes on the back of you as Wanda led you out of the room and to the elevator.

It felt good to joke around and flirt again - it made life feel a bit more normal. If you could call the last 48 hours normal, that is...

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now