Chapter 12 - Russians Don't Get Drunk

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Point of View: Natasha Romanoff

You grabbed dinner downstairs before coming up to your room to get ready for the party. Hair down in long, red, shiny curls, you put make up on and slipped into a well-fitted white dress. It was strapless at the top, and went almost down to the knees - it was a work do after all.

It was about 8:30pm by the time you got there, fashionably late as usual. You headed to the bar to get yourself a drink, then turned to scan the room. It was busy, most people were here already, Tony had even invited along a few S.H.I.E.L.D agents. You spotted Maria chatting to Clint and Rhodey, and decided to make your way over.

You said your hello's and listened in to the conversation, until your attention was drawn towards the stairs.

Your heart rate quickened slightly, and you felt yourself take a short breath.

Wanda and y/n made their way down the stairs, deep in conversation as they entered the party. Y/n was wearing a snug fitted red dress that hugged her figure perfectly. The dress had no straps, she had paired it with tall black heels, natural make up and had her hair falling down in perfect brunette curls. You couldn't take your eyes off her as she ascended into the room, smiling as she walked.

"Wow, kid scrubs up well don't you think?" Clint said, nudging you in the side slightly as he followed your gaze.

"Thought you had a girlfriend now Barton." You snapped out of it, and give him a gentle nudge back. It was a pitiful attempt at deflecting the conversation back at him, after him acknowledging you staring at her a little too long.

"And whats your excuse, Romanoff?" He said, grinning to himself. "Don't think I haven't noticed, I know you too well Nat." You faked a smile back at him, narrowing your eyes slightly.

"Nice try, but I'm just messing around. I don't have time for that." You said calmly, raising an eyebrow at him while taking a sip of your drink.

"Well maybe you should make time" Clint said, sincerely. "It would be nice if, before I grow old, I get to see you happy too."

"Well you'll be waiting a long time for that. Anyway, I'm going to grab another drink, want anything?" You said pointing to his glass, he shook his head.

Point of View: Y/N

As you walked down the stairs you spotted Nat looking at you, but glanced away. The attention was nice, and it made you feel smug knowing you had a little power over her. You walked with Wanda to the bar and stood while she introduced you to a lot of new faces. You hadn't been to many parties, and never when not working undercover. It scared you slightly to see so many unfamiliar faces. To hold back the nerves, you were going through your drinks pretty quickly.

You finished another and went to the bar to get a refill, when Nat carefully slipped into the barstool next to you.

"You might want to slow down on those, these usually go on pretty late." She said smiling, looking at the empty glass in your hand.

"I'm Russian... русские люди не напиваются (Russian's don't get drunk)" You replied. This amused her, as she picked up another drink from the bar and stood up.

"I'll remember that." She said, before walking off. You shook your head at her, you knew what you were doing.

After a couple of hours, you had worked your way through a considerable amount of vodka tonics, and were beginning to regret your previous comment. You could feel your eyes start to droop and your feet stumble slightly as you walked.

Rightly so, after a few drinking games the rest of the group were growing pretty drunk as well. Wanda had passed out on the sofa, and you laughed as Vision carried her up the stairs to bed. You were sat on the sofa with Steve, who was the only sober one left, as well as Sam, Tony, Pepper, Bruce, Maria and Nat. You were playing a game where you would take it in turns to spin the bottle, and who ever it landed on you would give a dare. Tony spun the bottle and it landed on Pepper.

"Pepper... I dare you to kiss the most attractive man in the room." He said smugly, pursing his lips ready for her. Pepper rolled her eyes, used to Tony's antics and pulled him in... just to kiss him on the cheek. The rest of the table laughed at this, except from Tony. Pepper then spun the bottle and it landed on Nat, unable to think of a new dare, she repeated Tony's one.

"Nat, I dare you to kiss the person you find most attractive." She smiled at Nat, who had been sat quietly in the corner - it was clear she was pretty drunk at this point.

Nat paused to think for a second, then stood up without making eye contact with anybody. She walked around table, suddenly lifting her green eyes onto yours as the corner of her mouth curved up, and walked right up to you. The rest of the table watched on in surprise and amusement as she smirked and then puts one leg over you, to straddle you in your seat. You could feel your heart racing, but you smiled back trying your best to stay composed and not let this fluster you. She put her right hand on your chin and started to lean in, before turning your head to the side at the last second and plants a soft, gentle kiss on your cheek.

Does she actually think I'm... I thought...

You closed your eyes, took a sharp breath in, and did your best not to look embarrassed.

After only a second or two, Nat leant back, winked at you then stood up and walked back over to her chair with a smug grin across her face. The rest of the group laughed as they watched you try to compose yourself, that took you completely off guard. You laughed it off and there was a short pause.

"It's your turn to spin the bottle now Nat" Tony said.

"Right.. sorry!" She replied.

Am I going crazy, or is she a bit flustered after that too?

Nat spun the bottle on the table.

Don't land on me, please, please, plea-... shit.

Of course, the bottle neck is now facing directly at you, Nat looked up at you with that smug grin now even wider. She took a moment to think, then shrugged her shoulders.

"Same dare for you y/n... I dare you to kiss the person you find most attractive in the room." She smiled, taunting you. It took you a second to think - of course your answer was her - but how can you get one back at her for that little performance. After a few seconds you sighed, stood up, and started to make your way around the table and towards where Nat was sitting. She chuckled as you do exactly what she expected, she shuffled in her seat and uncrossed her legs, to make it more comfortable for you to sit on her lap.

You walked up to Nat, and sat sideways on her lap, smiling at her and then put your right arm around the back of her shoulders. She smiled back, satisfied that you'd done exactly what she wanted. That is, until, you put your left arm out and placed it on the back of Sam's neck who was sitting next to her, pulled him in and planted a soft kiss right on his cheek. Everyone else at the table laughed at Nat's confused expression, while Sam sat back looking pleased with the compliment. You removed both your hands, stood up and smiled at Nat.

"Thanks for the seat." You said with a wink, and then walked back around to your seat.

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