(Part 3) Chapter 4 - I Promise

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

Over the next week you didn't see much of Y/n, eating lunch together a couple of times and mainly hanging out in the lounge with others. You didn't share a room every night anyway as sometimes one, or both, of you enjoyed their own space or were too tired. That being said, it was unusual to go a full week in your own rooms and it was on your mind.

You sat beside her on the sofa, one arm around the back of the seat with her leaning back into it. Wanda was mid story, and Y/n's attention was on her, who sat beside Vision on the sofa opposite you both. It was late, the four of you had been chatting for a while and everybody else had gone to bed already.

"I didn't mean to drop it, and you should have seen his face when it hit the ground. It was hilarious." Wanda finished up her story.

You chuckled along with Vision and Y/n at this, Wanda smiled and then yawned.

"I think perhaps, it might be time to rest?" Vision said politely, making you smile.

"I think so too Vis, let's go." Wanda said with a smile too. "Good night you guys!"

"Night Wands, see you in the morning." Y/n replied.

"Good night you guys." You said to them both, Vision nodded in your direction before holding the door for Wanda then following her out.

Y/n lay back as they left the room, her head now resting on your chest, and you wrapped your arms around her.

"Shall I come over tonight? It's been a while." You said warmly. There was a slight pause before Y/n replied, still lying on top of you.

"I don't know, I'm pretty tired. It might be easier if I just go to bed myself." She said.

You paused for a moment, finally convinced that something had changed and this wasn't like her at all.

"Y/n.." You said, taking your arms from around her and sitting up slightly. This prompted her to sit up and face you, frowning slightly. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" She kept frowning, glancing downwards, placing one hand on your thigh.

Avoiding eye contact, attempting to distract with seduction, frowning to make her expression harder to read... something is up.

"I've barely seen you all week, and every other evening you have a different excuse so you can be on your own." You paused, she knew what you meant anyway. "Is there something going on, is there something I've done?"

"No you haven't done anything!" She said quickly, squeezing your thigh slightly. She moved closer to you and wrapped her legs around your body so you placed your hands behind her back and she played with hers in her lap, looking down at her thumbs. "It's just work stuff, it's been stressing me out recently with all the things I need to do for these new reports."

You knew this was a lie, you kept scanning her face for clues. She was still avoiding eye contact for the most part, perhaps afraid you'd be able to see right through her if she looked up.

"Look I can see something else is bothering you, you can't lie to me remember?" You said with a smile. She looked up at you as you said this, and you placed one hand beneath her chin. "But if you don't want to tell me then I respect that, so long as you promise me that we're OK and that you're not in any kind of danger?"

She seemed visibly relieved at this, gripping your sides in appreciation and glancing between each of your eyes.

"I promise this has nothing to do with us, and that I'm not in any danger." She said, holding your gaze finally.

You smiled, and pulled her in closer, resting your forehead on hers. She smiled back too and closed her eyes, before leaning forwards and kissing you softly on the lips.

"Sorry." She said, her mouth almost touching yours still. "It'll work out soon and I'll be a better girlfriend to you then, I know it's not been ideal."

"You don't need to apologise." You paused. "And I will never get sick of hearing you call yourself my girlfriend."

Y/n grinned at this, before kissing you again, holding you tightly as she did.

"Well if that's the case." She said in between kisses. "Then I think I'll change my mind about what I said, and that maybe sleeping with my girlfriend tonight doesn't sound so bad."

She kissed you again, forcing you to lean back slightly, until you leant forwards into her, your bodies pushing against each other.

"And by sleeping together you mean..." You said, raising an eyebrow with the corners of your mouth curling up.

She paused to look at your smile for a short moment, maybe less than a second but it made your stomach flip as she did so.

"I mean.. that suddenly I'm not so tired anymore." She said, kissing you again, pressing her body against yours.

You kissed her back firmly, biting her bottom lip softly to which she let out a very quiet moan, this made you smile more. With her still sitting on top of you, legs wrapped around you, you placed your hand around her ass and grabbed it tight. Y/n kissed you back more firmly as you did so, before you pulled away and then began tracing kisses down her neck. She grabbed the back of your neck as you did so and gripped tighter with every kiss.

After another few moments you leant forwards and, while still holding her ass with her legs around you, you stood up and began to carry her up the stairs and to the lift - much to Y/n's delight.

In the lift you began undressing each other slightly, before making your way to Y/n's bedroom where the two of you spent the night together for the first time in a long time.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now