(Part 2) Chapter 16 - You a Chef?

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Point of View: Y/N

After lying together for a little longer, you told Nat you'd go down and grab breakfast for both of you. You weren't sure how you were going to sneak two meals up to your room without raising suspicion, but you'd find a way.

You got dressed as Nat lay in the bed watching you, before sitting up to give you a kiss as you were leaving and then rolled back over in the bed. You glanced up and down the corridor before leaving her room again, something that was second nature to you now.

It was still reasonably early in the morning and, given most were up late last night too, there was nobody around. You didn't pass anybody as you made your way down to the kitchen, and once you got there it was empty.

You had settled for some avocado on toast, so you grabbed the knife and chopping board and began slicing up the avocado.

"You a chef?" A male voice came from behind you, startling you and causing you to turn around suddenly.

Sitting on a stool behind you, looking down at his bowl of cereal, was Bucky Barnes - the Winter Soldier himself.

"Sorry, what?" You said, confused and unsure if you'd heard him right.

"Are you a chef? You're good with the knife." He said again, still not looking up from his bowl of cereal.

"You're not so bad yourself from what I remember. I didn't realise you were back?" You said calmly, with a small grin growing on your lips. This comment took him by surprise, he frowned and looked up at you finally.

"Y/n? Shit! I didn't recognise you from the back." He paused, glancing over you as you stood with the knife still in your hand. "You look... different!"

You frowned at this, then tilted your head at him, unimpressed. "Different?"

"Good different! You look good different! Like you look great, as in you look nice." He said flustered, his cheeks turning slightly red. "Where did you go? After you... you know... left?"

"It's a long story. I heard about you and Wakanda though, that's great news, I'm really happy for you." You smiled sincerely, turning back to the chopping board to finish making breakfast.

"Well maybe we could grab a coffee and you could tell me all about it?" He said, you could feel his gaze on the back of you.

"Yeah sure, that would be nice." You nodded, as you loaded the last of the avocado onto the toast. You stuck it all on one plate to make it look like a big portion for one, rather than breakfast for two. "Anyway, good to see you again, I'll catch you later." You smiled at him.

"Yeah, you too!" He smiled and nodded at you, and went back to gazing at his cereal.

That was a weirdly pleasant conversation with somebody who I've only ever spoken to when on missions with Hydra. He is the one of the deadliest men I know, and he just asked me to grab a coffee with him over a bowl of cheerios, for a catch up? He really has changed.

Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

After what felt like an eternity, Y/n finally reappeared with breakfast for the two of you. You sat up, cross-legged in the bed and began to tuck in.

"Mmm this is good! Worth the wait." You said, a sly way of bringing up the time it had taken her to make it.

"Yeah sorry. I was in the middle of making it and Bucky showed up with a bowl of cereal, I didn't realise he was back from Wakanda." She explained, seemingly lost in thought.

"Did you and him ever? You know... work together at Hydra?" You asked, uncertain as to how willing y/n would be to talk about the topic after last time.

"Yeah, a few times. He remembered me, he wants to go for coffee some time." She said calmly.

"Coffee? Just the two of you?" You said, surprising yourself with the twinge of jealousy in your voice.

Y/n looked up at you at this, a grin spreading across her face and placed a hand on your thigh.

"Just the two of us. And who knows, after we reminisce about the good old days, maybe we'll make out." She said, teasing you.

"Oh shut up, I didn't mean it like that." You replied, although you definitely did mean it like that.

"Jealousy looks good on you Romanoff." She smirked.

"I am not jealous that you're going for a coffee with Bucky." You said, rolling your eyes and pushing her hand back off your leg.

"Whatever you say." She said smiling away to herself, tucking back into the breakfast.

Once she'd finished hers, Y/n moved over to sit behind you in the bed, wrapping her arms around your back and hugging you from behind. You leant back into her, still finishing off your food.

"What do you want to do today?" You said calmly, eager to move on from the current topic of conversation.

"This." She replied, squeezing you tighter and kissing you on the cheek. This caused you to smile and lean back into her more.

"I think if we both went missing for the whole day, somebody might start asking questions." You said smiling, Y/n let out a reluctant groan at this. "Why don't we see if Wanda and Vision want to watch a film? Surely Vision knows by now?"

"I think Vision probably knew before we did Nat." She laughed into the back of your shoulder, you chuckled at this. "But that sounds good, I'll give Wanda a call."

She leant forwards, twisting your head to face hers and kissed you softly, gently squeezing your side as she did so. After this she got up and grabbed her phone to call Wanda.

The two of you spent the rest of the day hanging out with Wanda and Vision, enjoying the fact that both of them knew about you. It meant you didn't have to hide and keep your hands off each other - it felt normal.

The Tease - Natasha Romanoff x y/n (female) Where stories live. Discover now