Chapter 19 - You're Up Kid!

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Point of View: Y/N

You were sitting with Wanda over a month later, when the screen in front of you lit up, indicating JARVIS had a message.

"Agent y/l/n, Mr Stark would like to see you in meeting room 2." The voice said. You were confused, it wasn't often you got to see Tony who usually dealt with bigger picture issues - and was always away on missions. You shrugged at Wanda and made your way down to the meeting room.

To your surprise, the room was busy. A few SHIELD agents sat at computers, while Clint, Sam, Nat and Tony were all studying a large projection of a map. Tony smiled as you walked in. "Over here y/n."

Clint looked at you as you stood next to them, suppressing a grin but not doing so well.

What's going on?

"So, it's a level 2. Objective is to neutralise Aleksandr Semenov - recently arrived from Russia and believed to be recruiting for Hydra right here in New York. Targets' apartment is on the second floor in a building just off Hudson Street - there is believed to be a number of Hydra operatives conducting surveillance on the area at all times. They're going to be ready for a fight." Tony said, he spoke quickly and seriously. "Agent Romanoff, you will approach the building from the East side, Sam you're her support from above - watch out for operatives on the rooftops. Barton, you'll approach from the rooftops opposite the building, and y/n you're his back up. Wheels up at 1400 hours."

You raised your eyebrows in surprise, this is the first time they'd trusted you with information about a mission, never mind let you go on one. Tony turned and smiled at you, placing his arm on your shoulder.

"You're up kid! But don't get ahead of yourself, you're there to learn at the moment so just focus on not getting yourself killed." He winked at you, and pushed your shoulder gently. He turned back to the monitor, sliding the image of the map away and bringing forward multiple profiles.

"There will be SHIELD agents on the ground supporting both of you, and we'll set up support in a few of the surrounding buildings - but we don't want to raise too much suspicion. Long story short, get the bad guy and bring him here, ICE any assholes that get in the way." He finished. Nat and Sam nodded at this, before looking more closely at the map. Clint turned to you, not holding back his grin anymore.

"Well then, partner, let's do this." He said, excitedly. You smiled back at him and nodded, before he took you through a few things on the screen in preparation.

- A Few Hours Later -

You were in your room getting ready to leave. You had started to put on the black body suit you arrived in, with a couple of new additions that Tony had organised for you. Two guns attached to your belt, boots on and you were just trying to zip up the back of the suit when you heard a knock at your door.

"Who is it?" You replied, cautious given you weren't quite dressed. Nobody replied, the door just began to open so you turned around to see Nat slink into the room.

"What's the point of knocking if you were just going to come in anyway?" She smiled at this, and then again as she watched you trying to do up the zip but failing miserably.

"Here, let me do it." She said, without waiting for you to respond she took the zip from your hand. You felt her carefully move the zip up slowly, before placing one hand on the side of your neck and gently moving your hair out of the way. The only physical contact the two of you ever had was during combat training, so this took you by surprise and you could feel butterflies again.

She finished zipping the suit, then carefully placed her hands on your shoulders turning you around to face her. She looked into your eyes and then traced her eyes down your whole body, before the corner of her mouth curved into a grin.

"Looking good agent. You ready for this?" She looked at you, carefully reading your expression.

"Definitely. I'm looking forwards to finally contributing something." You said, nodding.

"Just don't do anything stupid. You don't have to prove yourself, we all know what you're capable of but Fury wants to ease you in first, okay?" She said with a serious expression.

"Don't do anything stupid, got it boss." You raised your hand up to your head in a fake salute, this made Nat roll her eyes and then nudge your shoulder playfully.

"Oh and wheels are up in 2 minutes so get your ass downstairs now." She smiled before leaving the room.

Crap, is that the time?!

You frantically grabbed the rest of the stuff you needed, including your ear piece, before running down the hall and caught up with Nat, Sam and Clint as they got into a black van.

The whole drive there you listened carefully to what was said. You'd done hundreds of missions before but the rules were different this time. You couldn't just show up, do it your way and not deal with the consequences - you wanted to get it right.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now