(Part 2) Chapter 1 - I Don't Trust Anybody

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Point of View: Y/N

Over the next week things returned mostly to normal, except from the fact you and Nat couldn't keep your hands off each other. Most days you managed to steal a moment or two together - on the odd occasion even staying with each other. The sneaking around made it all the more tempting and fun, the slight element of danger was nothing new to either of you. Together you would stagger your entrance into rooms, creating alibis and cover stories for where you'd been.

You were both good at covering your tracks, but sometimes Nat would walk very close to the line. She liked to tease you with the odd touch when nobody was looking, or glance across the room.

It was a mostly physical relationship the two of you had. You didn't spend much time talking about each other's day or feelings - it was simply nice being in each others company with no strings attached.

- Two Weeks Since the Mission -

You woke up gently, moving your hand up to rub your eyes. It was only once you did this that you noticed the arms wrapped around you - you were still getting used to sharing a bed with someone again.

"Morning." Nat whispered from behind you, she gently squeezed your body.

"What time is it?" You replied, your eyes squinting at the small amount of light sneaking through the curtains.

"Time to get up."

You groaned quietly in frustration, your body was tired from training and you could do with some more sleep. You pulled the covers right up to your chin and closed your eyes again, so cosy and comfortable lying in the bed with Nat.

Nat let out a gentle chuckle, before planting a soft kiss on your shoulder and then resting her head in the crook of your neck, still squeezing you softly. Your body tingled as her breath fell over your collar bone and down your neck.

After what felt like a couple of seconds, a phone rang from the bedside table behind Nat. She sighed before turning over slowly, keeping one hand on your hip.

"It's Tony, I better take this." She said, before softly squeezing you and then sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs on the floor. You lay facing away from her with your eyes still closed, listening in to the conversation.

"This better be important Stark, it's not even 7am." She said in a slightly frustrated tone, joking to Tony on the other end. She paused as she listened to his response.

"Do we know for sure it's her?"
Nat hesitated slightly, before speaking slightly quieter than before. "Physically yes, but mentally, I'm not sure."
"Okay. Speak to you later."

You had sat up in the bed while listening in to the conversation - even though you could only hear half of it. Nat placed the phone back down on the bedside table, and looked back over her shoulder at you, smiling softly.

"Well? What did Tony want?" You didn't want to be nosey, but you couldn't help but feel that the conversation had somehow involved you.

"Just an update about Sasha: he thinks we might have found her." She smiled gently, glancing down at the bed as she spoke and then back at you.

That wasn't all he said though, was it..

"That's all he said?" You asked, eyes narrowing slightly - testing her honesty. She frowned slightly before smiling with the corner of her mouth, then placed her hand gently on your thigh.

"You don't trust me?"

"I don't trust anybody." You said, getting up out of the bed and letting her hand fall back onto the sheets where you had been sitting. You began putting your training clothes on, this conversation was frustrating you.

"That must get pretty tiring." She replied calmly, as her eyes scanned every part of your body as you got dressed in front of her. You pulled a tshirt over your head, and then turned to face her as you pulled it down quickly.

"You know you don't have to keep trying to protect me - I can handle myself just fine." You said angrily, your frustration was rising and Nat was treating this like a joke. You didn't like being angry with her, but this was important to you and Nat wasn't seeing that.

"You mean like you handled yourself when your ex walked through the lobby?" She paused, raising an eyebrow at you. "Or like when I shot the guy you wanted to?" She smiled back at you, testing you. You glared back at her, your body tense and hands beginning to clench as you picked up a water bottle. She stood up slowly and took a step towards you, you stood now with your eyes glaring at hers.

That was a low blow. Is she trying to wind me up?

"Is everything just a big joke to you?" You said through your teeth, this amused Nat which only frustrated you more.

She looks hot when she's angry.

Hearing Nat's thoughts all of a sudden gave you butterflies, and you looked down at the ground. Suddenly, most of the tension in your body melted away. She moved slightly closer to you and intertwined her fingers with your hand. You sighed, before shaking your head and looking back up at her.

"Tony wanted to know about me didn't he? And you don't think I'm ready to help find Sasha, because it might get too personal?" You raised your eyebrows at her, the smile faded from her face as she looked back at you surprised. "Maybe it's you that needs to trust people more."

Nat paused at this, her expression thoughtful as she frowned slightly back at you, pursing her lips. She then shrugged slightly and took a step away, letting go of your hand. "You got all of that from one phone call? Maybe I have underestimated you."

And with that she smirked, walked to the door, checked nobody is in the corridor, then left silently back to her room. You sigh quietly, before turning to leave yourself, and head down to train with Clint.

I'm not a kid - and I need them to see that. But the only way to prove it is to give me the chance, not keep me safe and hidden away.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now